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Posts posted by Ceres

  1. 13 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    (This is such a US plotline. In other countries, judges are appointed, not elected.)

    Federal judges in the US are appointed too.  (So are some state judges -- it depends on the state.) Drew was sentenced by a federal district court judge, and they're claiming the judge sentenced him extra-harshly to improve his chances of being appointed to the next level up, the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.  Since appointments to the Circuit Courts of Appeal are generally based on how closely the potential appointee's politics and/or judicial philosophy line up with the President who would be appointing him, it's hard to believe that any individual sentence -- especially one like this, a white-collar crime with a clearly guilty defendant -- would have any impact on his chances.  So it's typical bad GH writing, but has nothing to do with judges being elected.

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  2. I can’t get over Michael looking scornfully at Sonny and saying “what happened to you?” Has he forgotten how Sonny got custody of him in the first place? (AJ did tell him, didn’t he?) Nothing happened to Sonny, he’s still the same violent, impulsive, low-IQ mobster he always was. 

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  3. So the whole time she was without a cell phone, Carly had a tablet with her, and she didn’t  text/email/FaceTime anyone in her family to let them know what happened?

    I know that this (as well as her failure to use the land line in her hotel room) is just a mere drop in the bucket of stupid/illogical writing we are routinely expected to accept on this show, but for some reason I find it and everything else about this stupid Carly-in-Jacksonville story line to be even more eye roll-inducing than usual. If only Hurricane Ian could wash them all out to sea ...

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  4. Quote

    Guys, this whole Finn's Dead Wife thing had me so confused. I was all, "wait, wasn't Coma Nina Finn's secret wife? That was a whole thing, does he have another secret wife?" I'm too embarrassed to admit how long it took me to remember that that was Silas. Not Finn.

    You’re not the only one! I made the same mistake

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  5. 5 hours ago, lasu said:

    FWIW, I do get what I *think* they are saying, which is more that they are all they have left of their family of origin.  Not that they would put it above their children - I don't think Joe Go OR Tre would put the other over their own children.  But I am reaching an age where almost all of my family who is older than me is gone.  And it's really made realize the value of people who have known you forever.

    I get it too. My uncle, one of 3 brothers, died recently. His older brother (my dad) and his parents are all gone. When my surviving uncle got the news, he said something along the lines of “I’m alone now”. Of course, he’s not really alone; he has a wife, 2 kids and a grandchild, all of whom he’s closer to than his brother has been in recent years. But in terms of the people who knew him when he was becoming who he is today, and with whom he shared all his history-he doesn’t have that anymore. It’s a different kind of bond, but an important one to many people. 

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