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Posts posted by havarti

  1. 1 hour ago, Lindz said:

    If she'd back off & drop the sexual activity, he'd probably come around.

    I disagree. Ryan’s not interested in sex with Clara, period. That’s fine, of course, but it’s *not* fine for him to string her along (I think he’s probably giving her *just enough* signs- after she gets him off every night- that keep her believing that she’s finally going to get that D the next night). I don’t care what his reasoning is for not wanting to have sex with her (whether he thinks she has an ‘intimidating’ sexual history; whether he’s turned off by her nails, her hair, her eyelashes, or her thick goopy lipstick; or whatever the reason), but I’m irritated that he’s continually pushing this “I want a strong connection first” crap. He’s trying to fool Clara, the viewing audience, and maybe even himself. If that were true, he wouldn’t be doing “everything but” every damn night. I think she wants some sign/validation from him that he’s even attracted to her so she just resorts to what she knows- pleasuring him in desperate hopes that he’ll reciprocate. I may disagree with her methods (and find it a sadly misguided), but I understand her motivation.

    I hope that they don’t stay married. I can’t imagine a scenario where they can overcome this dynamic of him internalizing everything and her feeling rejected. 

    Erik and Virginia, just wow. The way he talked to her was appalling to me. I think he needs serious self-reflection and therapy but I bet even when he watches this back, he won’t think anything he said or did was unreasonable. He should not be married, he should not have kids, and probably shouldn’t even have a girlfriend until he gets his condescending and domineering bs under control. He doesn’t want a give-and-take partnership. He wants a dictatorship where he’s never wrong, never has to reflect, and never has to apologize. What he says goes. Please stick to just being a dog owner, Erik. You are not ready for anything beyond that.

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  2. Wow, has there ever been a more polarizing MAFS individual among viewers than Jake? Granted, I’ve only been watching (closely) since season 8 but I’ve seen my share of universally reviled participants as well as (generally) well-liked participants. But I’m continually fascinated by the wildly opposing opinions of Jake each week! Either he’s “creepy,” “looks like he smells like onions,” possibly “bad in bed, and “willfully obtuse,” OR he’s “hot,” “worth the wait,” “has a great sense of humor,” and “emotionally stable.” It will be interesting to see if the schism continues!

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  3. I'm not through the series yet (two episodes left, I think) but it has definitely been interesting to hear the stuff I've never heard before- like the neighbors who saw her that morning and the searches in the morning on the home computer (patio umbrella and women's clothes) and the Martha Stewart/meringue thing. In a circumstantial case, these carry some weight. (I do think he did it, I'm just curious about the timing and when/how he pulled it off.) His smoothness when he's lying to Diane Sawyer (about telling the police about his affair the first time he was questioned) is really sinister. Also, at the time this was all happening in the news, I thought that Amber Frey had stayed with him for awhile after he was in jail. I remember not having any positive feelings about her but after watching this, I can't believe how brave she was to keep talking to him to help the police! In my head, it was a long drawn-out affair, not just a month or so and 4-5 dates!

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