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Posts posted by 4Nefertiti

  1. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but I think some people are too hard on Melanie & Devar.


    That sister of Melanie's looks like a big boozer with a furious temper - (what gives it away? The angry red complexion with accompanying scowl and permanently downturned mouth or the bloodshot eyes? They're blue, i noticed - but are turning green with jealousy, I think.)


    Dr. Phil was completely biased and unfair. If he's going to put up the warning signs, re: Devar, for Melanie; then, for balance, he needed to tell the sister that this marriage is between two people, and she's not invited. Butt out.  That, if things turn out the sour way she thinks and spouts about, then she can say "I told you so." But, since that's not happened, and since they seem very happy, and since Melanie's son, Hunter clearly adores Devar (and the feelings seems mutual) then she just needs to suck it up and BE GRACIOUS.


    Dr. Phil didn't seem to understand Devar's accent when he said his "9/10" comment was a sarcastic response (to that sister's aggression), so he couldn't give a proper response to us (his "flock").


    He also didn't seem to want to understand the renewal of the (lifeguarding job) contract and that they thought Devar would be in the States sooner, so it would not have been right to renew it and quit.


    Dr. Phil could have perhaps offered some words of advice for how the furious-looking sister could calm herself and MYOB; either that or be a nice person.


    Devar seems like a nice person (even Dr. Phil conceded that). Melanie seems like a nice person. Hunter seems like a nice boy. The problem-person here seems to be the very noticeably un-nice sister.


    As for what Melanie spent: as she said, she could afford it. Plus, where Dr. Phil comes from and where Devar comes from are such different worlds, with totally different takes on money - he had no "right" (proper awareness) using his class assessment in this scenario. Devar does seems "like a nice guy" who will then, do the right things by Melanie & Hunter, when he is capable of it. Melanie seems perfectly ok with that. So, what's the problem.


    With twisted scenarios like the teenager Nikki and the controlling 58 yr-old "nut" Mark on "90-Day Fiance" - isn't is lovely to see a couple that actually do seem very much in love?


    (Even that sister commented, about Devar's tars at his wedding to Melanie, "You can't fake those.")


    Dr. Phil let his audience - and his guests down.



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  2. Poor Nikki. She's just a child. A nineteen-year-old infatuated with a controlling 58-year-old, and said 58-yr-old infatuated with a teen - will not end well for either of them. 


    They may think it's love, but Mark's head-in-the-sand idea that a nineteen/20-yr-old girl will not want children is ludicrous - and quite frankly, cruel to Nikki.


    That Mark (and Nikki) expect Mark's 22 yr-old daughter to be Nikki's sounding-board - (she will certainly need one!) - or, her friend is ridiculous and rather ignorant and cruel to Mark's daughter.


    I really feel for the daughter here. To be given the heave-ho out of the house, so Nikki can move in...to be callously, stupidly invited to her dad's romantic engagement ring dinner...to have to hear her father's insane justifications...to rebuff her wisdom that it looks like he's doing the same things over again and expecting different results...to then go on the after-show and insult American/Western women (and insult Filipinas, too - by stereotyping them as pliant, backwards dolls)...is to horribly embarrass his daughter. (And embarrass Nikki, too.)


    When Nikki "wakes up" and realizes her teenage dream has become an adult nightmare, where will she go? (And she will go. It won't be her fault. She'll have simply grown up and seen Mark for the several-notches above a pedophile that he is.)


    Did other people catch his comment: "would you like YOUR kids messing up your windows?"


    He was comparing his new wife to a "kid."


    Indeed, he has married a kid. One who felt she had "no choice" but to sign that lousy pre-nup. His sicko, dark-fantasyland comment that he and Nikki "won't be creating anything together" was anything but romantic - or fair, or realistic. If he really feels that way than he's not sought a marriage (which most people understand is a PARTNERSHIP) he's seeking an impressional girl to smother with rules, regulations, and presents. But, look out for his wrath when she becomes an adult and gets "uppity"!


    Isn't is astonishing how a guy (or anyone) can be the common denominator in 100's of "train-wrecks" as he called his previous dating, and not realize it's him that's the problem?


    He complained that women weren't impressed by his huge bouquets and restaurant dinners...that's why he's happy with a teenager/20 yr-old from a third-world nation - she's IMPRESSIONABLE - and he's such a weakling of character that he needs that.


    He dismisses American women, women his own age being critical of him as being "overweight"- what an easy pot-shot to take. Not surprising, considering his "love" and "character" don't seem to go much deeper than the physical, fantasy, and material realms.


    (Run, Nikki, run!)

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