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Posts posted by CMDV

  1. I read that in another review, that they thought it was Thomas leading Adele to Simon and that doesn't make any sense to me.  Thomas hated Simon and told Adele (in her vision) that Simon was the one who killed him.  I also read the part about Nathan being Victor.  I don't believe that either.  Some of the reviews I read seemed way off base to me.  People who posted on this forum regularly seemed much more knowledgeable about the things that happened on the show than some of the reviews I read elsewhere.

    I suppose one could make the argument that maybe Thomas found peace in death and just wanted Adele to be happy, yadda yadda.. but I agree it wouldn't be in line with what we know of his character.

    I don't think the Thomas that Adele kept seeing was really him though. I think she was hallucinating. In season 1, it seemed she had previous mental health issues that included hallucinations (she thought Simon was one at first). I don't remember any clues that they were ESP or anything other than mental illness.

    Also if it were Thomas in the cave, he should have been in uniform, no? That's what he had been wearing that night, I think.

  2. -Why did S2 waste precious time on Morgane? He could have been cut out entirely.

    Yeah, I've been wondering too. At first I was just thinking he was her boyfriend and it was going to have something to do with why Milan killed them (which I guess it did, since they were together in the cell, but we never found out their 'sin', did we?). But since we've found out Lucy isn't a normal Returned, the focus on him and their previous relationship is confusing.


    -In episode 7, that gendarme was mind-controlled by Milan to go psycho. When we saw from his POV, the normal/living gendarmes had demon faces.

    a. Milan goes from orchestrating a massacre in episode 7 to being calm and chill in episode 8. Why the 180 in a matter of days?

    I thought it was Victor doing this. But it could have been either one I guess.


    b. Had we seen mind-control before then?

    Victor did this several times in season 1 (making the nosy neighbor and Toni stab themselves but think someone else was doing it). The Returned in the Domaine had Claire think she was being attacked when she was actually hitting herself. And it was implied that the Returned had the police shoot themselves the night of the showdown at the Helping Hand.

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  3. I think one of the more interesting questions they left unanswered is who Julie was pregnant by at the time she was attacked. She and Laure were a couple then, right? So was she having an affair with a man? It seems like they put that in there so she could find out that Victor was right in what he said to her about the baby dying, but I'm more interested in who the father may have been.

    Yes, I've been wondering about that too... perhaps they weren't exclusive, or were on a break, and Julie had seen other people. The night she was attacked, they had a fight of some sort but I cannot remember at all what it was about.  


    All along I have wondered what was the trigger that caused the Returned to start coming back, and I think it was this incident where Victor brought Mr. L back to life -- but not all the way - he was alive but not awake. The ambulance guys took him away to the hospital and I guess Victor had other things to do... I can't remember what Victor did after this. Did he go find Julie? Why did he not attempt to see Mr L at the hospital and bring him out of his coma?


    I imagine Victor might not have known where Mr. Lewansky went or how to find him. Personally I think he didn't know it worked or about the coma - Mr. Lewansky didn't open his eyes til after Victor ran off. 

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  5. OK, so the consensus on here seems to be that the thing in the cave was Simon. That hadn't occurred to me but it makes sense, it would explain why she took his hand and went with him. But, otherwise, were there any other signals that it was Simon? That red shirt wasn't what he was wearing (was it? I tried to go back and rewatch the scene but the sundance website makes you sit through 5 minutes of ads when I tried to jump around so I gave up). I feel like they should have had him wearing the jacket from the previous scene or the clothes Simon first showed up in or something to make it a bit clearer. 


    I feel bad for Chloe. If Adele really is dead, that poor girl has no one. It's especially sad given that she seemed so worried about people leaving her. 


    The backstory of where Victor has been for 35 years was fascinating but undoes the explanation of why he grew between seasons 1 & 2. Mr. Lewansky seemed to have loved him very much (and vice versa) but Victor stayed the same size. What was the last picture Victor put up? It looked like a woman in a flowing bluish dress? Did I miss what that was a reference to or is that something we haven't seen?

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  6. I really loved this episode. I was getting a bit concerned earlier in the season that they might start feeling the need to have a lot of exposition, characters sitting there explaining things to each other.. but the showrunners seem to have backed off of that, even implying that the people with explanations might not know what they are talking about it. 


    Whenever shows explain too much, it sucks some of the power out of it and usually the explanations are kinda lame. I much prefer the David Lynch style approach of letting people make their own interpretations - all the info is there, everything does mean something, but he's not going to spell it out for you. I get the sense that the makers of this show are following that route (they must be Twin Peaks fans, this show reminds me so much of it!) which makes me very happy. I love this show so much. 


    I do wonder what they'll do about Victor though. They've given an excuse for his growing but they're not going to be able to do flashbacks much anymore (although I do think they did ok this season, given the circumstances. I got used to it.). 


    I am curious why Etienne remembers NOTHING. All the other dead remember everything except how they died. Any theories on why he's different? 

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    Milan seems to believe that people are saved from some kind of sin when they are killed, so you are actually doing them a favor, and his son does the same when he murders. Serge always reassures his victims as he's stabbing them. 


    Ah, yes, thank you for this - I did forget about Serge's reassuring his victims and didn't really connect it to Milan's weird beliefs. This all makes sense now. 


    It was really, really bothering me how Serge was becoming more kind and compassionate because I was thinking of him as a sociopathic type serial killer. But if he's simply been raised with a screwed up belief system that makes him think he's doing a good thing, that's different. And his change makes more sense then. 

  8.   And now we have an episode called Esther and we find out she was killed by Serge, but in the present she does not talk and probably has no further impact to the story. 


    She did speak at the end, which I think might wind up being significant. She talked and started looking more normal after Serge begged for forgiveness. Maybe the reason that some of the Returned come back 'different' has more to do with the dead person themselves than what Virgil said (about they're not having anyone waiting for them) - maybe it's something to do with their mindset when they died. 


    Either way, it seems that they can be turned back to a more normal state, as Esther was.


    Her asking about Victor is interesting, because it means she remembered what happened - maybe that's the difference? All the characters we followed in season 1 had no idea what happened to them. 


    I also would like to know what is up with the nurse. I thought it might be romantic as well but who knows. 

    Wasn't Lucy also sleeping with Camille and Lena's father (can't remember his name) in the first season?

    Yes but wasn't this because she was a medium of sorts? She could contact the dead that way somehow, or at least that is what she said. I remember there being something weird like that going on, it wasn't a normal affair type thing. 

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