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Posts posted by septicptx0104

  1. I decided to watch some clips of Real Time on their YT channel and it was the KAC interview that told me that Bill was just not for me. While I appreciate the lack of political correctness (hey, some people just aren't going to listen until you punch them in the face with reality) there's a difference between being blunt and being a jackass and sadly Bill falls into the latter category more often than not. 

    If I want a political satire show from HBO, I think I'll stick with Last Week Tonight.

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  2. TBH, I think Pentatonix dodged a bullet with the Ghostbusters theme song getting covered by FOB and Missy Elliott (who I didn't even know still had a career) instead because I just finished listening to their version and Jesus fuck my eye Christ, that may just be one of the worst movie theme song covers I've ever heard. FOB, who I usually like, tried too hard to modernize it and the instruments sound like something you'd hear in hell. Also, PTX's (hopefully better) version won't even be in the movie.

  3. On 27/04/2016 at 1:12 PM, Sharpie66 said:

    I was watching videos from their recent concerts last night, and was highly impressed with the choreo they had in Evolution of MJ. Excellent work, and it fit the material, since it was Michael Jackson they were performing.


    12 hours ago, SrPab said:

    I've come across this in several other places (including a tweet by @ptxnewsandstuff) --> Kirstin, Mitch and Scott on May 19 episode of Fox's Bones

    Scott and Mitch's characters are on an all-male college a cappella group. Kirstin's character is part of an all-female group. Some Pentaholics on Twitter want Mitch's character to be the killer. From the way the blurb reads, perhaps all three of them will have some spoken lines (interrogation sequences). PTX Librarian also posted an iMDB link to this episode--so it seems legit.

    Can't wait!

  4. If they weren't so underhanded and so nasty they could have made even more money with Marks money. They don't realize that before he goes to these places he and his crew setup a plan of operation and just don't think things up on the fly, they have an idea. He was going to take that company to bigger and better things and they sunk that deal.

    I couldn't have said it any better myself.

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  5. There's a part of me that thinks they need to do a better job of screening the applicants. These two women clearly didn't want Marcus' help, just his checkbook and his ability to muscle out Max. This doesn't make a good partnership or a good show.

    Funny thing, Marcus was right, they could have taken this company and done great things. And these two screwed this up. Wonder if they'll survive this?

    You should see their Facebook and Yelp pages. They're getting crucified by the minute. They'll be damn lucky to survive past Easter.

    • Love 3
  6. Egad! Marcus did say this episode would be wild but I was NOT expecting that. Clearly Marcus has more control over his temper than I do because had that been me, fists would've flown. Also, did anyone notice how Alexa and Sam were open to female criticism but when Pete and Marcus tried to change something, they'd suddenly get bitchy and ungrateful. Sexist much?

    Next week looks to be yet another delusional ditz. How many episodes left in this season again?

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  7. What I would have loved to see is Marcus say "On second thought, I'm not going to build a longboard shop with you. I'm going to build one against you. I'm taking the building you didn't want, the employees who can't stand you, the contracts you couldn't have gotten, and the money that would have gone to you."  But then I think the guy knew that was always a risk which is why there was some sort of application technique he didn't teach anyone.  Still, it would have made my week.


    THIS! Reminds me of one of the deleted scenes from the West End Coffee episode where John had met with brokers and refused to sell so Marcus told him that he was now going to compete with them and would make it his business to kick their business's ass. That should've ended that specific episode and a scene like this would've been awesome.

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  8. So which owner was it who said something about his business like, "well, it's not like it's Camping World"?  Was it the ASL sign guy or maybe the LA Dogworks guy?  I had to laugh the other day when watching football and seeing that apparently Camping World is doing well enough to sponsor a bowl game (the Independence Bowl).  I don't think we'll ever see one of those other businesses doing that.

    That would be LA Dogworks.

  9. Is the walking away more common now? I watched the West End Coffee yesterday episode and the same thing happened. I'd prefer to see how he fixes these businesses rather than see idiots who can't run a business.

    To the best of my knowledge, these are the ones where Marcus walked:

    Jacob Maarse

    Planet Popcorn

    LA Dogworks

    Worldwide Trailers



    West End Coffee


    Da Lobsta

    • Love 2
  10. TFN's video is gorgeous but the song is rather (and this is a word I never thought I'd use to describe a Pentatonix cover) boring. Maybe it's because I'm not too familiar with the song but I didn't really dig it. PTX sound fabulous as always and the video, as I said, was beautifully shot. I just couldn't get into the song. =/

  11. Based on the previews, I knew this would be a walk-away episode and to be perfectly honest, I don't blame Marcus for walking in the slightest. Mike looked like he just didn't give two shits about the business or the employees. Him reneging the deal gave me flashbacks to the Jacob Maarse episode and that's where I was like "Walk away Marcus. NOW." 


    No Profit for the next two weeks. :(

    • Love 3
  12. I wonder if their publishing rights with Sony will help them go after the Voice!

    (or is publishing rights only for original songs?)

    That's crazy, even the cello licks at the beginning (don't know what its called).

    The poor guy though. If you put the two performance side by side, you'll see how their imperfect rip off falls sooooo short off the mark. Made me appreciate Scott's voice more. And Kevin/Avi. And Mitch/Kirstie's harmonies

    Indeed. If you check the comments on the video, almost 98% of people hated it due to the ripped off arrangement. Also, here's a side by side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGonCxF4rp4


    TL:DR Braiden Sunshine, nice try but you're no Scott Hoying, Kirstie Maldonado or Mitch Grassi.

    • Love 1

    Jacob Maarse was a mess and a half. How Hank had the nerve to say that Marcus didn't make changes when anyone with functional eyes could see that the place looked so much better after Marcus worked his magic is beyond me. Also, this episode has two of my favorite Marcus one-liners ever: "I'm actually looking for them (Hank's balls), I can't find them." and "You better call your mama and get my money back!"



  14. Lady seems like a real sweetheart (the first few seconds of the negotiation when she made Marcus blush was adorable IMO) but I have to agree with the others: she is clueless on the dos and donts of running a business correctly. I'd like to think that maybe Marcus can give her some training but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

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  15. Can I just say, when Becky and John talked about their love triangle, I don't think I've ever seen Marcus blush that much. His face turned redder than a tomato. I mean, he's blushed a bit during Worldwide Trailers when Nancy was flirting with him (Trust me Marcus,if someone like her tried to hit on me, I'd need a shower too. Check Marcus' Twitter if you don't know what I'm talking about) and during Blues Jean Bar when Lady mentioned the setting for the negotiation feeling like a date (one of his cuter moments IMO) but that was just damn.

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  16. This was my first time watching this show. I'm an MBA and I loved it! I'm sure that Marcus knew that he was dealing with a couple of fraudsters but for $100k he got a heckuva great show out of it! Those two brothers are probably going to have the IRS knocking on their door with Marcus mentioning those 4 years worth of losses. That's probably why Steve freaked out when Marcus sold off the worthless inventory because they used that as a deduction on their taxes. These guys don't deserve to be in business and their pitiful lack of education shows.

    When Steve said he got an offer to purchase all that inventory, Marcus and I both said "Bullshit."

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