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Posts posted by calibabe

  1. On 4/30/2019 at 2:49 PM, mtlchick said:

    The show is renewed.  As for Jussie, his contract was extended BUT as of right now isn't part of the short term future. 


    Don’t remember what site I read it on but the basic gist was if the final 2 episodes (17 & 18) saw a ratings rise then Jussie’s role was essentially finished as that would telegraph to Disney/FOX that viewers returned in some form after Jamal’s story arc was finished.  If however the ratings dipped after being written off then they would bring him back albeit for a possible shortened season. Both episodes saw the ratings rise both in numbers watching and share. Since they got the full order of 18 episodes one could conclude that Jussie’s career with Empire is finished. My sense is if they feel the need to have the Jamal character figure in some significant way they simply will recast the role. 

  2. On 11/1/2018 at 9:29 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    I don't see why they couldn't immediately identify the gunman who ambushed Julia's car. Wasn't he in the military with Budd? You'd think his fingerprints and dental records would be on file unless he went to a lot of effort to alter his body in some way.

    Is guess this is a UO but I do think Julia is using Budd. I think she both overestimates the power of her sexuality and his gullibility. I also think he's being set up as the fall guy in case whatever she's up to gets discovered.

    It’s always been long suggested that people within Spec-Ops, CIA/NSA have taken some of the more shall we say “exuberant” people who color outside the lines with military protocol and rules of engagement and “make them dead”. They are then used in instances where they kill HVT (high value targets) that others cannot get to. The British secret services MI6 have presumably have similar units. Essentially their fingerprints and any other identifying characteristics are stricken from the record for identification purposes if they are ever caught. They know if they are caught and do not kill themselves they will be disavowed by their respective governments and no attempts will be made to return them since such actions would be viewed as tacit approval of their misdeeds and an international incident would be triggered. Also when David went to that Veterans for Peace gathering (towards the end of Ep 1), of those who feel abandoned by their government when sent to war his friend the assassin & leader of said group says to him “I figured you turn up sometime” to which David responds “soapbox is not really my thing man” and his compatriot responds “that’s not how you were in Ireland man” so it left me feeling that they shared similar leanings with respect to politics.  His friend took one route and he took another. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    Nooo, not my baby Andre. You better be killing Kingsley, show.

    As usual, a Lyon event turned into a scandal filled drama. That family. I actually felt for Lucious.

    Poor Becky. Thirsty better save her from Kingsley.

    Oh, I hope that was last see of Kai. London can keep him.

    Kudos to Hakeem for making peace with Tiana and that guy. 

    I just don’t think it’s going to be Andre...just a hunch...the show runner said that we won’t really know who is in the casket until the last episode of this season. If that’s the case why would they telegraph it now?....I think they bring Andre back and possibly Kingsley winds up dead, hence the “You couldn’t have known” from Becky at the start of the 2nd episode this season and why no other family is seen around Lucious because of what Kingsley tried to do to the family. However that might all turn on it’s head if Kingsley really isn’t Lucious’s son. My theory is that Shine is actually the father of Tracy’s baby boy Jeffery. That is why Giselle has said to Lucious that she doesn’t think Kingsley is his son. I think it will fracture the family though and strain Cookie and Lucious’s marriage. 

    Thirsty will save Becky. He’s got a soft spot for Grasshopper..

    When the Lyon’s have an event it’s best to stay the hell away. There is always some crazy ass drama that screws up the success of the event. It’s kind of like their family dinners. You know the shits gonna hit the fan you just need to position yourself behind the fan to not get hit.

    Yeah, I’m over Kai and have been since the whole kidnapping thing. I think there is more to that whole story that Jamal needs to find out. I think Bryson and Kai played fast and loose with the truth. 

    Glad that Hakeem and Blake finally buried their foolishness. I was afraid that the writers were going to try and make it a triangle of Tiana and Blake with Hakeem on the sidelines and that wouldn’t have worked..

    overall an excellent season 5 with twists and turns. We still need to know the Damon Cross connection to all of this and Lucious needs to know that Diana Dubois was behind pushing Kingsley as revenge for Angelo’s death. 

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  4. 16 hours ago, Dramafan15 said:



    No Candace. Your son choking you isn’t normal at all, and I wish she relized that instead of acting so petty. I’m waiting for her to actually give another solution to the Franklin problem that doesn’t end with them getting killed.  


    Candace was in denial of Franklin’s mental health issues just like Lucious was in denial about Andre’s. Cookie did the right thing in that it got Franklin to stop, but it would have continued until Candace was dead. Maybe he has a brilliant mind but he’s also schizophrenic and that can’t be just willed away. What she did to Cookie was really wrong and Carol needs to convey that to her. She was beyond petty, she was vindictive and that’s just wrong. If I was Cookie hell would freeze over before I ever talked to her again. Cookie was saving her life. Candace wants to destroy Cookie’s. I’m over her. 

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  5. 59 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:


    Saw Athena's house and said no way could they afford to live there.


    I guess you all don’t know the kind of $$& that a captain at the LAFD and a sgt in the LAPD bring in..regular pay + OT. They could more than afford to have that house which Athena probably got in the divorce by her ex since he was the one that wanted to divorce. Most likely it would be the type of agreement that until the youngest child turns 18 or graduates from either high school or college. Bobby is pulling in probably $150k per yr or more with OT and Athena are pulling is pulling in close to $100K. I know because my son is with LACoFD and isn’t even close to being a captain and between his regular pay plus OT he is close to the high 5 low six figure point and he’s been on the job 6 yrs now. 

    • Love 7
  6. 20 minutes ago, Dee said:

    Taraji has said she isn't going anywhere.

    Like Viola, she seems pretty happy with a relatively reduced episode order, and the option to create and produce outside projects during the hiatus.

    I had read awhile ago that she told Lee that she did not want to go beyond 88 episodes because Cookie is so exhausting for her to play. Without Cookie Empire wouldn’t be Empire. Terrence is already on the record saying he has no intention of doing anything else and that Lucious will be the last character he plays. I’m glad that she is publicly stating that she’s with Empire until it ends. As long as they lure big time talent like Forest Whitaker and Demi Moore to Empire I don’t think you will see anyone leaving any time soon...

  7. I actually thought based on preconceived notions of others that I might not like the S4 premier. I can now honestly say I was pleasantly surprised. I like Jake who is just all kinds of enamoured with Ichabod as he keeps tabs on Sleepy Hollow from "The Vault". Alex seems to be the brains on how to make things go "boom" in dispatching evil. Dreyfuss is creepy by virtue of having enough money to be creepy. It was good to see Jenny back from Tibet and her discussing her meal of yak cheese? I read where others have said they think Molly may be the new Witness and that may or may not be accurate but I'm not convinced. Clairvoyance does not make one a Witness. Diana I believe will partner with Ichabod to find the new Witness  but I don't think Molly will be it. 

    All in all I think as a starting point I was pleased and will continue to watch. It almost had a "Hellboy" feel to it with "The Vault". Even my husband who did not like SH S1,2 or 3 was interested and was asking questions about what the glimpses for the 2nd episode meant. 

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  8. On 12/13/2016 at 8:27 PM, Blackhoney said:

    Honestly, as much as I hate this show, I just can’t stop talking about how bad it is and the blatantly poor decisions they keep making. Seeing Sleepy Hollow fall apart is like watching a car wreck- I seriously can’t look away no matter how hard I try.

    Honest question and not trying to be snarky by any means, but if as you say "as much as I hate this show', why are you still reviewing it? I know you said you were sent the episode but can't you not review it if they send it to you, with your reasons why noted in a reply? 

    In all honesty how unbiased can your review of the S4 premier be with that amount of dislike and discomfort you apparently have for the show? I would hazard a guess that a large quantity of posters here in this forum will not watch the S4 premier and that is their prerogative to do so. I'm willing to give it an honest shot but that is my choice. If after the first few episodes it doesn't hold my interest I will be on to other interests I have. 

    • Love 1
  9. On May 31, 2016 at 11:15 PM, jhlipton said:

    When you have a woman of color in the lead role, it’s not just a woman of color in the lead role. It immediately means so much more than that, across the whole of America,” Mison said. “There’s a woman of color in a position that not very long ago she wouldn’t have been. It comes to symbolize so much more. So when something like this happens, when they kill off said character, of course it’s going to mean an awful lot more, consequently.”

    He gets it.

    Meanwhile, it looks like Orci may be involved in S4.  Since he (and he alone) has been listening and responding to fans -- in a truly humble fashion -- if he is involved, I may watch.  He's another one who gets it.

    This exchange is fun:  When asked "Why get involved yet again?"


    Saw the above Tweets regarding Orci's possible return to SH and I was talking to a few friends who also watch it and one noted that they read somewhere that with Orci's return, if that meant further explanation of Sophie Foster's background. I was a little confused as to what they meant and my friend stated that in S1 Ep 9 Sanctuary when Crane gives Abbie the box that was sent from Lena Gilbert and he pulls out the family tree for Grace Dixon there are in fact Foster's on the Dixon family tree. So being curious I put the episode on and sure enough there is an Anthony Roberts that marries a Grace Foster. So when Ezra was telling Crane that someone from Abbie's distant bloodline would be the one that is sparked I wonder if it will in fact be Sophie? 

  10. This confirms what someone else said here a few days ago. NB was sought after FIRST, then TM was brought in. In what universe does that translate into NB was the dispensable one.

    The initial premise was TWO Witnesses brought together through time and space to fight The Apocalypse. That was the cake. The chemistry between the actors was the icing on top.


    Actually the role was not written with anyone specific in mind. Per NB she wasn't looking for a tv series but she read with the mindset that " "I read [sleepy Hollow] and figured, 'Let's do the audition and we'll see. They're not going to cast me.'" -  http://www.emmys.com/news/features/their-dreams-sleepy-hollow


    Its a pretty good article about how they conceived the entire series and then found both NB and TM. The article also stated that while the part wasn't originally written for an African American actress that once NB read for the role, their search was over. 

    • Love 1
  11. Man, if they actually chose the shape of that symbol based on some lighting choices back in the pilot, I am giving the writers *major* kudos on trying to do their homework and tie things together.

    I don't think it was so much a lighting choice as it appears to be chalk type markings that maybe Katrina made to ward off all evil and to denote Ichabod as a Witness in the event that someone stumbled onto the grave. I also now really wonder just what kind of "witch" powers that Abbie may in fact have. She was able to concoct that salve they used on the wilderness guide. She was also chanting or saying something when she and Sophie separated in the woods to go after the WormMonster. I was trying to figure it out but couldn't. 


    I think it was brilliant to tie in the symbol from the pilot to the symbol of the Catacombs to the symbol that had Abbie so enthralled. Great work by the writers.

  12. For considering some of Fox's shows get .8 and .9s on Monday through Thursday, you would think having a show that can hold a .7 on a Friday is reasonable


    A few things to note from Fox, Bones was renewed for a 12th and final season, but it was only for 12 episodes. So I don't think that would negatively affect SH's chances of getting renewed too much as they will still need to fill time during the TV season and for the following year.


    Also Rosewood, which seems to be in good shape, got a .9 when it aired without Empire last week. It airs the next few weeks without Empire and if it slides anymore, it could potentially open up a slot for Sleepy Hollow. While I still feel it could get canceled, Sleepy Hollow has more of a chance than I would have thought when they announced the Friday move.


    vanarnd1, I agree.  Before the end of last year, I had read somewhere that one of the FOX executives said that if they were not going to renew SH that they would inform the crew and cast in plenty of time so that they would have enough time to properly send off the series that would be fulfilling to fans who have been there from the beginning and that they would NOT do a cliffhanger ending. Juxtapose that to an interview with TV Guide several weeks ago where showrunner Cliff Campbell stated that the 2nd half of S3 would be dealing with the aftermath of Abbie being rescued and would lead to a cliffhanger ending setting up the architecture for season 4. The fact that we are 5 episodes away from the end of S3 and have not heard about cancellation I think is in Sleepy Hollow's favor for renewal. So if what the FOX executive stated and what the showrunner stated are both true then maybe they have been informed that S4 is a go which would be a great thing to hear. Maybe FOX is going to let SH settle into the Friday @ 8pm time slot for the fall season for 2016-2017. I hope so. All this moving around from Monday to Thursday to Friday all in one season hasn't helped either. I think the episodes by and large especially the 2nd half of this season have been stellar and continue to get better.


    I guess as the old saying goes "no news is good news". 

  13. While the move may be good, Friday nights aren't high viewing time but could prove of benefit to SH. Really if you look at most numbers for many of the shows the numbers for everyone other than Empire, NFL Football, most if not a majority are in the 1.1-2.0 range most nights. So with SH getting a 1.0, 0.9 that really isn't that far off from what most of these shows are having even on high viewing nights. While its good not to have the competition of Scandal or Blacklist, I'm not sure that an 8-9 week break at this juncture is helpful either plus switching to a new night. That could very well doom the show if it hasn't already been doomed previously. 

  14. Lies! Nothing but lies. That line is straight outta Mark Goffman’s season two playbook. He said almost the exact same thing last year when he was interviewed after the disastrous mid-season finale.


    Six episodes into season 3 and SH is an unmitigated flop. The Witnesses are further apart than ever before and episode after episode is bogged down with forgettable storylines, pointless flashbacks and a need to once again focus on Crane’s personal life.


    How is watching Titsy Ross hit on Crane week after week going to eventually mean something for the Witnesses? How are Crane’s date nights going to in any way bring about some grand realization for the Witnesses? Hmmm? When the writers say Witnesses, what they really mean is Crane.


    The Witnesses and their bond are no longer the focus of this show and it hasn’t been since season one. The focus is on Crane and his growth. Abbie is just along for the ride. Anyone who believes anything different has not been paying attention to what they have shown us. Stop listening to what the writer-producers SAY and instead pay attention to what they DO, and what they actually choose to show us week after week.


    They’ve destroyed Ichabod and Abbie. They have destroyed the Witnesses. The two can’t spend five minutes together without Zoe or Daniel or someone else being the topic of their conversation. The rampant criticism of fans this season is proof that the writers have failed in their so-called attempt at making it all about the Witnesses.


    And I cannot say in enough ways how much I hate the way the writers use Abbie to prop up other women in Crane’s eyes. All Abbie does is co-sign every wench the show sends his way, while gleefully being written as some career obsessed shrew that DON’T NEED NO MAN.


    This notion that these writers, this group of people, have fucked up the first half of the season, but are gonna miraculously bring it all together in the second half, is laughable. They’re gonna bring it together alright, but not the way fans want.


    All this crap the writers are spewing about great things coming are a lie. Come on, people, are we really gonna fall for that again? The idea that Crane dating Zoe is vital to the Witnesses growth is a joke. I posted on another forum today telling people Zoe is not going to be a Catalyst for anything Witness or Ichabbie related. Again, when the writers say WITNESSES, they mean Crane only.


    I come from the days of "Moonlighting" the Cybil Shepherd/Bruce Willis series that defined shipping. The "tension" or "chemistry" or whatever it was that the two had is what made the show. Season after season people were clamoring for them to be together. Well the writers finally bowed to that pressure and the show DIED. There was no more chemistry or tension or anything because now since they were together it was gone. IT totally sucked the life out of the series. Willis left shortly after that to pursue a Hollywood career and Shepherd hung onto the series like a life raft adrift in a huge ocean not being able to find dry land to get off on. What I am saying is it killed the show. What if the writers putting Crane and Abbie together kill what little vibe there is and the show totally implodes more then what it is now. I mean the whole premise with season one was this guy from the 1700's is awakened and the Headless Horseman (who we desperately need somewhere in this series) along with him who is to usher in the apocalypse. In comes a female black sheriffs lieutenant and the 1700's guy and her are now witnesses to the apocalypse per Revelations. That premise worked beautifully for the 1st season. There WAS an instant chemistry between Crane and Abbie. Right from their first scene together. However right off the bat as viewers we were told how much he loved his wife. At the end of season one Crane manages to spring said wife from purgatory while leaving Abbie in purgatory. Maybe that is the metaphor for their entire relationship from the get go. Maybe that would be their relationship if the series actually brought them together. Why can't Crane love Abbie, but not in a sexual way but in another way? Why can't they be good partners, great friends, almost like family but not all the way to the bedroom?


    Maybe from the get go Abbie's character was always going to be work-driven with a personal life or relationship secondary to what she is. In the first season we learned that she and Luke were involved but that only lasted an episode or two at the most. Possibly during season 2 a relationship with the photographer in the Fenestella episode might have been hinted as a potential side story but that never materialized. I would assume that the old saying of "all work and no play makes (fill in the gap) a dull boy/girl" and maybe that is why they have given Crane the need for female companionship. Heck Abbie was essentially throwing Zoe and Crane together two episodes ago when she told Crane "she's a good one".  Maybe what makes Abbie, Abbie is the fact that she is so focused on a career and furthering it that there is little room for anything else in her life at the present and potentially in the past. Maybe her character views relationships (romantic ones) as something that takes her off her game and she needs to be totally on her game especially now that she is as she calls it a "witness with a capital W" so to speak. 


    Now as for Boobsy Ross/TitsyRoss or whatever other acronym, lets just hope she stays firmly rooted in the past. She doesn't need to somehow time travel and wind up in the present nor does she need to have a great-great-great-great-great granddaughter/neice/whatever in the present that bears a "striking resemblance" to the aforementioned seamstress of our flag. If she is a character from the past she needs to stay in the past. End of story. I think any movement of her from that time period into the present is going to be met with a resounding negative response as it should be. It is fine to build backstory as to how Crane was involved in this war of good and evil from the Revolutionary War to present but any persons from that time period need to stay dead. We got rid of General Howe in one fell swoop. That is where the twistory needs to stay.  However you ask the question how is this ever going to "be vital to the witnesses growth"? Maybe by focusing on Crane and his supposed relationships it is setting the table for what is ultimately wanted. Maybe after countless other attempts at trying to be with someone else, Crane will come to the realization that the one he needs to be with is Abbie. Maybe this is the direction they are headed into. However the writers aren't going to spoil that endgame at this point in the season. Maybe it is the proverbial dangling carrot (personally I hope that they reel that sucker straight back and in because I think it will kill this show). 


    I don't like what the writers of Bones did during the crossover by throwing it in the faces of fans of SH with all the sexual innuendo if that is not the way that the writers of SH ever intended to take the characters. That seems to me like a cheap shot at the very least to try to intimate that they might be headed this way but that the writers of SH never for a million years would ever think of going in. I would think that at some level there had to be discussions between the two camps on how to approach and dissect the characters for the crossover. To throw that in as a lark is beyond cheap if they thought that would somehow get people to continue watching. It was uncomfortable to watch as well. 


    I think that as perfect partners, Crane and Abbie compliment each other perfectly. They are each other's ying/yang. Maybe that is why Crane also looks uncomfortable with other females as well. Maybe that is the design. He never, ever looked comfortable with nor had any chemistry with Katrina on so many levels. Personally I would love if at the end of the season that the big bad behind it all was revealed to be an ever powerful, more vengeful Katrina who has been completely transformed into an evil that is even unrecognizable to Crane. That her death at his hands fed right into some hidden prophecy that a witches death at the hands of a witness would turn said witch into an all powerful evil of unspeakable proportions and virtually unstoppable. Unfortunately they killed that character so badly both in writing and how she was portrayed that there is no coming back from it. All these tests this season have been very personal for each witness. Why wouldn't making the biggest bad something that while so inconceivable to most would make the most sense out of everything. Frankly I don't think the writers nor the producers nor anyone connected with the show would have the courage to do that. I do think that Abbie's character needs better development but not as the romantic part of the equation. They really need to delve deep into the story with her and Jenny's father and what that brings to the table. Also her relationship with Reynolds. Does it stay as boss/employee or does it develop when Abbie tells him what it is that is happening in SH, if she can and if she does will he believe her? Those are all directions that this can go.

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