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Posts posted by GoneGirl

  1. 1 hour ago, jmonique said:

    The impression I got was Michael had programmed Kathy the Robot (I forget the character's name) with his grandmother Constance's personality.


    36 minutes ago, Anela said:

    The one thing I thought of was that

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    Constance killed her husband

    in the first season. I only watched part of the episode tonight, but didn't a younger version of her kill a man?

    She shot her ex hubby

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  2. 2 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    Coco is so mean but she’s funny as hell. 

    I’m confused as who Kathy Bates is suppose to be to Michael, aside from a robot. 

    I don’t believe all the people who died are really dead


    2 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    Coco is so mean but she’s funny as hell. 

    I’m confused as who Kathy Bates is suppose to be to Michael, aside from a robot. 

    I don’t believe all the people who died are really dead. 


    2 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    Coco is so mean but she’s funny as hell. 

    I’m confused as who Kathy Bates is suppose to be to Michael, aside from a robot. 

    I don’t believe all the people who died are really dead. 

    I’ve had enough of Coco ? I wonder which  witch she really is....she is funny but starting to grate on my nerves

    • Love 9
  3. 1 hour ago, Pixel said:

    I thought Speedwagon was the mole.  And clever Ally, convincing Kai that Winter's Fitbit was a bug

    Speedwagon was the mole, not Ally. Ally just wanted Kai to kill Winter so she used the Fitbit and the tape recorder in the ice cream truck to convince him. 

    Also wondering what Ally will do with Speedwagon but I think she might kill him, he had a wire and she was speaking during the confrontation between Kai and Winter. She also had shot Bebe without even knowing who she was, and killed Ivy. Not so sure how her and Speedwagon will play out.

    • Love 4
  4. 20 minutes ago, ShadowHunter said:

    Well that was a crazy one.

    Winter sold out Beverly unless that was the truth.

    I don't like Ivy so I am glad she is worried.

    I thought Kai was going to kiss Winter for a second. That was a messed up scene. Shallow Evan looked good. Nice to see his Brown hair again.

    Yes to Evan and Colton. We deserved more.

    In the flashbacks Kai is not always as messed up as he is now. He saved all the people from evil Rick Springfield. Don't care they killed his character.

    Ally is doing something it only took 8 episodes.

    Bye Vincent glad you got sold out.  You were aware Mom and Dad are rotting upstairs.

    I am going to go watch Evan on the Conan show nice to see him normal right after being Kai lol.

    Is he on tonight?

  5. On 10/15/2017 at 1:07 PM, RedMal said:

    I'm not quite sure anymore, but I remember Kai talking about Ally's part of the shooting when he had sex with Meadow. Something like "Nobody will believe a crazy woman" or something something. No?

    Right he was telling Meadow that she needed to “bear witness “ and tell Ally everything about the cult, no one would believe a crazy woman. But I’m not sure she got invited to the rally by Meadow, I have a feeling she was just there, maybe to check out what Kai was all about?

  6. On 10/11/2017 at 10:26 AM, Avaleigh said:

    I need clarification at this point on the shrink's role in the cult. He never seems like he has to kill people or go to meetings or hang out with the others at all. At the same time, he's clearly involved and he has some control over Kai in that he's more than likely the one who is keeping him medicated. I have a feeling that Kai would freak out without his pill supply so I feel like the brother has the upper hand over Kai in that sense. 

    Oh, and I'm more convinced than ever that Kai was responsible for the deaths of his parents. Seeing the way he killed Mare and talking about how awesome it is to kill, I bet that he put the gun in his mother's mouth. 

    Also, what if Ally didn't go to the rally? What if she freaked out and ran away like the other bystanders? How would they know that she'd try to stop Meadow by actually grabbing the gun? There are so many things that might have gone wrong with this plan. What if Meadow's gun aim had been poor and she'd shot Kai somewhere fatal?

    Hmm. I’m not sure their plan HAD (re: the rally) to rely on Ally on at all. Meadow loved Kai, enough to die for him, and follow out his plan for the rally. They really didn’t need Ally at there at all except she DID show up and now things look bad for her. Did I miss an important part that it was in the plan for Ally to be at that rally?

    On 10/12/2017 at 9:53 PM, Fusion said:

    Why does Ivy wear stripes so much? Even her clown costume is stripes. Any significance? 


    • Love 1
  7. 12 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    m excited for Francis Conroy.  Not excited about Lena Dunham at all.  With any luck, she will have even less screen time than Emma Roberts had this season.

    My feelings exactly! I adore Frances and hopefully we will get her for at least a couple episodes....

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  8. On 10/10/2017 at 11:19 PM, peridot said:

    That wasn't really edited at all, right?  It still had a lot of gun violence.  What would they consider to be extreme violence?

    Anyway, I was hoping Meadow was being straight with Ally.  I guess Meadow finally got that great screw she was chasing down. 
    Just looking at Kai gives me the creeps, can you imagine him being one inch away from your face?

    I'm surprised Ally wasn't more suspicious of the people around her.  Meadow was just laying unrestrained in the open grave & she was just sitting in the garage after they supposedly kidnapped her again. 

    I just felt sorry for Ally this episode.  She shouldn't have made that "my baby" remark, but she doesn't deserve to be gaslighted.

    Oh it was definitely edited, I watched the unedited version the next day on FXNOW and it was definitely chilling.

    On 10/10/2017 at 11:19 PM, peridot said:

    Just looking at Kai gives me the creeps, can you imagine him being one inch away from your face?


    Um, hell yes.

    On 10/11/2017 at 2:43 PM, OldButHappy said:

    I won't be watching the unedited version, but I'll bet that the images of those shot at the rally were much more gruesome and bloody than the images that we saw;  I missed the first  couple of minutes of the show, so didn't see the note about the T.V. version being edited or the beginning of the shooting.  

    I turned in the show two minutes or so into it, saw Ally with the gun, and wondered why all the people were lying on the ground not moving.  Knowing that this show has so much gore, shooting victims with no blood made me think they were cult members just acting like they were shot.

    It wasn't until I watched the beginning of the 11pm episode that I figured out why the mass shooting was so bloodless.

    I did want to watch the unedited version because this actually is real life. Especially after the Las Vegas massacre. It was not gory. Chilling would be the proper word to explain it, and Ivy (Allison Pil) was amazing, she seemed simply terrified.

    On 10/11/2017 at 3:24 PM, Chaos Theory said:

    i don't think so.  Not at this time.  It might be updated later.    It may be offered at the end of the season as a special feature.

    It’s available on demand and on FX now. Not gory, terrifying and chilling. Worked real well, ashame they had to edit but totally realize why of course.

  9. On 10/5/2017 at 0:38 PM, Dobian said:

    Was there a supernatural element to Freak Show?  I'm trying to remember and can't up with one.  All the things I remember were freaky, but technically "natural".

    Edward Mordrake. He was creepy for sure.

    I think if you aren’t into this season because of no supernatural stuff you almost have to somewhat accept there is going to be more gore than usual. Every season has had gore, I’m not a big fan of gore and sometimes need to turn my head, but it IS AHS after all and I think the gore is expected. Maybe I’m wrong?

  10. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

    I think Eichner's character voted Gary Johnson.


    This was such a great hour of television. Kai is very charismatic and I loved seeing how he got all these followers. 

    Harrison did vote for Gary Johnson.

  11. 8 hours ago, ShadowHunter said:

    Kia is on Adderall I wonder if the Dr. is the one who wrote the prescription?

    Meadow may still be alive she seems like a valuable member of the Kai's family.

    I guess we have to decide if the stories Kai told Bev about him being in the war were true? Probably not.

    A screenshot I took of the RX bottle last night. Can't find a name of the prescribing Dr. (Damn it).


  12. 7 minutes ago, ShadowHunter said:

    This was a good one. Kia you bastard I love you. Evan was great and he carried the episode well.  I loved watching him manipulate everyone.  He had the right mix of charm but was creepy and also seductive.

    On a shallow note NICE gym and shower stuff from Evan.

    The Beverly Hope YouTube video was a riot.

    Meadow and Harrison continue to be a blast to watch.

    Was glad we didn't have much Ally.

    Ivy and Winter already had the connection that answers some questions. I like Winter but not Ivy.

    Glad Emma didn't last past this one episode.

    Boom! Yep. Everything you said above. So glad I was right on the nose that Ivy IS IN ON IT??!!!

  13. 52 minutes ago, Stringey said:

    Ha ha I believe the psychiatrist placed that add just like he advised the cult members to kill the couple with the coffins. He waited for just the right moment for this execution when the woman felt cured of that phobia. That scene was so psychologically creepy. Just imagine what went through the woman's mind when she goes upstairs and sees the coffins. Knowing the way she was about to die. The psychiatrist is a sociopath.

    He totally seems a sociopath, yet why is Murphy almost blatently leading us to him (the smiley buttons, Kai's "have a nice day") It almost seems TOO simple...IDK. I'm sure he is up to something, just not sure what part he is playing and to what degree. Another quick thought...Is everyone thinking that the shrink saw Kai at some point?

    • Love 1
  14. On 9/22/2017 at 4:38 PM, Dobian said:

    Looks like they went for nutty this season more than horror, like some of the past seasons.  I think those protestors were all cultists and that was all a setup.  Very convenient that they instantly dispersed when Kai showed up.  Was Meadow really killed or is this just another mind game?  It seems everyone is in on it (including cops), so I don't take anything at face value now.  I think the dead birds were planted.  Spraying stuff on the ground isn't going to kill birds up in the trees.  Meadow reminds me of a young Catherine O'Hara, especially when they were at the door in their sombreros, like some old SCTV skit.

    Totally think the birds were planted and we are being led to believe things are connected in this season that we will find out aren't connected at all....example, I don't think that the neighbors placed the ad in the paper. It could have been someone who was pissed that Ally killed Pedro...etc.

  15. 3 minutes ago, margol29 said:

    In relation to the face, after every conversation Kai has with Ally, he says "Have a nice day." Just thought it was weird.

    Also, I don't know if its a thing or not but so far every woman but Ally has a first name to do with nature.

    We have Ivy, Winter, Meadow and Rose (the unfortunate woman in the casket). Just another weird thought.

    Rose? Interesting, brings me back to the Rose on the door in Kai's house? Connection?

    • Love 3
  16. 2 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

    Me too. Assuming that he and Winter are siblings, wtf happened there? They're both nutcases but in totally different ways. What intrigues me most is that Winter admits in the truth session that she's afraid of him. Why? I get why Kai is scary but she's the one who seems like she's choosing to follow him. At the same time, the opener makes it seem like they're on opposite sides of the political divide. She was annoyed with him for wanting to rub it in yet I feel like this is the kind of guy who might not even have voted. He's just an opportunist who wants to turn the chaos to his advantage. I don't understand either of their long term goals. Then we have the whole thing about her being into self harming. Is following Kai a very elaborate way of deliberately committing self harm? 

    Also, was Kai asking if she was a lesbian because he cares or is just curious? Does that not compute with whatever his ideology is or is he just gathering information that he can use at a later date? 

    I'm also very curious to know who Ozy's biological father is. I lean towards Kai but I also like the idea of this season tying into season one by this kid turning out to be the Murder House baby. 

    Right! Kai, aside from peeing in a condom, and splashing some latte on Ally, has not done anything very violent that we have SEEN, he seems more interested in getting people to FOLLOW his ideals. Winter however has done much more harm than we have seen Kai do. I definitely need the backstory on the Anderson family.

    • Love 1
  17. 18 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    Still liking this but felt this episode was a little repetitive. I think it is so annoying that Ally and Ivy do not keep a closer eye on Ozy, even letting him out of their site when a brutal crime has been committed across the street and their own house was marked. Also, since Winter was drugged during the bathtub incident, I don't think she was interested in cheating but I do wonder why she wouldn't insist on Winter not being rehired. On top of that, Winter does not have a sweet personality and Ozy has been nothing but scared since her arrival. And kids can be secretive,but I don't buy Ozy not saying a word about Winter making him look at murders on video.

    I was hoping Ally would be smart enough to film the gas trucks rolling through the neighborhood and she couldn't be the only person to see them coming down the street. I did think the coffin scenes at the beginning were good and like I always tell my son-never tell anyone what you fear. It seems obvious the therapist is in on it, either that or he is a grown man who colllects smiley buttons.

    I still think Ivy is involved, only because she is always one step behind, out of the room, or somewhere else when things happen. I was happy she actually was with Ally when during the pet microwave, and discovering the paint on their house. I'm not sure Ally is a bad person-she has had two incidents with evil looking clowns confronting her, even in the backseat of her car, found a dead body in her restaurant, was drugged by the babysittter and may be drugged by the therapist. She is the last person who should have a gun, but I don't think she is a bad person. 

    I have no idea why/how Ally and her family were targeted, but if it turns out solely because voted for Jill Stein I will throw something at my tv. 

    I'm not fully onboard with the fact that Ally was drugged during her bathtub soak with Winnie. She had a glass of wine and just looked relaxed to me. Also made me think of her soak in the tub outside in Roanoke;)

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