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Posts posted by cstad

  1. He had a "widowmaker?!"  That's a really nasty type of heart attack (not that every heart attack isn't bad, but the left anterior is especially bad, hence its nickname.)  He is very, very lucky that he survived the initial attack and got to a hospital in time. 


    However, 49 is really too young.  Come on, Sig - take better care of yourself!


    This is going to be one interesting season of Deadliest Catch.  Discovery execs must be drooling with excitement.

  2. Just saw the news on Sig's heart attack on Yahoo - the article says he collapsed while filming and briefly "lost consciousness."  When he was revived, he wanted to keep fishing!  The crew evidently had to convince him to get airlifted to a hospital.


    Anyone know how old he is?  Seems like captaining is a quick way to a heart attack.

    • Love 1
  3. I liked last night's episode - I particularly liked that Alton made sure that many of the items in the packed lunches could be re-purposed or transformed, and that it was the male chef's fault for not being more creative. Also liked the wood-paneled station wagon (which my parents totally had in the 80's!)

    • Love 2
  4. The funny thing is I actually rather liked the bird commercial at first - "little bird phones" still makes me smile - but after seeing it 50 times or so, I realized that something about it was really bugging me (other than the fact that I had seen it about 50 times.)

    Anyway, it also irks me that no one, during the final edit of the commercial, caught the fact that they were using clips of two different types of geese.

    • Love 2
  5. Finally figured out what was annoying me about the "Bad Cell Recpetion for Geese" commercial (Verizon, I think?)

    There are two distinct types of geese in the commercial - Canada geese and some black-and-white geese (I don't know the name, but they're definitely not Canada geese, as these guys have no brown and different markings on their heads.)

    So the commercial starts by showing Canada geese flying, cuts to black-and-white geese grazing, cut to close-up of a Canada goose (when the announcer says "they hate that"), then cut to black and white geese flying off. (Now, I may have some of the editing cuts turned around, but regardless.....).

    It's not the same geese! Those are two different flocks of geese having problems with their cell phone reception! But the commercial acts like it's the same group of geese for the whole commercial! What, do they think we're blind or something!!

    (Such a little thing, I know, but gah! It gets under my skin!)

    • Love 7
  6. Damn... Chef Robyn has almost made a career out of appearing on food competition shows. Cutthroat Kitchen, Camp Cutthroat, Chopped, Hell's Kitchen.... What hasn't she been on? Of course, I could say the same about Chef Emmanuel, but he's A LOT more tolerable.

    • Love 3
  7. Is it really that hard to grill meat (elk?)? I'm not a "grill master" by any means, but I think that even I could grill better than these shlubs. Ok, maybe not in a competition setting, but still, how hard is it to not burn the hot dogs?

    At least the one guy didn't try to sell his dish as "very rare" and admitted that he didn't cook the meat long enough (unlike the Diva from the first grill masters episode.).

  8. Simon Majumdar dressed as a clown, complete with wig and red nose? Priceless! I just about laughed myself right off my couch. His statement to Alton, "If I find out that this was your idea..." just made me laugh harder. The clown car sabotage was also a hoot.

    • Love 1
  9. Hell yeah, Gary Burghoff! You knew you were in for a good episode if he was a guest star. Same with Dick van Patton (RIP, good sir.)<br /><br />Wasn't there a robot dog or something similar on "Buck Rogers" as well? The late 70's were filled with robot-animal sidekicks.<br /><br />My family has a photo of my brothers, ages 5 and 3 at the time (photographed at Sears or someplace similar,) wearing matching powder blue leisure suits with HUMONGOUS lapels. Truly, the late 70's had some epic fashion fails.

  10. Was the music camp couple a new episode? I had never seen it before.

    Weird episode - even if they do film two endings, one love it and one list it - I think that couple would be nuts to stay in that house. I sympathized with the wife, totally. Glad they were at least able to fix the first floor.

    I found the second floor to be really creepy - narrow hallway with all those doors, sort of like "The Shining" or something. And it had to be really cold on that second floor, too, with almost no insulation.

    Keep the property for camp in the summer, but move into a better (or at least more-up-to-date) place for the rest of the year.

    • Love 1
  11. I know it's been commented on before, but I just have to vent - dear God, how much I hate the ad with the Wifi equipped SUV and the stupid kids trying to watch a movie! The adult has the kids start the movie in the Wifi-mobile, then they switch to the non-wifi car, so they can't watch the movie. Then the guy asks which car the kids like best. OF COURSE they like the Wifi-mobile best!! It's like filling one car with candy and then asking the kids which one they'd rather ride in.

    I just hate this commercial!! There's no sense to asking the kids their opinion! They've been manipulated into liking the one SUV! Why would anyone CARE about wifi in their car!! Why... but... It's.... GARRRRGH!

    "Flames.... Flames on the side of my face...."

    • Love 18
  12. Last night, one of the late Chopped episodes (aired at 11 p.m. or midnight, can't remember) was the classic, "Who's got a better sob story" episode with the sister's teeth, dead grandpa and brother-in-a-gang contestants. Even though I know how everything ends, I can't help but watch it every time it comes on.

    And then, the noon repeat today was when Scott Connant (sp.?) got his panties in a bunch because one of the chefs RINSED his pasta! The horror! And there were raw red onions in one chef's salad! Another classic episode.

    • Love 4
  13. The grinder thing - IIRC, the grinders worked a little differently and three of the contestants, when coupled with nerves and a 20 minute time limit, could not get them to work. But one guy did have experience with that type of grinder and had no problem using it. I could be mis-remembering, though.

  14. The montage of Wonder Woman's transformation spins (featured a while ago in the King of Disparate TV Things competition) remains one of my most favorite clips to watch when I'm feeling down. I loved this show, even though I only saw it in re-runs during the late 70's/early 80's (I was born in '75.). And I still sing the theme song to myself from time to time - "Wonder WO-maaaaan!"

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  15. Ok, just watched a lady blow Cliffhangers in the most amazingly stupid way. First item to guess was a white-noise-sound-generator-thing - maybe $25 bucks, right? She says, seriously, "$200." And sticks to it. And watches with a big happy smile as yodelly-guy goes right over the cliff on her very first guess. Utterly clueless about how far off her guess was.

    I almost wish there was a fast-forward button for yodelly-guy when a contestant is that clueless about a price. Just have yodelly-guy rocket off the cliff at warp speed.

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