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Inigo Montoya

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Posts posted by Inigo Montoya

  1. Hi all. Occasional lurker, first time poster ...


    I don't know that the writers care enough about continuity to be aware that Bernadette said she doesn't want kids.  In last night's episode, they said Leonard never broke up with anybody (they forgot Sara Rue from Season 2) and Raj hadn't gone thru a breakup (Emily the Deaf Chick from Season 5 - sorry, I don't think I've ever seen her referred to as anything other than "Emily the Deaf Chick").


    Supposedly the writers wrote the episode with no intention of Bernadette being pregnant and then threw it in at the end for shock value and because it seemed to kinda fit.  Chuck Lorre okayed it so they left it in.  At this point, I don't think they have much of a plan.


    If done well, it can work but other than the Shamy ONS, the writers haven't handled much well the last few seasons.  I hope we don't have constant "look how stupid daddy is" plots.  It reminds me when the writers on the old Bob Newhart show wrote a script where Emily got pregnant.  Bob Newhart read the script and said "That...that's great.  Who...who are you going to get to play Bob?"

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  2. Each Congressional "session" is two years, so the 100th Congress would have started 200 years after the first Congress...I always think 1789 rather than 1787, so I said GWH Bush rather than Reagan.


    1789 is actually right.  The 100th Congress started 198 years after the first.  I did the same thing - counted 200 years from 1789 and came up with 1989 and GWH Bush.  I realized at the last second that 1989 was the 101st Congress so I quickly changed to Reagan but probably couldn't have made the switch in writing in time.


    Ashley grew on me. I disliked her at first because I thought the second chance after the Apollo 11 FJ was a bit bogus but she seemed to be having fun.  Not that it mattered, but she never did learn how to bet from second place in FJ.

  3. Hi! First time poster here ...


    I was at the audition with JOSH! and ignoring my bias against him because he got the call and I didn't, I want to kinda defend him.


    In the audition, he was the exact same as he was on the show.  He was incredibly loud, he was the only male contestant wearing a golf shirt, and he was pretty obnoxious.  He was also probably the least impressive player in the room, though he played quite well on the actual show so kudos to JOSH! for that.


    Anyways, Maggie Speak, the main contestant coordinator, just ate it up.  She loved him.  She commented how he was the only one she has met that's even louder than she is.  Since his loud, obnoxious, under-dressed shtick is what got him on the show, you really can't blame him for sticking with it.  This one is on Maggie.

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