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Posts posted by Polaris

  1. I haven't been watching for a couple of months but the news about AZ grabbed my attention.  Why did they let Shawn go when they built the whole show around his character? They're still milking Daniel over a year later!

    I swear, I wish they could all just leave and stick it to that arrogant Corday.  I'd love to see Days on another network with decent writers for once.

    Nicole might be in the midst of a bad storyline, but her absence will eventually leave a big hole.  They had better lure a vet with some talent back if they want to bring some life back to this show.

  2. A now-defunct YouTube channel had a video of Marlena's first meeting with Stefano and I saved it because it was so good.  That was when Days was exciting and Joe made it a lot of fun to watch.  Who could forget all of the action scenes with Wayne Northrup and Deidre Hall? I didn't get to watch in the 80s so this YouTuber's videos showed me how great Days truly was when Stefano was written well.

    He and Lauren Koslow had some magic together too and the years she was married to Stefano were some of my favorites.

    RIP, Joe.  I also feel bad he didn't have more time with his family after retirement.  

    • Love 8
  3. They had better not kill off Adrienne.  This reminds me of the Funky Winkerbean comic where they had Lisa die from breast cancer.  That sure made for some nice light entertainment.  I don't know why Days can't give us a decent, happy storyline!

    • Love 5
  4. They royally screwed up Deimos.  He's all over the place.  Pick a side, already! I can't consider him a gray character because he's done some truly evil deeds that seem to be quickly forgotten.

    Nicole is driving me nuts lately.  She's so whiny and pathetic and I know this is neither here nor there, but looking at her roots is so distracting.  Could they give that woman a decent hairstyle for a change? She's had bad styles for the last five years.  She had nice hair before.  I don't get it.

    It would really help if they softened the looks of some of the characters.  How about doing a dewy, more natural look on Jennifer? If she lost that black liner, she'd look so much nicer.  A deep conditioning and some shine spray wouldn't hurt either.  And Abby is in dire need of brow pencil.  Sorry for the cattiness.

    I don't see how they will get Hope off by using Stefano's terminal illness as an excuse.  But this is Days and anything goes.  Hattie is great.  I liked her better when she was nuttier, but I'm enjoying her nonetheless.

    I really hate where they're going to take Adrienne.  I like Judi Evans and don't want her to go and would rather skip watching a painful storyline.  Could we have some real happiness, please?

    • Love 7
  5. I know I'm quick to judge and perhaps will regret it once Valerie's secret comes out, but I've had it with Theo.  He can take a long walk off a short pier at this point and take that bubblehead Claire with him.  You know it's bad when I prefer scenes with Ciara to ones with those two.

    I'm loving Valerie and Abe.  They make such a nice pair and deserve screen time.  I hope they won't turn her into a villain and will give Abe a real story.  I never understood why he was backburnered.  He was more active in the 90s if I recall correctly.  The vets are still the strength of the show, IMO, except for Julie.

    Julie really needs to be put into a dunk tank while Gabi is given an endless supply of giant balls to hit the target with.  Why is Julie on so much now? Someone shoot her in the rear with a tranquilizer dart!

    Abby is still not bothering me.  If she starts acting entitled and goes around slapping people, then it will be a different story, but for now, I think just the absence of Kate Mansi makes this new girl OK in my book. Anything but Kate!

    This was a screenshot of Kate in the Lifetime movie "Unwanted Guest".  She's still working the goofy and smug combo.


    • Love 6
  6. I've decided not to watch Theresa's exit.  I'd rather live in la-la land and pretend she's just off the canvas for awhile like John.  And I can't afford any tears because my eyes already burn from blepharitis (and Patsy Pease's hair color).  

    Chad's speech about Stefano might have moved me had it been about anyone other than Salem's own demon. I am sick of Hope and would like a two-year break from the character, but I don't feel bad about Stefano for one second.  That would be like asking me to pity Charles Manson, for Pete's sake.

    • Love 4
  7. 24 minutes ago, Revlonred said:

    And Kim and Shane aren't selling it at all.  (Still love them though! Must say that because I do.)

    This is probably going to be a very unpopular opinion, but I've been snorting with laughter every time Kim is on.  Her facial expressions are hilarious and what they've done to her hair doesn't help.  She looks like she's playing Lucille Ball in a Lifetime movie.

    I haven't seen today's show yet but don't know how I'll keep watching without Theresa.  There are very few root-able characters left.  I don't even like Nicole anymore because she's back to being pathetic.  For awhile there she was great but Deimos has changed her.  And for that matter, they ruined Deimos too.

    One thing I will say is NuAbby is not getting on my nerves yet because she's not Kate Mansi.  I wish they would have made NuAbby a little bit psycho and had her return from the "dead" like Kimberly from Melrose Place. Then she could have played it like she was sane but started doing all sorts of nefarious things behind everyone's backs.  Man, it's sad when my standard for good soaps is Melrose Place.

    • Love 5
  8. 8 hours ago, boes said:

    I'm out.  I'll put up with a lot, but I can't watch this shitty Theresa exit storyline AND the return of Abigail.  Life is too short.

    I'll keep an eye on the Board and I wish you all well.

    No, don't go! I need my Boes snark.  Then again, I had to force myself to watch yesterday's episode so who knows how long I can hang in there.

    I have blepharitis and have to use a warm mask on my eyes.  It helps to have something to listen to while doing it, so sometimes I put Days on while I'm lying there.  It really doesn't matter that I can't see anything and the dialogue lulls me into a good sleep.

    • Love 2
  9. I could have really done without the stupid Three's Company-esque skit they inserted with Chad and his dopey investors.  Unless you're John Ritter, it's not funny.

    And hooray (not) for Laura's incompetence.  She left the barn door open and Mrs. Ed escaped.  I can't tell you how much I'm dreading the arrival of that shrew.  Gabi and Chad are cool.  Why not leave it at that? JJ can take a hike.  He bores me along with his zombie mother.  Can you tell I'm not in a charitable mood this evening? 

    • Love 7
  10. 4 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

    More November 14

    Monday, November 14, 2016
    Abigail is discovered! 

    November 14 is my birthday.  That is just not nice to bring that awful character back on someone's birthday.

    What has all this Gabi/Chad crap been for anyway? Was it just filler until Chad's one true love returned? One more reason not to tune in anymore.

    • Love 3
  11. Boes, your last post cracked me up so much! Thanks for a much-needed laugh.

    Well, once again they ruined their shot with an interesting villain.  They have a character whose history goes way back and he offs himself with liquid Xanax or whatever it was.  What? They could have brought him in differently minus the hick and psycho and used him to insidiously torment his Salem victims.  What was the point of having him wreak some havoc and just die at the end? They desperately need a decent villain on Days and I think Orpheus could have been great for the part.

    I'm so sick of Jen's face.  She always looks like she needs to eat a bowl of prunes or something.  Could they give her one happy moment? Just one? I only want that so she'll make a different facial expression.

    • Love 4
  12. They really blew it with Orpheus.  They could have used him like a more realistic Stefano where he suddenly reappears and has no charges against him.  He could have worked in a subtle and insidious manner to torment some of the Salemites.  We need a good villain now that Victor seems to have disappeared and Deimos has been watered down.

    I'm thrilled to say goodbye to Clyde and Xander though.  I wish they'd killed off Clyde. 

    • Love 3
  13. 6 hours ago, lilly6 said:

    I have a hard time believing that people really take a soap opera that seriously, that there's a fanbase of a fictional couple that is that offended by a pretend murder to the extent that they resent the actor playing the part.  Hard to get my mind around that.

    I've never noticed any digs in Freddie's interviews, though I don't pay that much attention.

    I do think Freddie's acting has been a little bit "off."

    This place is a tiny corner of the internet where the Days fans are sane and coherent.  I doubt anyone here has threatened one of the actors with bodily harm because of something their character did.  The other ones out there can be terrifying.

    I never cared one way or the other about Wilson because I started regularly tuning in when their relationship was already in progress.  I did hate how they killed off Will though.  The Weston family was such a horrible addition to the show.

    • Love 3
  14. I'm probably the only one who feels this way, but I had no issue with Hope getting rid of that plague called Stefano and I wouldn't mind seeing her bump off Aiden.  I liked that character until they destroyed him beyond repair.  He needs to go.  

    I'm not much of a Hope fan, and if using her to off these tired characters gets rid of the excess weight, I'm OK with it.  If she'd like to try her hand at blowing away Clyde and Xander, that'd be fine too.

    • Love 4
  15. Chad is aligning himself with Salem's own version of Fiona Goode.  Does he really trust Kate that much? It seems like they're dumbing him down for this storyline.

    Theresa and Gabi were very enjoyable today.  I'm glad Gabi's thug brother finally got found out.  Too bad she won't tell the cops what he did.

    I love looking at Deimos and liked the character at first, but I don't understand what he's supposed to be now. They've given him this annoying oily personality where he's kissing everyone's rears and it doesn't suit him.

    • Love 6
  16. I really wanted Kayla to just burst out in a fit of anger and yell, "Why do we always have to deal with this ****? Why can't these villains stay dead already? It's always something!"

    I am sick and tired of watching them be sick and tired of everything.  Steve and Kayla deserve better.  I hope Orpheus fits Joey with cement shoes and throws him off the pier.

    • Love 5
  17. 46 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

    If they're planning on making Sonny one of Prictor's goons they need to stop. When I said I wanted him to go a little bit darker this isn't what I meant. If this is what they're trying to do I don't think I'm going to be able to take it seriously. 

    Me neither, especially when he's trying to be serious and keeps flashing these goofy little grins.  I couldn't even understand the Paul and Sonny/Brady and Sonny scenes yesterday.  It felt like it was just some crap filler they inserted at the last minute.  

    • Love 4
  18. 1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

    The terrible trio? What sort of disguises can be realistic?

    Maybe The Three Stooges are waiting for Halloween to put their plan into action.  Then they can dress up like convicts and nobody will notice! Dear heavens, please make this storyline go away.  Xander looks increasingly like a mouth-breathing hillbilly rather than the suave Kiriakis relative he was when he first showed up.

    When Hope was blabbering about the coverup to Rafe in that room, I said to myself, "Don't they ever worry that the room is bugged?" Lo and behold, there's Aiden with his recorder! Hope, if you need to talk about it, take Rafe into the bathroom and turn on the shower for Pete's sake! I think Tony Soprano did that once.

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