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Posts posted by boxerlove

  1. The United States Air Force Academy PREPATORY School.

    If the student is not accepted into the actual Air Force Academy, they can complete the prep school and receive letters of recommendation to help them get into the Air Force Academy. He's technically an Airman (enlisted) in the Air Force Reserve while in the educational program as a cadet but receives like 30% of O-1 pay and is lucky enough to go through an abbreviated "boot camp" (only 18 days). I'm a veteran so I'm interested to see if Hunter actually progresses to the Academy. I'm also curious about what was the barrier for him to go straight into Academy. You get into the Prep school by applying for Academy but failing to make it through the admissions process yet still have potential.


    I'm very familiar w/ the service academies prep schools.  Many times the prep school is used as a way to red shirt the varsity athletes.   I have a son that is actively researching this route (he'll be red shirted any where he goes).   Anyway Hunter was a football player and a 2x state champion in wrestling.   This could be USAFA way of preparing him for collegiate wrestling or football.   Nevertheless I know several admirals and generals that started off at the prep schools, in fact most would recommend the route as an introduction into the military way of life.   Its a very structured environment, and not suited to everyone. 

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  2. BlackWidow nailed it.   R loves being the "mean girl", she thrives off manipulating K and the spiritual wives.   Its all a game to her, so if one leaves she has less players to mess with and she would lose in that respect.  


    I think Janelle and the older kids have been strongly advised to defend Robyn and her kids or else.   There was a threat of some sort (not physical).   K would deny tuition, money or access to other siblings.   I honestly believe that if one speaks out against the family narrative that K would cut them out of the family fold all together.  Time will tell how long that threat would hold water, cracks are starting to appear.    

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  3. In the situation with Addie, police are mandated reporters. CPS has been notified and for the child's sake they probably opened a case (at the very least, they have Leah on their radar).

    Jeremy could have been "advised" to work closer to home and take custody or the state would.

    • Love 9
  4. I assume you're referring to Hunter. The Prep School is high school and I believe Hunter will enter The Air Force Academy. Free room and board is provided along with a monthly stipend. They graduate as second lieutenants and are committed to a certain number of years in the AF.

    I read a bit about it and it takes a lot of hard work to get in - not your typical Brown fly by the seat of your pants "work". There's a stringent physical and medical exam component, as well as securing a referral to a congressman in your district. Roughly 1200 are accepted, and roughly 1000 of them will graduate.



    Slight correction, service academies prep schools are not high school.   All the students have high school diplomas already.   It literally is a prep school to prepare the student for the rigorous academic and physical training they will be receiving once they get to the service academy.   Very few public high school students have been adequately prepared to go straight to the service academy.  

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  5. I have several family members in the military. They all pay for Tricare, health insurance. It is deducted on their paycheck. Military life is not a cakewalk with free stuff thrown out you. Each service members pay via paycheck deductions. Deploying to a combat zone adds bonuses, but then again you might die, so that's the pay off.

    Jo should provide for his son. He is happy to let the stepfather do the work. IMO, Jo wants to be the fun weekend dad, and let Kail and Javi do the daily grind of child raising. Jo gives the appearance of a guy who spends his day playing video/computer games. He's pasty looking and sporting a dough boy physique.

    • Love 7
  6. Oh, the life insurance on Isaac and Lincoln is even more ridiculous a claim for Javi to throw out there. The military AUTOMATICALLY insures the kids for 10,000 each FOR FREE and has since November 2001. EVERYONE in the military with kids has this coverage, and it applies to stepchildren living in the home as well as bio and adopted kids. He can insure Karl's life for 100,000 for the cost of $5.00 a month. So, as with the Tricare coverage, SHUT IT JAVI! It's fucking free! Unless, of course, he never put Isaac into DEERS (Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System) - which I cannot see Karl allowing, since she was all about the benefits.

  7. Is it possible the "affair" was going on the summer prior to the September divorce, but it was private.   Robyn discovered the "affair" and la di da there is a divorce and legal marriage to Robyn.    Adoption excuse was just a cover up.    Six months later (March) Meri takes the "affair" public, but later finds out it was a catfish all along.  :(   I would even suspect of Robyn and Kendra of orchestrating the catfish snare that Meri fell into.   IMO, Robyn is mean like that. 

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  8. I stand alone in a corner on the topic of Chelsea-Adam-Cole and the Dad issue.   Adam has failed Aubree by not being the kind of dad she wanted/needed.   She clearly loves him, yet he can't even devote the four days a month he has with her to be with her.  Four days a month to be full on Dad.  That's it.   He hasn't, he can't, he won't.  


    Aubree has stated in her preschool age language skills, that she wants a dad.   Chelsea has never blocked Adam from stepping up and being a true parent to his little girl.  


    Cole came along and he was the dad type person Aubree was wanting.  Just in watching the show, I come away that Aubree and Chelsea are emotionally confused on how this all works.   Aubree has asked if she can call Cole dad.  Chelsea has stated twice (I think), she is not even sure if she'll let Aubree call Cole dad, since she does have a dad.   Quite frankly, I as a mom to three kids (2 grown adults, 1 teenager), I'm not even sure of the perfect answer to all this.   That's because there is no perfect way to handle such a situation.   Every action has a consequence, some good and some bad. 


    Chelsea wants her little girl happy.  She wants to give her the moon, which is normal.  All parents do.   But parenting is hard, and emotional, and complicated by feelings.  I feel for Chelsea, she has wanted/wants Adam to step up for Aubree.   If he had, this issue was be nonexistence.  Adam would be dad, Cole would be Cole.  


    All that said, yes I sincerely concur that Chelsea needs to ease back on the forcing of Cole "dad" role on Aubree and on Cole.  But Chelsea is young, this is her first and only child.  She will make mistakes, like all parents do.  Its not easy.  Parenting the emotions does not come with black or white answers.  This is why parenting  is the hardest job out there.  

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  9. If they were really "all about the children", then when they fled Utah, they would have gone to Montana.   That way the kids would be geographically close to David Sr and Kody.  

    • Love 6
  10. One other thing...They all talked about "Robyn passing" and losing the kids.   Is she terminally ill or something?   That would make for more sense, somewhat.   Then she had to talk about when Kody dies she'll make sure Christine and Janelle are cared for.   Geez!




  11. Question to the legal eagles out there.  Isn't it customary that the adopting parent(s) will have their finances gone over by the courts?   Home visits?   Kody is financially responsible to 14 other children, in the real world can he be financially responsible for 3 more?  

  12. It takes years to raise children.  It is not an overnight thing, it won't happen instantaneously.    You cannot judge parents until they turn out an end product (adult, not toddler, preschooler or even teen, but an actual adult). 

    • Love 5
  13. First time poster, long time viewer.   I'm shocked no one has mentioned Leah wanting to take away Corey's parental right to make medical decisions.   That is huge.   To request the courts to take away any parental rights of an father that is actively involved in the lives of his children is huge.   I found that one of the most shocking things Leah has done.   I expect all these Moms and Dads to disagree over money and visitation.  That's normal, that happens to all (or pretty much all) co-parents.  But to ask the courts to strip away a major parental right is shocking to me, especially from a dad like Corey.  

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