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Posts posted by VenusHalley

  1. In defense of Mame... people seem to have this weird affection about their biolgical mothers/parents. I volunteered in foster care, there would be kids with horrible mothers, but they would idealize them and even make up stories what they done with their mothers. Like I cooked something for them and they would say "My mom makes this food better"... but I knew for sure their mothers hardly bother to took or take care of their kids at all or they would say they been to Egypt with their mom, etc.


    Molly of cycle 16 was also having issues because she was adopted and people gave her shit about that, saying she was whining. Not sure how Mame was raised up, but judging by her tough exterior, it wasn't really ideal setting. She seems quite nice underneath it all though.



    I am happy for Nyle, because it makes him happy, eventhough this win means a little.



    What an underwhelming finale. But tbh, I never liked the finales, unless I liked both of girls. I enjoyed the finales in cycle 4, 6, 13, 15, 16, 17... otherwise, I didn't even watch them straight away, I just looked up the winner and watched it wayyy later. Antm finales seemed mostly so fillery. Hard to make a good story line with only two or three people (it was four this time, but nothing new was really revealed, their story lines had been told long ago... so it seemed pointless).



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  2. These photos were actually kinda nice, maybe not in modelling way, but it could be something seen as magazine, like a portrayed of a celebrity/successful person, I think.


    I did like their brought their moms, because we got to learn more about them and get the background stories I always enjoyed on ANTM. My big beef with the mixed cycles was that it become 95% romance focused. And c'mon, how long are these romances gonna last? They are just accelarated with the weird environment. Sorta like a volunteering workcamp, only with less altruistic and more dumb people.


    And I do enjoy seeing Tyra's mom. She brings something almost humane in Tyra. It makes me wonder what happened to Tyrant that she feels a need to put on this facade of batshit crazy tough bitch.


    Also, it seems Tyra's mom is the only photographer of her past who still wants to associate with her lol.

    • Love 6
  3. Tyra-Isms


    1. Smize

    2. Booty Tooch/Juicy Booch/

    3. Boom Boom Boom

    4. H2T

    5. Fierce-a-preneur

    6. Booch

    7. Beautytainer

    8. Flawsome

    9. Ty-Over

    10. TyTyTips

    11. Werk the Smirk

    12. Pot Ledom (Which is Top Model spelled backwards)


    I think Miss Jay came up with Slinky Ink.


    You know I would really like to see Tyra guest star on The Walking Dead, no explanation needed. Her last words will be "I'm dying while smizing".


    13. Boom boom wow

    14. Ty-ty chop

    15. Banksigns

    16. Fiercely real

    17. Fierc-a-gram

  4. I think Lacey's book, if it's a chickflick or young adult novel could be quite... good. As the genre goes. Just don't make it autobiography, but you have this naive and good chick in big mean world, she wants this and that, but she has her morals and needs to make choices... why not. I sometimes still read that stuff and the stories are simple... I think one reads it more of the entertaiming moments. At least I do. Some YA/Chick flick novels have quite hilarious moments. Not sure if Lacey would be capable of writing such thing though. Hard to judge.



    Also, I am happy for Nyle he got his app.






    I wish someone would give Kelly Cutrone an on air critique:


    What qualifies you to be a judge of beauty?

    Why do you always wear an unfashionable black smock?

    Why is your hair so long and stringy?

    Why do you have a flat, monotone voice?

    Why does your face resemble an unpleasant pasty white turtle?

    Why are you such a smug, hateful person?

    I'll be so glad when this show is over so I won't have to see her again (hopefully). I can't imagine why

    anyone hires her to do anything.



    Yeah, she is very very unpleasant. I mean, in the first cycle she appeared on, British invasion, two girls quit and one almost quit... And Kelly had to do directly with one of them.


    Sight, the first cycles seemed like fun fantasy and they didn't seem to torture the contestants so much. When watching it, I was thinking "hey, this seems like a fun thing to do". Meeting real celebs, going to cool events and places, amazing clothes and make up... But lately, I just feel sorry for the contestants... even if I don't like them. And I wonder why would somebody even want to participate in show which is likely going to ruin your hair for fun, humiliate and embarrass you, force give sexual energy with member of opposite sex you might not like, rattle on your insecurities, make you take bunch of over the top photos that you will not be able to put in your porfolio.


    So yeah, about time for it to end.

    • Love 2
  5. Devin should have been gone. I have no idea how he was ever signed on as a model for any agency, but I can see why he wasn't getting much work. I don't know who the hell told him that those faces he makes are a good thing because even when he's told not to do it, he keeps making them.

    The thing is he makes those stupid faces even when he speaks in the interviews... and to other people. It's so annoying and obnoxious. I been calling Deving "Ugly Face" the whole season. He seems to have too much mouth, noses and eyes on his face and his cheeks seem bit hollow. So even relaxed, his face seems off and when he does one of his expression it distorts to downright weird and cartoonish. Add his general obnoxiousness to it and he's kinda unbookable. Who would want that on a set?



    Didn't they do the same exact concept as a challenge last season? There is reason you don't shoot fashion shoots in total darkness with strong flashlight... the reason being it just does not work. I hate how lately the show has just being trying to make the shoots extremely uncomfortable, with too much going on, too difficult... and the results suck. The models aren't learning anything by this shit. 


    And really camping? I used to go camping a lot when younger, but we usually went to some place that was... nice. This was just weird.


    The challenge was interesting though. Although we didn't really need another of Tyra's made up words. I am bit worried about that woman. She is probably going to start another show, where she will speak in Tyra speak only. And plug in her boring make up line that is like every drug store make up out there only more expensive and with less options.

    But anyways, I don't really think Mike's idea was the best. I hope Nyle gets to make his app. Did I understand it correctly Mame wants to buy jewelry from women living in some poor places and market it? She was so frazzled, I didn't make out anything of her speech. And Lacey's book seems like any other young adult novel/chick flick out there. Devin acted like a fool on the set again. It was kinda scary.

    • Love 1
  6. Okaaaayyyyyyyy.


    So there was a looooooooong intro. Or it seemed so. And they just repeated lot of the footage we already seen. So very few new moments and some of them not really interesting.


    And ewwww, Bello again. So grating. I happily forget DMA... only to be reminded about it.


    Tyra is right they were LOUD, but to me that was never a good trait. Screaming like banchee does not make you interesting personality.


    Hah, the scene with the turned up makeovers.... I think that rainbow "dreckitude" would look more fierce than "model mullet". It could look funky and cool with some styling, but all the styling in the world will not help model mullet. After all, poor Eva was kicked out of the competition over looking not so good in it.


    Courtney cannot blab few designers? JUst names? I mean, I recently re-watched cycle 15 and they ratted on the girls for not knowing a particular designer and not knowing how to pronounce their names.... why didn't this come up earlier? In the beginning they would jump on her over this in the casting episode. It just shows it has become all about gimmicks and selfies on social media.


    Mikey..... get of Mame. So not cool :/


    Blah, what a snooze fest.

    • Love 1
  7. Well about time. It was starting to become underwhelming, the price package was shrinking... so by cycle 30 they would go to Idaho for their destination or something like that and the price would be "you will get to take your own selfies with the OPPO phone and upload them on tumblr and you will get to make your own VINE!".


    Everything has been done and I think the show burried itself with bringing the boys. Boys can't do exciting hair, make up and dresses, which was why I was watching the show. The "house drama" time is taken by girls falling for boys and vice versa, instead of random ridiculous but yet enteraiming shit and background stories. It seems they cut that back, so there is space for smooshing. The drama of mixing up the couples on challenges and photoshoots seems contrieved. But maybe it's cause I am gay girl who can appreciate men for their aesthetic value, as I would appreciate painting or statue in a museum.... and the men on the show are not that... interesting in this regard.

    • Love 2
  8. I'm posting from The Great Beyond because I died of second hand shame while watching that video. Tyra is horrible and I bet her makeup sucks.


    And women can reclaim their lives with a $59 startup fee plus $14.95 monthly fees? Niiiiice...where do I sign up?

    I actually found Devin likeable tonight esp. when he said "oh it really does work on all skin tones" or something. Heh.

    Kelly almost bursts into flames of lust whenever she talks to Nyle.

    I checked out her line last season and it honestly seemed very boring. Overpriced cosmetics with stupid names. That smack my fat lash mascara reminds me of Prodigy's "Smack my bitch up". But seriously, make up line with two shades of lipstick and few colors of eye make up? (I admit, I am sucker of cheap make-up from Asian markets in Prague and there is no color I would not put on besides maybe nude and tan, casue they are boring. Still... why not have more colors and stuff?).


    I am so annoyed Devin stayed. No serious company would want him to be making that stupid thing wiht his face in their commercial. It's not fashion. It's what kids make in kindergarden and teachers tell them "don't do it, or your face will stuck in that grimace". Well, looking at Devin, it CAN happen.


    The episode was mess overall. Jumping to pool as a challenge? At least the jumping challenge in Hawaii made sense. I am actually happy for Haddasah that they managed to get a shot of her before that dress-of-sabotage covered her face.


    I am actually starting to like Hadassah. She is kinda good looking. So is Mame. I am was worried Nyle would get the boot, but luckily he stays. Honestly out of this 6, I am happy with any of them winning, besides Devin.


    So Mikey has no girl? Hmmmmmmm. What a sleezebag. Last week he wanted to ditch the challenge and find a hotel to bang Ashley and now?


    The final video is horrible. The song is a mess, there is way too much going on. I am suprised Tyra didn't want to sing it herself.

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