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Posts posted by Ted

  1. Harry Bosch sold the rights to one of his cases to the movies (it's LA after all) and that's how he bought that nice house. Also, Royal Pains wasn't always so toothlesss -- didn't lovable guest star and Canadian (redundant) Tom Cavanaugh bite the dust? I do enjoy the comfort food of Royal Pains and miss the Blue Skies of Monk, Psych, Burn Notice (not that all shows didn't have a lot of deaths), but still. However, Royal Pains has for sure run out of ideas. Will Hank find love (no -- except it's the last season so yes); will Evan and Paige get together (yes, even though she's so out of his league it's like Roger Clemens pitching to Gary Coleman). Let's see, her father is a retired general and current U.S. Senator. They are Hamptons royalty (so her mother must be the one who is loaded). Evan is a motor mouth with a bad hairdo and a shaky job, whose father is an ex-con. I'd have broken both his legs the minute he got anywhere near my daughter. The stuff with Boris has way run its course. I like Jeremiah but his weird schtick ran thin a while ago. Divya -- good grief, make up your mind, get over yourself, make a decent decision for once. The show has been running on fumes since that hospital administrator decamped for Africa or wherever they sent her. Come back Jill!

  2. This business about how nobody wants to hire them is stupid or worse, boring. Holmes was always a private consulting detective. How about he becomes a private consulting detective? Watson was building up her own clients anyway. Putting aside the obvious, who wants to lay odds (100% say) that there will be some diabolical killer who baffles the NYPD and they will come crawling back for their help? Not for nothing but I thought they worked for free for the NYPD and Holmes paid Watson out of his trust fund?

  3. Effie has done what I thought was impossible -- she is making Jason look sympathetic. He didn't pick her or any of the crew. That's pretty unusual for the director to be working with total strangers. He is an awful person but he's also been put in the uncomfortable for anybody position that he's going to be totally responsible for whether the movie stinks and the only tool he has to get what he thinks he needs to protect the movie is well, to be a tool.

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