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The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that this "Chuck" was actually Metatron. I mean I don't know how they would pull that off, but the personality matches up way better with Metatron's than with Chuck. Plus, if Amara really WAS back on Earth, don't you think she would have at least wanted to see Dean?
To me, the thing is that he was a walking contradiction this episode. You can't emphasize how you provide a sandbox for everyone to have freewill AND also be a writer who writes their stories. Honestly he seems more like Metatron than Chuck this episode. If the show was currently smarter than it is, I would suspect that Chuck was not actually "God", but an impersonator. After all, he was once supposedly pretending to be a prophet. Also Gabriel was once the Trickster. Another possibility is that this "Chuck" is evil version of God from an alternative Universe that slipped through undetected with that one spear chick, or any time a doorway to another dimension was left open for any amount of time (example: that rift that was created when Jack was born wasn't monitored 24/7). I mean... that probably WON'T happen; they'll probably keep God evil. But just saying, there are options if they want to backpeddle.
Thank you for including season 7 in that. I am one of the few who loved the Leviathans.
Yeah, but Sam was clearly pissed and just reacting without thinking it through. You could say that he was acting in the... ...wait for it... HEEEEAAAT OF THE MOMENT!
Ok, before I read any other responses, let me just say: I LOVED that episode!! Misha was right, it was EPIC! First, I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was at the beginning with nobody being able to lie. Second, everyone's responses to the conclusion that they had to kill Jack made sense to their character. Cas wanting to protect him, Sam wanting to look for a way to save him, Dean making the hard choice that no one else wants to make about killing him. But what I loved most was that finally the show revealed Chuck's true colors to the Winchesters, and the audience. I've had Chuck written in the "villain" column ever since the whole "nobody likes a helicopter parent" excuses he gave Metatron for abandoning his creation. And for locking his sister away, and for like a million other things that were summed up nicely in this episode. Love how both Sam and Dean had their own way of confronting Chuck about it all, too. I sincerely hope that the Winchesters kill Chuck in the final season. In fact, bonus is they team up with Amara to do it.
As is tradition, I will be singing this to my dog at the start of the show: "Carry on my wayward pup They'll be treats when you are done Lay your floppy ears to rest Don't you whine no more"
Are they? Oh, I didn't realize that. I thought nephilim was like halfway between human and angel, power-wise. I guess that makes sense then.
Okay so a couple of additional thoughts: - I thought that Castiel was on team "re-populate Heaven with angels". I mean he's shown his concern with the state of Heaven for some time now. So other than her being power-hungry, what exactly was his problem with Duma? (I had to look her up on the wiki; she's been around since season 13??? I honestly thought this was her first appearance. Just goes to show how interchangeable the extras are on this show.) I mean yeah sure Jack was being manipulated but he was a) happy, b) safe from the Winchesters, which is what Castiel appeared to want, and c) being productive making angels, which was Heaven's main problem anyway, right? - IMO Dean did absolutely nothing wrong. In fact if I were Dean, right at the beginning of next episode I'd be like "what the hell Jack?! You AGREED to go in the box! You went willingly, of your own free will!" Yeah yeah "manipulation" and all that. But really other than the "we're working on a spell" part, they weren't lying about their reasons for putting Jack in the box. And they WERE discussing what to do about it afterwards.
And you know they're aware of it, too, because they made a point of Duma specifying that Jack's not God.
- started off with my eyes doing somersaults at all the Mary stuff. I know how important she is to the boys, but that doesn't meant she was important to me that I wanted to spend all this extra time on her even after the end of last episode. - then my eyes left their sockets and rolled into orbit when I saw hallucifer again. Can we not? Can we NOT do that? Can we please just go to school and take a class and earn a degree and become a guru in the fine art of NOT doing that? - But then DAMN... Jenson reminds me why I watch this show. That scene in the woods... Honestly both Jensen and Jared's acting outweighs any of the other elements that makes me want to stop watching. - I don't know why, but to me Jack actually comes off as much more natural being soulless. I kinda prefer him that way. - Was I trippin' or did anyone else hear a snap right when Castiel stabbed Duma? - OF COURSE the box that's supposed to hold literally anything can't hold back Jack. I knew that wasn't going to last long. - But I was surprisingly uncomfortable with how the boys manipulated Jack into getting into the box, and how Jack became increasingly scared as he lay there and called out for Sam & Dean. - But I did get a kick out of how the box got twice as wide to fit hallucifer in it with Jack. EDIT: Oh yeah and the wraith thing was like "Baby's First Fan Fiction" level of cringey.
Yeah I didn't understand what that line was implying, and it seemed to come right out of left field.
At this point I would hate it if they welcomed him back. But if he's going to be in next season, they'll probably take the laziest, tropiest way out and have something happen to Jack that gives him amnesia where he doesn't remember killing Mary, and resets his personality to marshmallow mode. And the boys feel responsible for taking care of him. I'd MUCH rather see him go fully unhinged, screaming at an imaginary Lucifer and going on a insanity-induced killing spree and needing to be put down or something like that.
I really really REALLY hope so! Because what we got was so anti-climactic.
Yeah I feel the same way. They can't let their precious tender marshmallow boy who just also happens to be the most powerful being in the Universe **eyeroll** turn evil!
LIKES: - the entire first part that grew in tension as the boys went from concerned to worried to panicked. - the boys really acted their hearts out with the grieving over Mary. - Sam and Dean having the conversation where they admitted to each other that they both suspected something was wrong with Jack, and that it wasn't just Cas. - Rowena. Always love me some Rowena. - It being confirmed that Mary is indeed in Heaven. Where she is staying. DISLIKES: - literally anything that implied that Mary was in any way a good mother. - Nicksifer as Jack's "subconscious" or whatever. DISAPPOINTED: - That something "horrible" wasn't brought back by Jack, but just a shell of Mary. It was heavily implied that there was going to be some Pet Semetary in my Supernatura and I got hypedl!! - I thought Rowena was tricking Jack and was actually creating a binding spell. You know how she does. LOVED: - the idea of Jack going full-dark. FINALLY! I wanna see it! Don't let me down show!!