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Posts posted by LexieBNYC

  1. Hey there. Longtime lurker here! 

    In case any of you are interested, James Franco was interviewed on WTF, Marc Maron's podcast last week. They spend a good 10 minutes on his time at GH. Some interesting tidbits: TPTB wanted him to create a character and write for the character, but he gave them complete artistic control. He then laughed and said "they named my character FRANCO! Original right?" He then goes on to say it was a great experience to learn all that dialogue and basically he taped all his scenes on three consecutive Fridays. He also poached his assistant Samantha from GH - she was the production assistant who helped him run lines when he was fresh off the redeye from NYC. Here's the kicker: he seems completely flabbergasted that they recast the role because he always understood that Franco was his character and always meant to be a one off. Like legit, what are they smoking flabbergasted (join the club, James!). He also said he still has fans come up to him, usually in airports, and ask when he's coming back to GH because they can't stand the guy who replaced him!!! 

    It's a great listen. And his movie The Disaster Artist is phenomenal. Saw it over the weekend.

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  2. 16 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

    I guess I'll sit alone at my table because there isn't any way for me to care less about Brooke and Bill together or breaking up. I cannot stand this pairing. I can't.

    Save me a seat! Long time lurker here. I greatly enjoy all of your posts but I can't abide my girl Brooke with that neanderthal Bill.   He is just such a misogynist asshole. There is nothing redeemable about his character. I hate him as much as y'all hate Ridge. The way he treats women who "get in his way", whether Hope, Amber or Sally is deplorable (Yup, if the B&B characters were real, I'll bet Bill voted happily for 45).  He doesn't love anyone but his ego.  Ridge is problematic yes, but at the end of the day I don't think he hates women the way Bill does.  He makes my skin crawl. If they killed him off tomorrow I'd be overjoyed.

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    At this point, I'm partial to the idea that she has met and been rescued by Jax.


    Speaking of the awesome Mr. Jacks...has he officially gotten sole custody of Joss?  I'm on the barge and am curious to know if Carly has mentioned her flesh and blood daughter in her only Corinthos kids matter to me crap...


    I seriously want Joss to come back SORAsed and ready to pull some of the same shit Carly pulled on Bobbie when she came to town.  Sleep with "Uncle Sonny" and generally make mommie dearest's life hell.

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  4. Hiya.  LexieBNYC here.  Been a longtime lurker who finally mustered up the cojones to post. I read the GH boards every day and you all are amazing. I've been on and off the barge for the last five years or so and have started paying a mortgage for my state room since they killed AJ.  That's what finally did me in.  That single act of stupidity got me to turn off the show for good.  I tuned back in briefly to watch Michael Quartermaine become a thing knowing eventually the tides would lead him back to the worst parents on TV.  S (I refuse to type his name) and Carly make the Lannisters on GOT look functional and normal. 


    Other things that destroyed my GH fandom:  Robin being relegated to an afterthought when she should be FRONT AND CENTER all the time as the deserving legacy character she is. What they've done to her is inexcusable. Michelle Stafford eating yet another show (maybe I can't get past that she's a Scientologist) and dragging my beloved Roger Howarth down with her.  Speaking of, did Frank and Ron even bother to remember that Franco was created as a grad student thesis project by James Franco?  Carly neglecting her daughter constantly.  The Jeromes.  Has Julian ever mentioned his deceased sister Olivia?  Or did they retcon that?  The horrible acting by pretty much all of the  twentysomething cast.  The neverending violence either with guns or threats.  Don't we have enough of that in the real world?  I could go on...thanks for reading.

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