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Posts posted by Daledg

  1. I have to agree..  She probably may have just tried out for fun the first few times and then finally realize that this is something that she probably wanted to do.  Don't get me wrong I'm sure she tried to study her second time around but probably didn't put as much effort as she thought she had to.  I don't understand why it "irks" you because there's nothing bad about the interview to me. It seemed very personal IMO and she seems quite intelligent like others have said. I'm still rooting for all the returning ones!! #teammaddy #teamkelsey #teamamy #teamemily 

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  2. Love Madeleine's hair how it is! Better than the pitch black doo she had last year for sure! 

    Wow.. Lindsey the beautiful tall blonde?!? I would've guessed her dance technique and legs were the key for making it.. Guess not?

    &&& oh here we go. Kelsey... She had made obvious changes or they wouldn't have taken her to TC. I honestly don't think she's a dumb girl but she was probably extremely nervous and it came across that way. We have no idea how nerve racking that situation can be. She may have been called into the office but I have faith in her that herself and Amy (if she's been called in too) can do it. Short legs or not... "Dumb girl" or not...  I don't think Charlotte would have allowed her to surpass finals if she didn't make a good impression on them during panels. *scary eyes*

    Emily... I'm just loving these make overs!!!!!!! And thank goodness she didn't sing again at finals this year lol

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  3. 2 minutes ago, SopranoKris said:

    Oh no!  I can't picture her with a bob, or blonde/red hair.  

    Just praying they kept her dark.. I feel like that is her "look"- dark hair and blue eyes! 

    Milain looks really good with that cherry cola hair.. I don't know if anyone has said this yet but she reminds me of Rachel from two seasons ago. Which is a great thing! 

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  4. 13 minutes ago, SopranoKris said:

    Regarding Kelsey and the low profile lately:  my assumption is that they did a drastic change to her look during make-overs so she can't really post pics without violating her non-disclosure agreement with MTT.  That's my theory and I'm sticking with it :)

    Oh my gosh.. What if they made her blonde or a RED!? Or chopped it all off!?

    And I think Tasha is gorgeous! She looks great considering she has a baby! 

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  5. 1 hour ago, 2134.dancer said:

    Is it just me, or is it a little odd that we haven't seen Kelsey in any pictures with her fellow AAIA TCCs?

    I don't think it's odd at all.. Maybe she is laying low for the sake of training camp. Plus this weekend was Father's Day so I'm sure she was with family and not too worried about spending Saturday night at the rustic in Dallas with TC candidates since she spends other every night with them at VR. We did see her in the picture with Sarah gourley and no cuts have been made. I wish I could've seen a picture of her in the fittings. 

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  6. I think it's bad that shebli's boyfriend is trying to throw other girls under the bus and making comments about a current Dcc or Kelsey for partying.. I haven't seen Kelsey post anything bad on social media or even her friends social media. It's always dance, AAIA or boyfriend stuff. She seems as if this audition process is making her grow up from what we have seen on the show in the past two years. I agree, taking whatever shebli's butt hurt boyfriend says, with a grain of salt. 

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  7. 50 Yard Line Kelsey showed her true colors at the end.  She walked away from the interview instead of handling it with grace.  K's big concern was being an ambassador risk.  I think that showed she made the right decision.  I really was hoping she could "wow" the judges and have a great interview this time.  I think it's pretty common knowledge that Jerry Jones is the owner & GM of the team.  I think if they had said "who owns the Cowboys?", she would have answered correctly.  Saying "general manager" threw her off.  However, you've got to be prepared to answer anything and think on your feet.


    I think you are a hundred percent correct. There are plenty of teams that have different GM's that are not the owner. That was the only question that they captured her messing up on.. I wonder if that was the only question and it just so happened that it was his daughter that asked it. I guarantee she knew who the owner was. But yes, saying "manager" threw her off. 

    She did look pretty this year though!

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