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Posts posted by iwadrade

  1. Has anyone seen this on Pickles and Hairspray. It's a story from a survivor of the Bill Gothard Quiverfull movement. It would be great if any of the Duggar kids could see this. I really hope if there is abuse still going on in the house that anyone that has seen something in the Duggar home will be inspired to speak out. 


    • Love 10
  2. The Wallers and their spouses are severely looks-challenged. Sadly, they can't make up for this with their intellect. 




    I'll show myself to the prayer closet. I certainly know the way. :D

    I can't even.... anyone notice how David is sitting? I don't think we have to say out loud that he looks super.....  I can hear him saying "Heyyyy!" Poor everyone in this strange conservative cult. 

    • Love 4
  3. What has always been so ironic to me is that the most vocal opponents of porn are also its largest consumers. Even Osama bin Laden's computer was found to be riddled wth porn

    Smuggs is definitely a cautionary tale against an uber-repressed upbringing! it doesn't work.. the more forbidden something is...the more people want to do it...

    Agree! People that don't have an issue with  porn do not have their computers filled with it. A site or two in their search history not THOUSANDS of saved videos. Josh's computer must be filled to the brim. Yikes!

    • Love 4
  4. I'll play devils advocate. Danica may have not felt traumatised by the event until some time had passed since the incident. Sex crimes can be very confusing since pleasure can be mixed with pain. I wish she did have a strong case so Josh would receive punishment for all the harm he has done to women. She could also just want the money as well. Either way, I don't feel bad for Joshy at all.

    • Love 10
  5. That is what was so odd about Jill's situation. First, they allowed themselves to be filmed at the shack, then...nothing for the birth episode, which portrayed Jill as acting as her own midwife, with Mechelle, Cathy, and Jana (?) as coaches. 


    What happened in the interim? Did they come back to assist Jessa, but chose to stay off camera (and off the phone)?


    I don't think we'll ever know the truth in either case. 



    My gut instinct is they had NO medical help with either birth until they went to the hospital. They are not being honest with the reason why. Remember when Anna had her baby at home bc she said she did not want a new doctor to deliver the baby. They had no plans of using these doctors or midwives at all until it's an emergency. I'm confused as always.

    • Love 1
  6. jillmdillard2 years ago I traveled to Nepal with my dad to meet the sweetest most caring and amazing man ever! @derickdillard
    I love you with all my ❤ babe! Leaving there and knowing I wasn't gonna get to see you for 60 days was so hard! Many nights I cried myself to sleep hugging your t-shirt! (Anyone who has been in a long distance relationship knows what I'm saying! ;-) So blessed to get to spend the rest of my forever with you mi amor! ❤


    Jills most recent Instagram post. She had to be away from Derrick for a whole 60 days after knowing him for about a week. It was tragic!!!!!!! They sound so damn spoiled, even though I know they didn't grow up in a wealthy home. People have to spend months away from their spouses in the armed services, or because they can only find work in another state. They are just gross.

    • Love 19
  7. Exactly!  Why do Bin and Jessa need a full night's sleep? 

    Agreed! What the heck. Mom does the feeding if she is breastfeeding during the night. Dad/partner gets some extra sleep while he can, so he can help out during the day and let the new mom nap. The Duggars are around babies all the time.

    It's not like a normal family where there are 25-35 years between babies being born. They haven't forgotten what to do with a newborn. Crazies! 


    P.S they do not work sooo many nap time opportunities to be had by all;)

    • Love 6
  8. My good friend just had a baby in a birth centre with midwives and started to bleed out after the birth. The midwives stabbed her with some sort of shot, and massaged her, and stitched her up from 2nd degree tear. No need for an abulance. I bet they did another free birth or whatever they are called. They are insane!!!!!!!! They take midwife courses and then they don't even use a damn midwife. They just figure that Michelle had 20 kids she'll know what to do. WTH is wrong with these people!!!!!!!!!????????

    • Love 5
  9. Payments are made by credit card. Make no mistake, that information is real.

    If the girl he hooked up with on AM had an abortion that he paid for? Totally waiting for this to come out.

    Yes, or possibly come out with a Grinder account as well:) Man all this suppressing everything has not worked out well for Joshy boy. 

    • Love 8
  10. How much shadier can these people get??? Josh WTF? Us heathens over here are not up to all this crazy stuff. We might be drinking beer and dancing, but we aren't signing up for affairs and molesting people. Unbelievable!!!!!! This man is messed up, what else can possibly come out about this guy? 

    • Love 14
  11. Here's what it's supposed to look like. And yes, Jesus wears a purple sash for some undetermined reason. Still a whole lotta WTFuckery going on here. 


    What in the flying hell is this? This looks like skits from my high school 15 years ago. They are stuck in a late 90's time warp! 

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