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Posts posted by smmoe1997

  1. I know this isn't TV, but Sarah, have you seen this? I got it from Book Riot's Today in Books newsletter.

    Publisher Claims To Know 1971 Plane Hijacker’s Identity

    There’s only one still unsolved skyjacking in U.S. history: The identity of “D.B. Cooper” the man who hijacked a 1971 flight and parachuted out with $200,000. Carl Laurin’s publishing firm announced they cracked the case with a “memoir detailing the confessions of a longtime friend who supposedly committed the crime: Walter R. Reca, a former military paratrooper and intelligence operative.” (If reading about when plane hijackings were routine is your thing, you’ll probably be interested in The Skies Belong to Us: Love and Terror in the Golden Age of Hijacking by Brendan I. Koerner)

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2018/05/17/a-new-d-b-cooper-suspect-yet-another-possible-identity-for-elusive-hijacker/?utm_campaign=Today in Books&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_term=.032c483a14f0

  2. I haven't had a chance to watch this one yet, but everything I hear made me go back and re-watch the Forensic Files episode about this case, which is available on Netflix. It's mainly focused on the poisonings. I've added this to my queue to watch.

  3. 1993 graduate here, my school didn't have Sadie Hawkins dances. I'm in St. Louis, so maybe it's a coastal thing? I don't remember hearing that any of the other schools in the area had it either.

    This episode does up the creep factor of Woody (ugh). Steve Gutenberg is excellent in this role.

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  4. Have you checked out the Nova episode that looks into the JFK assassination? I recently watched it on Netflix. 

    Cold Case JFK

    Nova: Season 40, Episode 22

    They think they prove the 2 bullets version of events. I'm a little fuzzy on the details at the moment, but it was an interesting watch.

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