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Posts posted by saltycheese

  1. Some random thoughts:

    1. Giada and Bobby are totally mailing it in. They hate this, and they've lost almost all of their authenticity. They don't even seem like they are listening to anyone. 

    2. Speaking from my own point of view (working New England mom; Ina/Martha obsessed), out of all of the contestants I would only watch shows with Addie (a young Martha) or Amy (home-cook busy mom) because that is what I aspire to be and/or can relate to. Of course I love Jason's personality but that won't translate into my actually watching his show. That said, I may watch a one hour holiday special of his -- like say the premise would be that he has to organize the church pot-luck after the Christmas pageant. I would love watching him interact with everyone, handling chaos, etc. 

    3. The way Giada takes those tiny little fake bites is so insulting that they should just keep the camera away from her during the tastings. Again, she HATES this. 

    • Love 5
  2. I still like Nick more than ever, and I am grateful for the few and far between moments where he is actually able to be as funny as I find him to be (the dressing room!). 

    Nevertheless, the "aww" moments are all gone for me now, and my emotions when I am watching Nick with anyone aside from Corinne are

    snooze, snooze, CRINGE, snooze, snooze,  snooze, CRINGE, snooze, snooze, snooze, etc. 

    The one thing that bugs me to the point of distraction about these hometown dates is that the homes almost always seem rented/fake to me. Something about the way the homes are painted and decorated makes me think that we are almost never seeing people in their actual homes. Try and convince me otherwise, though. 

    • Love 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Funny, I would think it would be the opposite - that it would have way more impact when she had all his attention rather than in the middle of him having to remember nine other conversations with nine other women. 

    Right - we are agreeing here. Technically she was on the group date when she showed it to him.

    I liked her in the beginning. Just not as much lately. 

    *Nevermind, we aren't agreeing. I disagree and think that the scrapbook would be a tool best saved for a group date (which is how she used it). She doesn't need the scrapbook on a solo date.  

    • Love 2
  4. Vanessa is beginning to bug me. It's like she's taking on a Head Sister Wife role, where all the younger sister wives complain to her when the husband is acting out and it's her role, as the wife with top status, to speak to him on behalf of all of them. 

    The scrapbook felt incredibly calculated. It makes sense that she'd save it for a group date, when she needed to make more of an impact. On a solo date, the scrapbook would have gotten lost in the shuffle. 

    • Love 5
  5. 4 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    I feel like I missed something with the Raven story. I don't remember the kicking the door down. I remember her saying she had a key so she just unlocked the door and then finding them in the bedroom. I assumed she just walked in because would they lock the bedroom door if the front door was already locked and he lives alone? Maybe when she says she kicked the door, she means that it was slightly ajar and she kicked it wide open.

    Not that she went all Hulk and broke down a locked door. Or maybe I'm wrong. And now I've just spent way too much time analyzing this story. What's interesting to me is that this supposedly all happened six months ago. I am always fascinated by these people a few months out of a relationship, coming on The Bachelor/Bachelorette, saying they're ready to marry this lead that at best they'll spend a few hours with.

    I was so taken aback by her story that I tried to convince myself that maybe she was describing a dream that she had after the cheating took place? 

  6. Some thoughts on Danielle:

    She is by far the prettiest gal on the show, but she and Nick really don't seem into each other so far.  Nick is pretty quick-witted, and he's most attractive to me when he's being funny and playing off of the person he's with. He's a real "yes, and..." guy -- which kind of showed when he was doing the break-up scenes. Danielle doesn't seem to bring that out in him. Now, she DID bring up a dead fiance, so that obviously dictated the tone of the date, BUT (and this may be a shitty question to ask) why did she bring up the dead fiance on the first date? She complained that the dead fiance has been a showstopper in past relationships, so why not hold off? It happened five years ago, she's obviously had a few relationships since -- does the dead fiance still have to define her? And, it probably doesn't help that she has a tiny, childlike voice and even speaks like a small, shy child might. When I watched her in her intro video, talking about taking care of those babies, I thought of my two year old daughter and the way she talks about all of her baby dolls. Danielle is very sweet, but far too simple and innocent for this show and/or format of dating. 

    But again, she has an extremely pretty face. 

  7. I saw a few episodes of Ben's season, I saw all of Andy the Navy doctor's season, and that is the extent of my Bachelor history. I'm looking at Nick with fresh eyes, and I definitely dig him so far. He seems smart and authentic. I also like how he cares enough and has the social skills/sophistication to diffuse some of the girls' awkwardness. I also think that he's one of the best looking bachelors that I've seen. 

    As for the women, I think that Vanessa and the whispering nurse seem like they might have a good chance with Nick. 

    Inexplicably, since watching the premiere, I've thought about that cucumber "snack" more than I've thought about any of the women. 

    • Love 5
  8. This all might make me sound very paranoid and conspiracy-theorist, and I'll preemptively extend my apologies if this post is going to waste anyone's time. I first began to feel this way after the Sound of Silence episode, and my feelings solidified after this episode. Here goes: Meredith's face looked like she had some work done over the winter recess (in real life), and I feel like getting beat up in the hospital bought the producers time to get her looking back to normal. She hasn't had any long scenes (post-recovery) with other people, and most of them are with the therapist (which could have easily been filmed later and inserted in). In the flashback scene where she was drinking with friends in her house, her mouth area looked especially like Jack Nicholson's Joker when he put on the tan foundation. I hate myself for even putting so much time into thinking about this. Also, I realize that they would have had to have booked Denzel way in advance (with a solid script) -- so I know that none of this can be right. Still, I wonder. . . 


    Did anyone else notice this? 

  9. I don't think it was odd, and I get why the firefighter understood her perfectly... They both rely on the traumatic (sometimes fatal) misfortune of others to make their money. They don't want people to be sick or be trapped in fires, but they have bills to pay and they need other people to go through terrible times in order for them to do that. 

    Maybe it was the delivery of the line that made me uncomfortable, IDK! 

  10. Did anyone else find it odd that Arizona compared fires to sick babies? She seemed to imply that she secretly hoped babies would continue to be sick so that she could make money. I liked the episode, overall, but I'm still thinking about that scene several days later.  I had expected the firefighter to give her a "HUH?! You're a psycho!" sort of a look but it didn't happen. 

  11. I think the question the producers/judges (because let's be realistic here, Bobby and Giada participate in the decision making process, but in no way dictate it) asked after seeing the three pretty darn good pilots is:


    "Would one of these guys would get scooped up by another network if we don't lock him in now, and would we be bothered by that?"


    I answered that question pretty quickly. And I think that made Eddie the easy choice from what seemed like a pretty hard choice.

    This is a great point. I could see Eddie on several networks (and not just talking about food). He's pretty dynamic and I think that FN was smart to "put a ring on it."

    • Love 3
  12. To me, it looked like she was grabbing his arm in a "brace yourself" moment because she was nervous. 

    Also, if you have the show DVRed, go back and look through Dom's "journey".  They show a shot from behind the vagina table of doom, and they show LBH's right hand reaching out in what appears to be a motion to put her hand on Bobby's leg.  I can't be the only one who noticed that.

    • Love 1
  13. I can't wait to see what they come up with for Dom's highlight reel. 


    Jay's pilot was fantastic. I think that he probably makes the judges laugh more than the rest of the contestants. He seems like a legitimately funny guy. 

    • Love 1
  14. It was very awkward - so much so that it seemed crazy - (to me). 


    What was crazy?  Everything she said had a grain of truth in it.  Arnold is a drag queen who undercooked shrimp.  Jay is very rehearsed and Dom has camera/stage fright.

  15. Emilia said that about Jay when she was doing her "stand-up" routine on the episode that got her eliminated.


    She went so far off the rails with that routine that I've convinced myself it was fake. She showed so much crazy there that I can't believe it wouldn't have come out in the audition process if it were, in fact, actual crazy. 

  16. I think that Eddie has the most potential. He's very attractive and personable and the FN needs to recognize and capitalize on that. Whether or not he does the stand- and-stir or the travel-and-taste can be decided later, regardless of whether or not he can be considered a "food authority." After all, we can't taste what is on tv.  I doubt I am the only longtime FN viewer who has pretty much reached my ceiling of what I can learn from the network and then feasibly apply in the kitchen. There are only so many minutes in an evening and spices in a cabinet that a full time working mom of three can manage, you know?

    • Love 3
  17. What a bizarre and pointless season. Just put all three of them on the same show. If all they are doing is traveling around then why not have them each find the best of whatever it is they represent in a new city each week. All three have charisma and get along well with each other. With regard to the travel and taste model, they're never going to be as good as Guy (not that I can stand him), but they're probably going to be better than Paula's sons (thank god I don't have to hear their trailer anymore with the larger Dean boy pronouncing food as, "fee-yood."

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