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Posts posted by Procrastinate

  1. Finding myself not even making it through one whole episode these days and just skipping through the particularly cringy manufactured parts. I think the show should be reduced to half an hour a week because there is so much filler in there.

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  2. On 14/08/2017 at 0:10 PM, iwasish said:

    Her family is  panicked because viewers thought the show boring.  I'm guessing they didn't bother watching a preview. Or maybe they did and  thought it was fascinating. 

    Viewers aren't stupid. All it tries to do is make is make the audience sympathise with Kylie because she can't live a "normal" life and it fails hard at that I have to say.

    • Love 1
  3. Things I learnt from this show:

    - Kylie has a very limited vocabulary

    - She is a narcissist 

    I think if this was the younger version of her doing the show, who actually had personality, it would be interesting, but for the most part it is quite dull. Also, all the Kardashians/Jenner seem to struggle to eat food properly to avoid messing up their makeup. It must take forever to eat.

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  4. On 11/04/2017 at 11:33 PM, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    She always comes across in her talking heads like someone just woke her up suddenly from a valium nap.

    It's a shame because before she did her whole makeover, she actually had quite a personality. I can't imagine the show would survive with just her, they'll definitely need some of the other family members on the side to stop us from going comatose from the sound of her voice. 

    I don't quite understand what her die hard fans see in her besides surgical enhancement and lots of money.

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  5. I remember on Snapchat, she said it was her "dream" to do this sort of thing as she was showing the calendar preview. These are some high aspirations indeed. However, I suppose I can't say much, she has more aspirations than me.....

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    It appears that Kylie is another step closer to becoming Kim. She's definitely edging more towards the nude photo shoots now.

    Her snapchat also had crude cupcakes with photos of her topless hugging Tyga. 

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  7. Did I really just see a commercial where this woman thinks she might be pregnant?! Is she insane? I don't regularly watch this show but have seen enough to know that they're all idiots, but do they think we're idiots too? Do they really think the viewers will fall for this bullshit?

    A pregnant 60 year old pimp, at least that might be an interesting spin off.


    Yeahhhh.....that scene was just so odd. It also sounded very scripted too. Perhaps Kris put that scene in there in an attempt to position herself to the audience as a young, hip, mother who still hasn't passed menopause. 


    I imagine most viewers of this show (actual die-hard fans of the Kardashians) don't have a critical eye of them unlike us, so they probably believe every word of that comes out of them.

  8. Yeah this episode was depressing. No one seems remotely happy at all, expect for perhaps the kids. Everyone's just looking at their phones half the time. Why do they even bother going on vacation...


    Kylie is getting more unpleasant by the minute. I think I am starting to like Tyga more than her. 

    • Love 4
  9. When TMZ reports it I'll believe it but not Radar. Radar is notorious for literally just making stuff up and posting random bullshit to grab attention. They've been accused a lot just in the last year along of blatant lying.


    That and Hollywood Life. They will say the most outlandish things to pass off as a story.

  10. Just watched this episode. It can be summed up as this:



    -Kylie's talking in a subdued and emotionless voice

    -More eating

    -Looking at phones

    -Kendall (understandably) feeling left out because Kylie ditched her for Tyga


    I always think that Kylie is very careful about what she says in front of the cameras. However, when she suddenly left Caitlyn at the racing track and told Kendall to "not fuck with her", it seemed like her real personality really showed right then. She seems like the "holier than thou type" unlike Kendall who seems much more approachable. 

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  11. "The VanityFair article....it literally killed me."

    Ummm no Kris, if it had, you wouldn't be sitting there.

    I guess Caitlyn is lacking a bit in the grammar/vocabulary issue. Or too polite to correct her.


    I swear, the Kardashians literally use the word "literally" incorrectly at least once per episode.

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  12. Exactly. She can't even come up with anything else she did, when the girls when young, just that she drove her daughters to school in one of her luxury vehicles. 


    I believe because it was the fact that she obviously stopped her parental duties very soon after. I actually think Kris Jenner demonstrates a better job of parenting than she does. I don't particularly see much of Kendall and Kylie with Caitlyn in photos.

  13. Oh..Tyga and Kylie...were friends. Just friends. Until her eighteenth bday party. How legal of them.


    Not even their TV show can make their lie look plausible. I like how she says "Tyga is one of the most selfless, nicest people" when she got that ferrari. Wasn't it actually she who bought it? 


    Kris Jenner has a lot of cognitive dissonance - she said her feelings don't matter anymore when talking to Caitlyn but then she says later to Kourtney and Kim that Caitlyn didn't show any empathy for her feelings.


    I think Caitlyn went through a personality transition as well as a gender transition, and I'm not really liking her new personality - "it's a woman's perogative to be late" - seriously? It sounds like something Kim would say.

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  14. Scott is just story line material for PMK


    Pretty much. She probably got acting lessons on how to cry so she could perform that D&M scene with Scott. She always tries to make herself seem so family-oriented and friendly on the show but I reckon it's the complete opposite behind closed doors.

    • Love 4
  15. While we are on the topic of Kylie and her style, do you guys think her revamped style has been frabricated purposely for shock value/publicity (mentored by her PR team and/or PMK) or do you think it's just a typical teenager trying to be edgy and also happened to hit the jackpot in terms of attracting attention and therefore money out of it.

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  16. Is anyone genuinely surprised? I'm not thrilled, but I'm not shocked. College isn't for everyone, and I respect people who go straight into the work force, but I think it could have been good for her. She quit school when she was like 15, because PMK taught her that booties make more money than brains. I think it would have been good for her to try to succeed at academics, where she would have to rely on herself.

    While that is certainly true and it would have been great to see a Kardashian succeed in ways other than their superficial business model, I can understand why no one bothers. Kylie literally makes millions off her own style and name I.e the lip kits, hair extensions, her app as do the other Kardashians.

    If I were in the same position as Kylie, I would probably take advantage of the Kardashian gravy train as opposed to having slave away at a college degree and be stuck doing the daily grind making money that pales in comparison to what being a Kardashian could earn. Although I probably may do a degree for interest.

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  17. I think Kylie knows that these photoshoots cause controversy. Just look at her Instagram. She went from some 10-20million followers to 40million followers in the span of about a year, and it's all because of the sexualised, blow-up lip photos she posts. If she kept her original image, she'd still probably be living in Kendall's shadow.

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  18. Does Caitlyn even care about this girl anymore? I remember in the earlier seasons she used to be really conservative and strict about a younger Kylie wearing makeup and having boys in her room but now her work is obviously done. At least Kris shows some signs of discipline in the show, although it is quite miniscule. 

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  19. Vile. Just totally vile. And she's getting raked over the coals for that wheelchair picture, so much that "Interview" had to issue an apology. I mean, even E News who is normally all about kissing Kardashian ass basically said before "what was she thinking? And what was the magazine thinking when the concept was brought up"?  They also put up on the screen bunch of nasty tweets directed to her. She's turning out to be the trashiest in the whole family.


    I personally don't find the wheelchair photo offensive; people are saying that she's "appropriating disabilities" which I disagree with. I don't see her as making fun of disabilities, but I  also don't understand the purpose of having the wheelchair there. People are blaming her for this but I can't imagine she was involved in the design of the shoot. However, in terms of the photoshoot itself, I don't think I've seen any of the Kardashians do shoots with weird bondage outfits. I think even Kim's nude photoshoots look better than this.

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  20. But the Kardashians/Jenners? Nothing. Ever.

    I have literally (and I hate using that word) NEVER heard a story of them helping or bringing attention to a worthy cause.

    I believe they visited Thailand (I think) and gave some people in an orphanage Kardashian Kids clothing on their show....if that counts. Oh and Kim wanted to adopt one of the kids there and add them as her latest accessory. Urgh.

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