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Posts posted by norm

  1. We have already reached 24 level ridiculousness.  "There's no time!  I've got no other choice then to rob the police station!"  Of course, there were about a million other choices he had.  Seeing as he knows exactly where Grimes is waiting for him, why not just meet him there without the money to get the flash drive back?  Or bring less than $2 million?  Is Grimes really going to sit there an count it all in the train station?  Give him the TV trope of stacks of one dollar bills with the $100 on top so he thinks it is more than it is?  You only have to fool him long enough to get the flash drive.  What, is Grimes going to kill Carter for double crossing him?  And wouldn't Carter be a lot better in a fight than Grimes if it gets to that?  How can Grimes call the terrorists and get his money while fist fighting with Carter.  What leverage does he have?  If he threatens to destroy the drive... that's exactly what Carter wants!  And Carter has a gun.  Don't know if Grimes has one.  What if Carter just does the greater good thing and just takes out Grimes.  You know Jack Bauer wouldn't hesitate.  

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  2. On 7/27/2016 at 11:30 AM, CheshireCat said:

    Wasn't that only part of it? Dalton also said that he wanted her advice foreign and domestic. To me it came across as much more than wanting her help in winning the election. I think it also tied back a little to why he wanted her to become Sec of State in the first place - because she is the out of the box thinker and she's providing a completely different view because she is not a life-long politician and the way I understood it is that that is why he wants her as VP, so he has "access" to that point of view in all areas and not just on foreign policy. And no matter how the position is viewed in regards to importance, I think from Dalton's point of view, VP is one step up for her in regards to executive power. (And on a side note, the VP might mean very little in regards to the election but the media is currently not acting like that's the case - and not only the US media)

    So, in regards to the show, I think that Dalton wants her with him on the campaign trail is a valid reason because it's about perception not actuality. And the VP choice seems to be perceived as important. At least, it seems to matter.

    I think we are forgetting the context of the show in terms of the VP pick.  In the world of the show, Elizabeth McCord would probably be one of the most high profile and popular secretary of states ever.  In show world, she has dealt with Iran, Cuba, Russia, not to mention all the small crises she has handled.  She was almost assassinated/killed on multiple occasions.  She helped uncover the former secretary of state conspiracy plot.  She was even "acting President" for a day!  She would be in the news all the time and extremely popular.  It makes total sense that she would be a popular choice for the VP slot, and yes, she would pop up on a lot of lists as a future presidential candidate if she had that ambition in the show world.   

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  3. OK, here is the transcript:

    Squatter: Honestly, we were surprised you rented the house to us, especially when you saw our credit report.

    Jessica: Fffft! Credit checks are fluff! This is my credit check My gut.

    So the squatter says that she saw their credit report.  But I agree with everyone else about how that makes no sense that she would still consider them perfect tenants and rent to them.  

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  4. In defense of Jessica, in the episode she DID get a security deposit and first month's rent.  It's just that the check bounced.  And she DID run a credit check on the couple.  The couple say how surprised they are she rented to them after running their credit, to which Jessica replies that credit checks are fluff.  So Jessica did know the right things to do, she just overvalued her "gut" in deciding on the tenants rather than cold hard facts.  

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