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Posts posted by robertorv

  1. I thought Steve came across like a bit of a jerk in his final speech. I much prefered the one I heard him practicing on the live feeds.

    They really need to do something about part 3 of the final HOH. That is a really shitty way for such a great player like Van to have lost.

    Congrats to Liz on her second place finish. The twin twist was my favorite thing about this season!

    • Love 5
  2. Does the jury not find out about JMac having been evicted until he shows up at the jury roundtable with DR Will (or whoever is doing it this year)? If that is the case, I hope that does not mean that they dont get to see the F4 HOH. I need them to see how lame that HOH win by Steve was with his 601 seconds guess.

    I know that they got to see his F6 HOH win, but it does not appear that they showed the jury that JMac blatantly threw it to him. That was not just a dr claim by JMac, you could actually see JMac having completed the puzzle.. minus one obvious piece that he held off on so Steve could catch up and win.

    Add those two to his DE HOH win that he tried to throw but won by accident...and Steve has had some seriously ugly HOH wins.

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  3. I remember Cody last year around this time being on HOH room lockdown as the second part of the final HOH was being played. He was so restless up there he was losing his mind. Lots of talking to himself...the thing you could clearly make out was that he was counting jury votes and he knew there was no way that he was going to beat Derrick. A few days later Cody wins the HOH and takes Derrick anyways.

    I bring this up because I was reading on Jokers about a conversation from earlier tonight between Steve and Liz where they were acknowledging to each other that they cant beat Van in the jury vote. They didnt come out and actually say it in those words but it was obvious what they meant. I just hope we dont get a repeat from last year. I Know that Steve privately fantasizes about telling Van to get to stepping...but in the moment of truth will he have the guts to do it? And what about Liz (the one I am rooting for)...now that I know that she knows that she cant be Van, Im going to be so disapointed if she wins HOH and picks Van anyways.

    Im not sure how much I trust them to do the right thing. I almost hope that Van wins HOH and then that way she picks one (hopefully Liz) to take to their inevitable second place finish. I would rather see that over seeing one of them become this years Cody.

    • Love 4
  4. Count me in with the people that hate pt 3 of the final hoh. Its so stupid!

    Id be shocked if Van doesnt take Liz to F2 if Van wins F3. Last night Van was telling Liz that getting Julia to tell her she was a twin, and then making her alliances with the twins was her best move in the game. She is right about that. And I believe that she believes it. I think that is a big part of the story she plans to sell the jury...all about how she saw an opportunity where everyone else saw a threat. Its a nice story to tell but it loses a lot of its impact if she wins final HOH and then picks Steve for F2.

  5. I agree with the people that think that Austin leaving is what is best for Liz. Im rooting for Liz! I used to think her winning F3 and taking Steve was her best chance at the 500k...but if Steve is seen as the reason Van gets evicted...he might be unbeatable now. I guess she would have to take her chances with JMac.

    I know this is going to sound kinda silly...but the both times they have shown the jury seeing a clip of Liz winning an HOH, the jury have this look of disgust on their faces. Its like they are biting their tongues and trying hard to keep themselves from saying what they are thinking. There is just this part of me that thinks that they are not going to give it to her no matter what the hell she does. And even though Im a Liz fan, I know that she is largely to blame if the jury does not like her...she should have spent more time with those people. Her best chance might be with getting Meg and James vote if she is up against Steve.

    So now I think I have just confused myself. I cant decide if she is better off picking JMac or Steve if she wins F3. Im guessing she has zero chance against Van so Im not even bringing that one up.

    Anyways she has to get there first and then win it. Also second place would not suck too much.

  6. Im shocked that news of the eviction has not leaked!

    If it was Austin, then this would be the second year in a row that the most hated HG of the year gets kicked out on a taped eviction night. Im guessing to an audience full of CBS employees. Funny to think that when a evicted HG would get a big audience response upon eviction, Austin was always quick to say that CBS must have told the studio audience to fake enthusiasm...and yet that was never true. UNTIL LAST NIGHT! The day of HIS eviction!

  7. I dont get why CBS is taking down the feeds for so long. The info of who gets evicted will probably leak minutes after it happens.

    Another thing I dont get is why Van feels the need to blindside Austin/Liz. Since when does she care about making good tv? My guess is more like she is afraid that Austin will be able to talk her out of it. Its like she doesnt trust herself when it comes to him. Blindsiding Liz could come back to bite her!

  8. Maybe Im crazy but I would be terrified of going against JMac in a F2. The jury loves him. He has 4 POV wins. And also he has the coolest story to tell...it was me against the 5-person alliance that dominated the game, and against all odds I made it all the way to F2!

    He would just have to drop the Bobcat Goldthwait schtick for a minute and properly articulate his story to the jury.

    Liz looks so cute with that wig. Thanks for the pic.

    • Love 2
  9. The person that takes out Vanessa is pretty much guaranteed the 500k. A few weeks ago Jmac said: "Whoever Gets Her Eviction Is A God." To max the amount of street cred you'd get, you have to do it at F5 or F4. Of course, this is all a hell of a lot easier said than done ... not only would you have to win HOH and then get her up and get her out, but then you would HAVE to win your way to F2 since nobody is going to want to take the person who holds the ultimate Drop The Mic moment in their back pocket.

    • Love 3
  10. I know its only Tuesday and things can change, but if things stay the same and Julia gets evicted ... The thing I will look forward to is the cbs show segment of her arriving to the jury house. I am expecting SHOCKED reactions. I think if you were to give each member of the jury a pen and paper, and asked them each to write down their order of most likely to least likely person to next walk through the jury house doors ... I think every last one of them would choose Julia as their dead last least likely.

  11. Austin's worst nightmare would be audience indifference. Like if his Jokers poll rating for the season averaged him out to being number 8 or 9 ... THAT would be hell for him! Sure he clearly wants/thinks he is LOVED ... but it wont take long for his delusional mind to see this as an opportunity for his wrestling career as a hated bad guy. When he sees that he is dead last in Jokers poll he will think to himself:"wow, people are so passionate about me. I really made an impact."

    • Love 8
  12. I'm totally biased because I'm rooting for the twins ... but I really do think that it's in Steve's best interest to vote out Austin. I'm looking at it mostly from a jury management standpoint. If he votes out Liz, she and Julia would NEVER vote for him to win the game. And they would probably have no trouble convincing Austin to not vote for Steve as well. He would be starting with 3 Votes against him before the voting even starts! Steve is better off letting Van or Jmac be the bad guys. 



    If the twins survive this week .. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for the HOH to be the Chicken Wire comp since they would both have a good chance. Hopefully Julia wins it .. leaving Liz available to play in the next HOH.

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  13. Im among a very, veeeery Small group of people rooting for the twins. I should be happy with the results of tonights DE ... but Im not! They made two big mistakes (Liz winning HoH over JUlia and voting out James over Jmac) that I think has put them in big trouble. Outside of a miracle Julia HOH win ... my best hope is for a twin to win POV and then have Austin get voted out!

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  14. Wasnt it Austin who talked Vanessa out of the ideal that this was going to be a DE? Crazy to think that could be the reason that he or Liz go to jury tonight. Im pretty sure Van wants James gone next ... but she may be thinking she has time (that she doesnt actually have thanks to DE) to talk John/Steve into targeting James. Had Van remained convinced that tonight was a DE, she would have already talked John/Steve into targeting James for DE. If Austin/Liz get evicted tonight thanks to John/Steve, Austin may be inadvertently to blame.

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  15. The twins would be making a big mistake taking austin over vanessa to f3/f2. They cant win against austin since the jury know that he did all the talking for them and as a result they have no respect for the twins game. The twins best chance of winning (against anyone other than themselves) is against vanessa facing a bitter jury. I still think van would win, but the twins would have a chance against her and zero chance against austin. I dont see vanessa getting to f2 with any combination that includes jmac or james ..... I only see her getting to f2 and getting the win via freaks and geeks.

    • Love 4
  16. If they get Austin out next ... then what we have is a 6 against 6 situation. Sure Jason, Meg and James would team up with Shelli, Clay and Vanessa ... but there would be a clear divide between that group. Jason's side would have Jackie, Becky and JMac on their side. Shelli's side would have the Twins and Steve. The thing is that I kinda get the feeling that Jason (the smartest one of the 12) is the only one that really understands that. It's no coincidence that the players Jason wants out after Austin are Steve and the Twins. Shelli's side should go after Becky. That might sound kinda random, but she's the only thing connecting JMac to Jason's side of the house. 

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