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  1. AGREED!!! Not to mention I'm sure these professional photo shoots aren't cheap....although the Bates family ends up needing those "Oh Baby" balloons pretty much every month so they probably recycle those....
  2. Two sisters are now pregnant, Erin must be losing her mind with jealousy.....her announcement will be soon, just wait....::eye roll::
  3. Aylssa posted yet another video on insta of her girls "Homeschooling" AKA plunked in front of an ipad w/headphones and she got a lot of heat from the comments about all the screen time. Well, guess what her next insta story was? Lexi and Allie sitting at desks with actual pencils in their hands practicing their letters. Guess she didn't like all those negative comments.....
  4. I don't know why I torture myself by clicking on Alyssa's insta stories cuz most of the time they just annoy me, but she just posted a story showing Zoe sitting on a beanbag watching a video. She captioned it by saying "I could watch her homeschool all day long!!" Ok, so first of all, Zoe is watching a video, Alyssa is not actually teaching her anything and the video is trying to teach the letter "G" and I imagine Zoe would be repeating the letter, but she keeps pointing at the screen saying "That's my Daddy!" No idea why she thinks the letter G resembles John but no correction at all from Alyssa. I think Alyssa thought she was being cute and she IS cute but you would think Alyssa would correct her and say "That's the letter G, not Daddy, silly!"
  5. I didn't watch their Youtube video but I did scroll through Alyssa's insta story where she answered questions. Someone asked what is her biggest parenting challenge and she said she struggles with keeping her patience with the girls. I was surprised to hear that given ALL the Bates girls go on and on and on and on how wonderful motherhood, they LOVE every single minute, never have a bad day, blah blah blah. So, VERY small props to Alyssa for actually keeping it real for once and saying she gets frustrated with her kids, which is 100% normal. Also, every time Alyssa says she "homeschools" I can't roll my eyes hard enough, she plunks them in front of an ipad with headphones and calls it homeschooling. What a joke.
  6. That damn family vacation has been splashed all over all of their social media EXCEPT Tori and Bobby...what is going on with those two?? Tori and Kade were definitely there but never saw Bobby once, could he have skipped it? And baby Willow is very cute but such a serious looking baby, they post a lot of pics of her and I don't think I've seen her smile once ....but she's adorable and Kelton and Josie seems legit happy so I'll give Willow a pass on her grumpy baby face lol!
  7. Gil's tears about the girls getting married annoy the shit out of me. This is his 17,000th daughter he's walked down the isle, you'd think he'd be somewhat over it and able to hold it together at this point. Although the tears could very well be for the cameras...who knows...yet Kelly doesn't even so much as sniffle.....
  8. You may be onto something about Erin. I remember the episode where Erin, Chad and a bunch of the family redecorated The Bates home while Gil and Kelly were away. Chad was tasked with hanging something on the wall and was attempting to clarify something from Erin, not sure the exact words but it appeared he kept asking "if you want it to hang this way then you have to do this...." and Erin kept interrupting him by saying "Just hang it" and he kept trying to question her and she finally stared at him right in the eyes and said, VERY firmly "Just hang IT" and he looked defeated and walked away. I'll never forget the look on her face....
  9. I don't recall when Bobby's parents tried to warn him about marriage, can someone give the scoop on what they said/did? Was it shown on the TV show or relayed by Bobby or Tori later?
  10. Agree 100% @cereality! The lack of any postings on social media alone screams volumes. Where is the obligatory "my hubby is the BEST husband in the world for **insert some random act that really isn't all that special like buying her a cup of coffee**" . You would think they would want to show off baby Kade, but nothing from either one of them. It's probably too much work for Tori. Maybe Bobby IS so miserable he can't bring himself to gush about Tori, even for social media.
  11. I feel so bad for Bobby. His life must suck living with Tori. He showed signs before the marriage (that stupid ribbon thing they had to weave for their wedding with Tori showing him how in the most condescending tone "YOU take THIS one, I take THIS one...." and Bobby getting annoyed "I GOT IT") Then after they got married, he was all full of snide remarks about her: Tori-"I'm such a bad cooker" Bobby "First of all the word is "CHEF" . Ha!! But I wonder what it's like for him to walk in the door after work everyday, does he dread coming home to her? Does her personality completely annoy him? Would love to know what his real, actual non fundie thoughts are. All the marrieds walk around in wedded bliss with those perma smiles, holding hands, etc but there has to be some semblance of a real, normal human inside him thinking this all seemed like a good idea at the time, when all I wanted was to get laid, now her very existence aggravates me.
  12. Alyssa posted recently on IG about babysitting her two nieces (they weren't anyone I recognized from the Bates side so I'm assuming they were John's side) and how it was so nice to go back to just three kids when they left. Also she posted about how much she loves drive-thrus saying how much work it is to get three little kids in and out of the car. Could she possibly be slowing down the baby train?? One can only hope....
  13. LOL at your story, @RebeccatheWriter!! And I agree, I would imagine these girls are used to having zero privacy, so they might adjust a little better than those of us that didn't grow up with so many siblings.
  14. Regarding the very real topic of these couples barely knowing each other before they get married, I've often wondered how uncomfortable or weird it must be to not only be alone FINALLY, but also sharing very intimate things. And I'm not just talking about sex, but what about simple things like one likes to go to bed early, the other doesn't, etc. Or how weird is it to change your clothes in front of your husband who you've never been alone with. Not to mention, and sorry for TMI, but what about, ahem, bodily functions? Do they burp and fart in front of each other, are they comfortable going Number 2 (sorry I had to go there lol!) ? Waking up with morning breath? What if one of them is a bad kisser? I know it's a weird thing to ponder, but I really wonder what that first morning is like with two people who are essentially strangers.
  15. I agree with others who point out that Brandon does seem somewhat passive about Michaela, to coin a phrase he just doesn't seem that into her. I can't stand Tori. I could not get over her behavior at her wedding shower, she could not have been more ungrateful and unappreciative. I feel like Bobby has massive regret about marrying her, but now he's stuck. Love that he's letting some snide remarks about Tori sneak in on air. I remember cracking up at one of their couch interviews right after they got married and Tori was saying what a bad "cooker" she was and Bobby was like "Well, first of all the word is "chef" not 'cooker". Ha!!! Great home schooling, Kelly Jo!
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