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Posts posted by thaliasghost

  1. Gunnar's storyline with this roadie/sound engineer (or whatever she is) is so pointless.  Why do they bother introducing these minor characters as someone's love interest, when we know it isn't going to last? She's not going to be a permanent character who's fully developed or interesting on her own, so they're just wasting time. Same with the various girlfriends Deacon had while he and Rayna were apart (the vet, the lawyer, etc.). 

    Every time I started to warm up to and get interested in one she was written out.

    I didn't even think of it as a "St. Jeff" picture -- partly because Oliver Hudson looked truly frightening in it. (Seriously, the grinning mugshot was the most unattractive image of Jeff Whoredom yet.) It was really only Layla who spoke glowingly of him. Even the idea of a tribute seemed a little bit for form's sake, to me. Luke was doing it because it was expected in or by the industry they're in, I think, not because of any genuine affection between them. I'm sure Juliette's stone-faced, affectless "He'll be missed" shocked no one whatsoever.

    Hahaha...Oliver Hudson is a very good looking man and he pulled off that slimy rich guy look too. But he didn't look anything like either Jeff or himself in that awful picture.

    It was contrived. Nobody would hold a tribute to their manager. A couple of people in the music business have lost somebody in the Paris attacks. Neither of them is holding such a tribute.

  2. I'm there too. I've really been enjoying the repeats on AXS but even those are tainted by knowing what comes later. The first season was soooo good, what happened? 


    I haven't reached the super boring stage and I still watch live, mainly for D/R though. But I agree the storylines totally lack depth - they've spread themselves so thin rather than focusing on their core characters and letting the others fill in around them. And many of the stories are drawn out beyond where they should have organically finished. We didn't need two episodes with Deacon and Scarlett in Natchez, we don't need almost a year of Juliette in this odd version of PPD, and while I'm eager to hear the girls sing, Maddie and her Mom have been fighting this battle about her wanting to sing on stage since the first season. Time to talk to you 16-year-old and work out a deal so you both get what you want.

    I don't even know what happened that it apparently got so bad that I'm done with the show because they killed Jeff and I hate what they are doing to Layla. That is how bad it got with me and the show. Both of them were just supposed to be random generic filler characters. They weren't even in the first season.

  3. Or they just have a combination of grief/wish-I-hadn't-outed-myself sex, and we end up with a Who's the Daddy storyline.  

    Not that Nashville hasn't become a full blown soap opera but the "Layla has to find out whether her unborn child is the last remnant from the love of her life or the child of her gay ex who tried to comfort her very physically"" surely get us there! (But they will hardly do the same storyline twice).


    I'm just annoyed at the writers and their "unexpected sources." Of course it will be Will.

  4. Is this your speculation, or has she said that somewhere publicly?


    It's my speculation. But this speaks of her getting support from "unexpected sources."


    Before I learned from spoilers that Jeff was gonna die, I figured they would have Marcus hit on Layla. So maybe now he will be comforting her. But knowing the Nashville team the "unexpected" source will be the obvious one we all expect to comfort her: Will. Peebles already spoke of them re-bonding and having more scenes together. It the least unexpected source though. He and Jeff were the only people Layla ever interacted with. That Rayna will be supportive and caring is a given. The only other truly unexpected source I can think of is Scarlett.




  5.  Still enjoying it, but will really miss Jeff.

    Who knew that THIS will be the last straw for me. I actually was mainly watching for the Jeff/Layla scenes in the past episode. Hoping for so much Rayna grappling with Jeff to come.


    You don't kill off everyone's favorite antagonist when he was the only one who really worked, who had great scenes with Rayna and Juliette and whom they had fleshed out and moved beyond the smarmy record exec. Also, I really liked Layla and grieving for Jeff is not going to be a good thing for character development.


    This was just stupid. Hudson wants off? Oh come on, he won't be too good now to play a couple of scenes every couple of episodes. Let Layla talk to him on the phone. Let them fight, break up, him going to L.A. anything but killing one of the characters who really made the show work off to be substituted by another bunch of random filling characters that nobody wants.

    • Love 5
  6. WARNING to the evil villains on Nashville: if you suddenly start becoming nicer and things start going your way, it's because the writers are about to kill you off. First Beverly, now Jeff.

    But here's the problem: every show like this needs an irredeemably evil villain whom the audience can boo and hiss, and who acts as a nemesis for our heroes. But nobody's left who can play that role. The only irredeemably evil character right now is Markus, and he's too new and frankly too childish to fulfill that role. He's like a two-year-old with his temper tantrums. It's hard to take him seriously.

    I actually really liked fleshing Jeff out into a character who has something  - someone - to lose and to deal with how Layla is changing him for the worse (abuse) and the better (falling in love)

    • Love 4
  7. In other words, we get rid of a great villain and one of the leads of the show.


    ... But  look at the positive aspect, we have Erin and Layla to fill out their screentime!!!

    Couldn't agree with that more. Jeff developed into one of the leads of the show as the antagonist and through Layla becoming an actual layered character that had you second guessing. They killed off the lead antagonist that people actually want to watch (I don't care to watch Layla fighting with Luke or Marcus) and just fill it up with more randos nobody cares for.


    This was just dumb in all aspects. Now what? Layla is going to grieve and be sad. She is not going to become stronger by becoming more independent from Jeff and leaving him or by staying with him and him and learning from it turning their relationship into something she gains knowledge from.


    How is her character developing now that for all intends and purposes the "love of her life" is gone? Now she is going to have to sing sad songs about Jeff for the rest of the show interspersed with Rayna and Will comforting her.

  8. I have to rant about the way this is all so unrealistict too. First, I didn't think the Layla/Jeff scenes were of the redeeming Jeff/cute couple this time. Why do they portray her as an overly enthusiastic puppy and him as....had me second guessing there. Really happy to have her jump into your arms? (Also, the Layla we first met would have never done that). I know, Layla (post character transplant) is emotional, but a little too much. Also, going from attacking him  - why didn't they sit down and talk about all this like rational adults in a committed relationship - to being aw, shucks, everything is jolly good, go secure that job so we can move in together in a second...


    They could have sold the same with a heartfelt conversation about his past mistakes, his possessiveness and how her not being dependent on him and him not being  in control (remember that contract and the abuse, writers?) is a good thing for their relationship and they can take it to the next step, he loves her bla.


    They really, really missed an opportunity there to backtrack on their shitty writing.


    The whole moving in was ridiculous because they ALREADY lived together. The writers should know this as they wrote it. Still don't know why she would live in the place where she tried to kill herself because of Jeff either. Anyway, they already lived together. There was also no need for any movers. Layla doesn't own any of the furniture in the house. All she would need to do is packing up a couple of boxes and suitcases with her stuff. Even if, are they going to put her furnitue in one of the 20 dozens guest rooms in his ginomous mansion? Were they going to have a Javery style "I'm keeping that chair" scene?


    I love to see Luke, Gabriella and Layla readily accept that Jeff killed himself in the next episode. It seemed the obvious step after needing a minute to then celebrate your new job and celebrate again with your girlfriend in bed.

    • Love 1
  9. How high was the building? Could he survive the fall and maybe this could be a cliffhanger?

    I had that idea too but Layla is grieving in the next episode. Oliver Hudson really wanted to leave a sinking ship.


    ETA: Just saw the promo for the next episode. Nope, Jeff is dead. They even have it in writing as a news item. They have LUKE comforting Layla. Really, writers??

    • Love 1
  10. What could have Jeff done that was so bad for someone to be mad enough to kill him?

    It's an accident. He's trying to keep Juliette from falling/jumping off a roof and ends up falling to his death. It's not speculation anymore, the spoilers confirmed it.

  11. Who dies? Guess betting money would be on Jeff if someone does die. But like thaliasghost, I took the fatal end promo as some sort of PR move-- and/or that maybe fatal end means something else (maybe stretching it, I know)-- like the end of the Javery marriage (though guess divorce couldn't be processed that fast) or the end of Jeff being Layla's agent? Since Jeff is a recurring character now, didn't see that, if he's not in the Episode 7, that meant anything..


    They definitely are going to kill off Jeff this episode. I am NOT happy with this. Nashville, you make me stop watching.

  12. Press release for episode 4.07 is out.




    I don't understand the shows obsession with introducing new characters nobody wants. Then again, they are taking away characters after introducing and developing them that people wanted to keep.



    - Deacon had a sponsor they just axed from the show for no good reason. Why are they introducing a new one. Once upon a time, Deacon used to be a musician and songwriter, why does he have to go and open up a bar?


    - Luke was one of those characters that I thought would disappear soon. Instead he became one of the main characters whom now gets his very own storylines to worry about instead of being a vehicle for the storylines of the other characters. However, I do like them keeping a net of characters interacting with each other. But...once upon a time Colt had a sister they seem to have forgotten about.


    - Didn't think Erin would stay for multiple episodes. I don't think they know what the hell to do with Gunnar. They introduced SO many love interests to interrupt the Scarlett story which were all so half baked - the whole Kylie story was just laughable - but it was even worse to have her and Micah disappear to be never mentioned again. They disappeared a whole lot of women after the stories seemed to work out somewhat. The only story that worked for me was Gunnar making it as a songwriter.


    - No Jeff. Is he dead?

  13. I find Maddie's lack of compassion for anyone other than Deacon (which has also been extinguished) quite grating. I also found her whining about Deacon and Rayna marrying quite unrealistic... Like so she found out that Deacon was her bio father and then,suddenly, was completely over Teddy? She's written very badly on the show.

    This always irked me. The way they went to insta-family and deep father daughter connection by the snip of a finger seemed extremely unrealistic to me.

    • Love 3
  14.  I just mean she's not really a mainstream star here, and most people would know her first as Johnny's daughter. But maybe I'm wrong. I'd like to be wrong!



    Oh, I was under the impression she was in the country music scene. Not the kind of popular Carre Underwood kind of star. But a very well respected alt. country music artist and it doesn't get more country royalty than having her family background.

  15. Oh yes! Loretta Lynn is great and a legend! Rosanne Cash is pretty cool too, but she's not super famous in her own right; it's more that her dad is Johnny Cash.

    I like Kelly Clarkson a lot, actually, though I don't really consider her a country singer. I'll admit I was secretly a little disappointed when she married Reba's son, but I think she's got more of a libertarian bent than straight conservative. She's not a liberal by any means and she loves her guns, but she's also a huge supporter of gay rights.

    I don't generally dislike celebrities for their politics alone, and I think they have as much a right to say what they think and not be ruined for it. But I don't like jerks or vicious mobs, and the way the Dixie Chicks were treated went way beyond political ideology. It was insanity, and I remember it so well that I do still side with them. I also like almost anyone who supported them. It's one reason John McCain remains a favorite of mine despite my disagreeing with a lot of his other political views.

    I love Rosanne Cash! I actually thought she managed to step out of her family's huge shadow quite well. Of course she didn't have to fight for a successful music career in any way. But didn't she just get some sort of recogintion award?


    Personally, I hate libertarians much more than Republicans so her comments still make my blood boil. I really want to enjoy her  but she made it onto my shit list.

  16. I do too.  But if this does happen it could turn out to be best for her career and her love life.  It was pretty obvious that even though she loves Jeff she knows he's not particularly worthy of it.

    I thought her last song was breathtakingly beautiful. But I also had to laugh about it how it is supposed to be about Jeff. The passion didn't quite fit the person. It would be really sadtif her initial growth as an artist and a person and the cause for her moderate success in changing her career round was due to the painful story with Will only to be repeated by becoming a success by getting over musically both the abuse from and the death of Jeff.

  17. Well, to be fair, she probably is to be championed for her strength and accomplishments. Regardless of her political ideology, she still made huge contributions to music and the music industry.

    If you're looking for more progressive women in country music, you'll want people like Dolly Parton, (I think) Martina McBride, Faith Hill, and Trisha Yearwood. Also, full disclosure, I love Miranda Lambert. If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.

    And certainly Loretta Lynn. Most people are really problematic, you like them for one thing and then they come out and say something awful about something else. Faith Hill is pretty interesting to me. She seems to be who Ranya is modeled on. She managed to have a big career and then "come out" as a Democrat.

    While other people...I really want to like Kelly Clarkson for example. I love it how she doesn't bow down to beauty standards but she has made such awful politically right wing comments that I just can't. She also happens to be Reba's mother in law. So maybe you are right.

    • Love 1
  18. I think so, but honestly, I have no idea what she thinks anymore. When the Dixie Chicks debacle happened, she made some cracks and gave some interviews about them being out of line...or being unAmerican...or something. I vaguely remember a snide joke at one of the award shows that year, though the details didn't stick with me. I'd been a huge Reba fan before that, but afterward, I stopped listening to her music or caring what she was up to.

    Oh, I somehow got the idea she was to be championed as a strong, feminist woman and a legend that gets to count in the "good country" that European music aficionados will accept, even though she doesn't really fit (the Wikco's, the Steve Earle's, the Lucinda Williams that are celebrated by critics in comparison to the Toby Keith's that are unknown in Europe). I really only know to songs by her though through playlists and I always felt that The Night the Lights went out was a little sexist.

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