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Posts posted by Hobo.PassingThru

  1. Time travel is crazy and this show was just crazy enough to bring it up and end the show with it happening.

    So, all the characters got a do-over and as far as we know, Syd and David and David's mother went on to better lives? The Time Traveler did not say that Cary/ Kerry would go onto greater lives but circumstance showed they might have lived better lives separately.

    Since Syd did seem to already have a second chance at her earlier life, will her reboot make it a third time around or are we to believe that Melanie and Oliver did raise her the second time?  It would seem like they didn't because she regained consciousness to pick up where she left off in her life and to lead to the final episodes' events. So, whatever the alt-childhood was it probably wasn't a Second Life? Does that sound plausible?

    I'll miss this show and it's great parts: the music, the actors, the performances, the direction, the stories, and the fight scenes-- as hilariously non-confrontational or shockingly violent.

    The show had a lot of visually beautiful segments and episodes, too

    • Love 2
  2. 3 hours ago, generate789 said:

    Yes. But also: it's exactly this sort of thing that I would have been all "IDK IT HAPPENED BECAUSE REASONS, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, BRAIN" if the ending hadn't been what the ending was. 

    Well, as I wrote earlier, season three's finale didn't work for me either. Just the deep effort the group made to find out where the castle was and how to get there combined with needing to find seven keys and also find out none of them were going to be used to unlock the main door. And then they are foiled by one of the group (not the most wrong thing-- Alice was not cooperating well since the niffen (sp?) thing) However, when the library/ Fogg contingent just popped up AND when newly minted goddess Julia spent all her power to remake the keys AND they still lost out after the quest....

    ugh. True, the peacock man who sent them on the quest told Elliot that quests can end messed up. And it still felt like I could see the writers making their choices to meet that desired ending.

    This season ended similarly with the "writer's fingerprints" showing as another poster wrote.

    I could turn my brain off and say whatever happens happens. But, those two jars were hot potatoes and they took their time tossing in the second one. So, suddenly super powerful Everett showed up to toss a knife screwing it all up in the lamest way[*}, not too far removed from Alice waiting until they were in that castle to screw up the keys. She could have hidden stolen or destroyed one key and that would have pushed the brakes on those Brakesbillians!

    I don't mind Anti-happily ever afters. But knowing it is just a cliffhanger to another season long arc is too discouraging. I don't care what happens next. And part of me feels like i could map out the most likely variations given the past two seasons.

    [* edit: If they had disposed of both jars into the seam and Everett unleashed some of that lake-full of magic on Quintin, Penny-23 and Alice, I would have accepted that. In part because it would make sense that next season's big bad would be God Everett and the other magicians would have all the reason in the world to avenge (haha) their friends and figure out how to do so short-handed. I wouldn't have "liked" that development but it seems more proper (?) than God Everett powering up only to never use that tonnage of juice he swallowed.]

    • Love 1
  3. One thing which I'm trying to figure out is if the multiple timelines was just a really bad idea or not. Obviously, it opens up the 'X Character is dead but... we can rebuild them' scenario.

    Also, making those four gods to be also librarians seems silly. I couldn't see Bacchus as in charge of anything, really. I did some digging to figure out what myths talk of dismembering a god or a creature and found one. It was one version of the  Bacchus myth. so, at 'the time, I thought: maybe having the Monster Elliot seek out the body parts will sort of make sense having precedence. But, nah. I gave up after they made the multiple stones body parts of the Monster's sister.

    Back to the multiple timelines playing a role here: it was good when the Magicians were getting clues to figure out their next moves-- like with Alice's version helping them. But, once they had Evil Quintin as the Beast and introduced Penny 23, negating Penny's death, it went the wrong direction, in my opinion. So, to have all of that lead up to this season and to have the conclusion to the season lead to another death which might not be undoable makes the lead up so much less tight, to me.

    It's like dropping the revelation that Quintin's specialty is fixing small things. Really? Once they revealed that it was obvious it would come back in play. Though, I thought they covered each character's specialty in the first season.

    The clever bits and innovations the writers laid out and which came to fruition in this episode just don't hold water, like a drained magical lake. How is it Alice and Quintin couldn't suck up more of that water but Everett could suck it all up and waste it by not really using it?  A lot of WTFs.

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  4. I don't know if knowing the Fillory books matters as much at this point in the story. But, that fiction within fiction that was based on the series of books seemed important early on. Though, I can't remember how important the books were for season 3. I want to say there's always been parts of the books that pops back up. Not just Fillory and all involving that, but, passages and curses and other stuff are known, better known through the books.

    I think.

    The thing is, I haven't  nor do I have  plans on reading the original Magicians books. I should not mind the  Magicians writer being open to manipulating   his works for money. uh. I mean, I should not mind that the writer is not married to his work and sees it as malleable. 

    I mean why not look at hours and days and months and years? of writing as resulting in silly putty. Do what you  want, readers and TV people! I got my checks!

    But, I liked the Chronicles of Narnia-esque Fillory skeleton for the Magicians story. The story within a story can be interesting to me.

    So maybe the Fillory stuff doesn't matter in the show anymore. Oh wait. It somehow still does because Margo and Elliot went back there and were 300 years in the future. And that perverted writer of the books is still at large, I think. Well, despite those things, the Quinton character was the one who seemed to have that book shit memorized. Maybe there's other magicians who have the fictional books from that Fillory series memorized. Maybe a character will read or re-read the series in honor of Q. Who knows. Maybe the meta aspects of the storytelling is not leaning on other invented fictions not found in the original Magicians books series. i don't know.

    I just think that this adaptation of a series of wizard books is suffering from too many cooks and is trying to write far beyond the source. I'd be fine with that if this story was based on a straight up myth. This show has only been on four seasons but many the cleverness of some of the most major choices from the past 14 episodes has been less clever than the show's writers think. So, I think it is a foregone conclusion they know how the series will end (not a surprise) and need to thread the needles and make the stitching seems like that  was the pattern they were making from way back in Episode One.

    Maybe next season won't be clunky and could be as great as season 2 or 3, but, I care less. My wants from fiction nowadays is give me a good opener, make me care to read to the end, and then end it as properly and poetically as possible. So, I want to see great endings. But, I want to care to wait that long when it comes to TV-- which makes me just want to read the original Magicians books and call it a day on these characters. I might choose that ending.

  5. Exactly.

    Then there is the fact that Quinton tossed in the first jarsuccessfully and Everett threw the knife (or whatever it was) and it just broke the mirror.

    That's lame.

    No matter what weirdo excuse they use for how something could break the mirror- an open door to another dimension or some crap- Everett broke it.

    Lame. Maybe if Everett had knocked over the mirror and broke it, sure, it would break. But, nope. He just threw some random thing at the portal and the glass broke. (eyeroll)

    • Love 1
  6. 3 hours ago, AudienceofOne said:

    So here are my thoughts now that i've had time to collect them. I should have probably rewatched but I haven't because I don't particularly want to.

    My issue with this final episode remains the issue I have had for the last few - nothing seemed organic, I could see the writer's fingerprints on everything that happened and it felt manipulative in all the wrong ways.

    For a start, all of this was rushed. And if they really had a season to think this through, they wouldn't have had to jerk their characters around so much to get them into their Season 1 positions. I get the point was to make the allusion to Quentin's original non-hero's journey - his epic realisation he wasn't the hero and his decision to give that role to Alice. Quentin finally got to sacrifice himself for his friends - I mean, he's been trying to do it almost every finale - but the entire point of the setup we got was that he and Alice face the threat together and live together. I feel like this undermines a whole heap of points this show has previously been making about exactly the kinds of narratives that end this way. 

    Don't get me started on the last-minute hookups between characters to get them into a certain emotional space for the final scenes. None of them feel organic and we didn't need Alice and Quentin to be a couple to finally stand together at the end.

    Basically I feel let down but not in an angry, emotional way. In a 'meh' way that I'm not used to feeling with this show. After four seasons this show has decided to become... just a television show. And that's a bit of a letdown.

    Finally, as I said I haven't rewatched it so maybe it would make more sense if I did. I still don't know HOW Quentin died or why the mirror sucked him and Everett in to begin with. And that's a big problem with my emotional response to the death.

    That's almost what I intended to write.

    Even the choppiness at the beginning was rushed and led to me being slightly confused about the time they were establishing. That settled down after a short while. However, the forced aspect of the story bugged me throughout most of it.

    In that way for me, this finale was like last year's finale: it felt like I could see the writer just making choices to get to the desired ending for the episode, and, getting to the end of the season, and, setting up the cliffhangers for next season.

    Sure, it is a TV show; it's episodic. So, the cliffhanger part is expected for a season finale. But, the way the show sets up the ending and the next chapter seems so forced.

    Count me as one of the viewers who hasn't read the books and who also hated all of the characters in the first season, except for Dean Fogg and the goat god. But, after season two settled in, I began liking some of the characters. By season three, I hated different ones and liked ones I hated in season two.

    Season three was great except for how they set up this season in the finale. Maybe it should not have surprised me that this season would have so many clunky parts and less of season three's flow from episode to episode.

    The ending though just put the icing on the crap cake. Quinton told Penny 23 to drag Alice away before they went to the mirror world. So, when things went sideways and when Quinton fixed the mirror I was stunned that was the plan. It was a bad plan. And, sure, I know they tend to screw things up. But, if Quinton was going to use magic then all bets were off. Penny23 could have teleported to Quinton with Alice and then out of the room back to the mirror door. That could have been the plan. But they intentional did the "hero's sacrifice" when it really didn't seem needed. 

    Pardon me for having looked up how the third book went but I was looking forward to seeing how that might play out given what has happened on the show. I wasn't into any of the relationships happening or not. I just wanted to see how all of these characters mature in the time they are there.

    And, what happened with Julia over the past three seasons was messed up. It's great she has magic but has she been allowed to make any major life decisions that determine her destiny? She didn't get into Brakebills until timeline 40; she became a god; she lost her god powers; her goddess got killed before her eyes; Penny 23 (and his crappy choices) chose her direction for her.

    Reading a bit about what the writers said about the episode: honestly, they were rationalizing forcing a certain story, a story that was just unexpected. That's great. Twilight Zone it up a bit. But, it seemed like they were dozing off at the wheel and missed a turn off and became fully awake to realize they were lost. Well, okay. That's how I felt.

    • Love 2
  7. Isn't the key to whomever is at the door and being greeted by Penny 40:

    someone with a secret?

    His boss said that Penny's new job was to get secrets people take to their graves. That really doesn't narrow it down to anyone specific. Yet, if Penny 40 plays any role in the other ongoing storylines, that person will give him a secret he can somehow pass on to the other magicians.

    The only problem with this possibility is that there is a Penny 40 and a Penny 23. Every one of that group has multiple dead versions of themselves.

    I just don't think it is a main character from the "current" timeline (which is just ridiculous that there are multiple timelines. It's such a story cheat). But, don't forget there's also 4 gods who died recently, and, if Penny 40 met Bacchus once, that'd be enough for his reaction.




        What did Bell toss in the trash container before walking up the steps? He wouldn't have tossed the $36,000 check would he? Please tell me it was the envelope. But why even show that?

    I assumed it was the envelope or it might have been something to do with the sargeant's exam, which would have had more meaning.

    At first glance given the way that part was shot- from a distance and from behind- it was confusing. They should have had a close up of him tossing it in the trash.


    However, rewatching it, Bell clearly puts the envelope in his jacket and switches the book he was carrying to his other hand. So, when he throws something in the trash, he is definitely tossing the book away.


    "Whew!" right?


    If they hadn't settled on that distance, static shot of him from behind, we would have seen it clearly and it would have had a better impact as closure.


    Bell did make a definite choice to not go for the demotion/ promotion. He's a detective. Admittedly, that is why having him take a "test" to prove his detective skills was a clever ruse.



    Also, I just want to say that I really, really like Bell. He doesn't get a lot of showcase episodes (I don't think; I haven't seen every season), but the actor does extremely

    good work with the character.


    He's gotten some story lines. There was an episode with him and his brother. And, for a whlle (half a season?) he left the precinct and worked for a threat assessment task force. He is a good character and the actor does great even in limited roles.

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  9. I agree that Constance wasn't show dealing with Peggy's off-kilter behavior so she didn't know what she was getting into with trying to seduce Peggy. I don't blame Constance for as much as some people have. Peggy's obsessions went on for much longer than normal. A person Peggy's age doesn't have a basement filled with Beauty and Travel magazines with some to spare for being arranged on kitchen chairs. So, whatever Peggy was dealing with probably predated her even dating Ed.


    So, Peggy's desires opened her up to possibilities that Constance offered. That's probably obvious. But, as I believe I mentioned before, Peggy was on a level where she didn't get what others understood and no one really get her. For instance, her and Ed saw life progressing differently; they were on divergent paths. But, even when Ed believed she understood his wants for them, she didn't want what he wanted. Maybe that makes her a liar for leading him on, like, her taking birth control pills when he wanted kids. But, she was never really on the same road with anyone expected for the guy she hit.


    Which brings up an interesting (to probably just me) aspect : Peggy and Ed were going around together in the car. Peggy and Lou went back to Lurvene in a car. She was never in sync with either guy. They always talked past each other. And the one time she made a connection with anyone on the road was the guy she hit, who rode along with her back to her garage without saying a contradictory word to her.

    • Love 6
  10. I don't think that Earth-2 Flash had a Reverse Flash in the comics. E-2 Flash has superlame villains like The Fiddler, who played an mean violin. (eyeroll) He's oooooollllld in the comics. Really old.


    So, the Reverse Flash will still hopefully just irrationally hate Barry Allen or The Flash just because he's kind of a nutjob who doesn't realize that without The Flash, he wouldn't have super-speed powersl It's such a goofy character. It doesn't seem like they could make him helpful or allow Barry to find forgiveness in adding that character.


    But, who knows.  Maybe they will Reverse the Reverse Flash and make him a good guy, or, given how Jay seems like a scaredy-cat, maybe E2 Rev-Flash will be a brave hero for the moment.

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    Ed should have lived - he was so much less destructive than Peggy.

    I agree with the first part but he did kill two people. While I guess both instances were self-defense, he did do it.


    On further consideration, it was kill or be killed. There were at least four characters who served in a war.

    Given what the series covered and how it was covered, did the final episode seal any sort of Vietnam metaphor, or a war metaphor in general? There are parts of the series which outright has a war between KC and the crime family.


    Also, unrelated, someone previously asked how the motel room Mike and those Kitchen brothers stayed in must have been blood stained. And, the motel would have known something was amiss. Wasn't there a news paper headline which mentioned something about that motel, Milligan specifically, or KC mafia in relation to that motel, specifically?

    • Love 1

    I am having a little trouble with as there seems to be a LOT of time between Rye standing in the middle of the road, first watching the 'UFO', then the oncoming headlights, but also that surely she MUST have seen him - I wonder what else her attention could have been on....

    Now that you mention it, of course!


    Yesterday, I brought up how she must have seen Rye and maybe even intentionally hit him. But, you reminded me that she could have been distracted by the UFO. Duh.


    If she was distracted by that it would explain why she was so non-chalant about seeing a second one at the motel, when Ed was entranced by it.


    Ha! Maybe if it had been mentioned or shown that she definitely saw it, why she hit Rye would have been clearer.



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    don't understand the suggestion that critics of the sexism in Fargo are dragging feminism into it. Hawley deliberately dragged feminism into it. He explicitly put feminist beliefs and concepts into the mouths of several characters (Floyd, Constance, Peggy, etc.):

    To be honest, while I did see a lot of attempts at bringing up feminism, and in the cases of the characters of Hanzee and Mike Milligan, while watching the show, I didn't see it anymore than acknowledging the struggles of the characters.


    I think what Peggy said in that soliloquy to Lou was correct. Her character was as right as rain in what she said. But, the problem was she was talking about someone else, not her situation. She really seemed incapable of seeing her situation. Her character was being very inflexible in her thinking. 


    As a contrast, the conversation Betsy had with  babysitter/ helper, (Norrel? Norrie?) Well, Betsy was pretty inflexible about her thinking but she did zing Camus pretty good. The babysitter seemed to be open minded to what Betsy was saying. Considering she was dancing with nihilism, that flexibility in thinking seemed positive.


    A lot of the characters in the story who were not flexible in their thinking-- who were monomaniacal in their actions-- died, like Dodd, or didn't get their desired rewards, like Mike.

    Contrast that to Lou, who had to grow and accept circumstances and Hank, who had to accept similar circumstances to being a single-parent years before.


    Peggy was not willing to see what was right before her, or, right next to her, or, if there was something or someone there,  she would ignore if unless she could poke it with a knife or the butt of a gun. Well, I take that back, she did become engrossed with that Reagan movie.... all while ignoring the fact that Dodd somehow got loose from that tremendous amount of rope. So, her immersion in fantasy got the best of her. The magazines were the boldest indicators of that immersion.


    I wish she could have been actually actualized, but, I'm convinced she could understand it only as it applies to someone else and not to her current or future situation. That is the character.

    • Love 7

    No, it really doesn't. Even allowing that there's such a thing as a "Kansas City Mafia" (which is somewhat laughable to begin with), and assuming they hide their illegal activities behind some sort of legitimate-looking business in an office building,

    While I'm unsure if there still is one, in the 1980s there were instances in Kansas City and in other non-Chicago cities in the Midwest that were linked to the mob. There were mafia families and I suppose wannabe families. If you are interested, you may want to look it up in newspaper articles from the 70s and the 80s. I'm not going to get lost in a search hole so I won't.


    Alcatraz -- that closed in 1963?!

    Whoops! Well that clears that up. Since no one else in this thread mentioned a particular one, I thought Alcatraz was the only one. But, now that you mention it, I have heard of the other one.


    've heard that getting hit by a car will knock the victim out of his shoes.  I've seen photos of accident scenes with shoes in the road.


    While I guess the answer would be clear if the kid was shown with one or no shoes, I didn't notice it. I guess it could have been his shoe, after all. So, I guess that would sort of make the porch decorations ironic. Kinda.

  16. And, all those blaming Constance for being selfish and manipulating Peggy: Her plans would have worked with anyone other than with Peggy. Anyone. So, I don't know if she's to blame for wanting to be with Peggy or wanting Peggy to be more than she was.


    Another thing: Ed did suggest at some point that when he bought the butcher shop and they had kids then maybe Peggy could also buy the salon. He understood she wanted more but he didn't understand what she wanted.


    Finally for now: Peggy's idea of getting away or retiring was to be in prison at Alcatraz? An island paradise as prisons go, I'm sure.

    • Love 1
  17. There's too much here in these 4 pages to go through and quote others and all the time through the day I was able to read them doesn't leave me too much time to write what I'd like. That said this is too much to expect anyone to read it. LOL! I try to break it up into sections for those prone to skip. Presented with typos and grammatical whatevers!


    If Peggy had done what most people would do, including see a man brightly lit in the middle of a snowy road and if she had tried to call someone then things would have been different in this story. Everyone would probably agree on that.


    Obviously, she was near a phone and as the show gave examples phones could be in out of the way places and people did use them. So, if she had gone into the Waffle Hut and saw the carnage, everything would have been different. In fact, given that she stopped the murderer, she would have been a hero. [instead, she started a war and made her husband into the legendary Butcher of Lurverne, as Dodd put it, jump starting, and complicating, his character's relationship with Peggy and Ed.]


    If she had become a hero, everything would have gone much better for her and quite likely things would have been easier for her actualizing the way she wanted. But, of course, if those things happened, so much of the story would not have happened. And, yes, the kid shooting up the Waffle Hut caused the initial problem. It's just Peggy had a chance to do something unselfish and she chose to ignore it, to bizarre degrees. In fact, part of me wonders if she did hit him intentionally. (see below for another aspect of that scene)


    That conversation she and Lou had: someone earlier seemed to say what I got from it. Maybe their comment included a quote from Reddit or a review? Both Peggy and Lou were talking at each other. It's not that Peggy was completely wrong that it is difficult for career women who are mothers. And, Lou seeing it as being not a "burden" but a "privilege" to protect his family sounded exactly like he was saying "It's a man's job" but we know that one of the twists is not that Ed was always protecting Peggy, it was often the reverse. But, in the end, they kept trying to protect each other.


    I agree that Hank's invented language was a key to understanding how Lou and Peggy talked at or past each other. Both of them were right, in general, by stating what they believed. But, as the show laid out, things were changing. The past would be quickly replaced with what would be to those characters as so different it would be unrecognizable.


    The scene in the walk in freezer, where Ed died:

    Ed told Peggy that they were too different from each other to stay together. And, then he died. That was a moment, for sure. But, I bring up what I wrote about an earlier episode: those two are too dumb to die. Peggy would survive and survive alone and believe it was because she must. In the car later, she doesn't seem a bit torn up that Ed is gone.


    Another thing about the freezer, when Peggy opened it up and was prepared to attack Hanzee, we saw her and Lou and deputy in those shots. If we had seen Peggy from the standpoint of Lou and the deputy, that would have been freaky. Fortunately, they knew she expected Hanzee to be there and was lashing out at "him".


    Again, Peggy couldn't see what was right in front of her face. Ed finally admitted that they weren't right for each other but he was willing to do whatever she wanted, even when he knew all was lost. And, what did she say then? They could still work it out by continuing to run. He meant the marriage, she meant their adventure.



    When Lou and Hank found the blood soaked money in the road, Hank found a shoe in the tree. Why that was there bewilders me but usually a shoe up that high is just because of a prank. However, in rewatching the episode where Hank was on Peggy and Ed's porch standing off against Dodd, there were two ornaments hanging from the porch, both in the shape of shoes. What does that signify? Good luck? Bad luck? Protection?


    Also, Hanzee was some sort of killing machine, like Mike and those twins were supposed to be (and for the most part, they were). Dodd was a sexist machine screwing it up and trying to screw it up for all the women he knew. It is even more amazing Peggy wounded him constantly and enough that he died on the ground from someone he'd probably beat with a belt.

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    Patty is a cop, which gives her access to be on the crime scenes with Joe and Barry.  Iris is a reporter, which means that if you don't write specifically for her, she hasn't got anything to do on this show.

    Agreed on that.

    The show spends so much time at the STAR labs and so little time at the station or the newspaper. That's fine up to a point.

    If the characters who don't get much time, that includes the police chief and that DA, are busy doing their jobs then that would be good for all of the characters on the show. In fact, if they at least implied that everyone on the show was busy with their jobs then they could shift the story a bit from episode to episode by moving the centers where the story takes place. Say, there is a crime that needs to be solved and they involved more of the police then show more of those support characters working together, including Barry and Joe. (Right now, I wonder if Barry or Joe actually do their day jobs.)


    Then when you bring in the STAR labs people and the journalists to help on whatever case, you could give all of the characters purpose in the story. For other episodes make the central location the newspaper and bring in the other characters to that location. Spread the love around to the rest of Central City instead of sticking most of it in that one location.


    I know the balance is heavy on STAR and the people there but that's to the detriment of Iris and to Patty (even if she really seems like a shallow character so far), and to the other supporting staff.


    The way I see it, a lot of these superhero shows have embraced tech support teams too much. While I really like Cisco because he's funny and keeps the show lively, STAR is kind of a crutch for Barry. He needs STAR to be a superhero. When Jay was announced to appear, I thought that would give him a chance to work with another superhero more often. That ain't happened. But if it had, it would have moved the story around and hopefully out of that lab.


    Anyway, these support teams are usually filled main characters but we expect too much from them. So, when Iris was brought into the fold and then neglected, that was insulting for her character. It's like Diggle on Arrow being less of a peer and an equal to Green Arrow when there's too many characters on Team Arrow. You'd think Laurel on Arrow is fairly busy as a lawyer, but, she's at the Arrow cave!


    So, the Team Such and Such really limits allowing some characters on other shows and on "Flash"flourish, like Iris, Patty, the chief and Linda.


    Remember the episode that began with Iris investigating a story and Barry saving her? That was great for so many reasons. It would even work if Iris didn't know Barry's secret. She could have done her job and the character would have the chance to still be a love interest or crush for Barry, last season she could have still been involved with Eddie, too. It would have made Eddie dying a really difficult thing with Iris not knowing why or how he died but she didn't need to be brought onto the team.


    But the show just had to bring her in on the team to make her character work. But once the team became crowded, they pushed Iris back by adding more characters to the team this season, with Jay and Harry. Then they had to set up the Legends spinoff show, too. So Prof. Stein and his dance partner were added.

    And, then Patty began to sneak around the corners to eat up more time from other characters. Once Patty finds out Barry is the Flash she'll probably be a member of the team. That is just too many people "working" at the same place on the support team instead of doing their jobs and diversifying the stories the show tells. 



    Let people do their jobs and not know Barry secret and everything is cool. But, for some reasons these superhero shows just expand the teams. That backfires by making some characters more prominent and others less prominent. Bad choices.


    But, the show's still entertaining. Don't get me wrong. The villain of the week works well. However, the characters who viewers like and who don't get screen time deserve better. It's about balance, I'd hope. I hope it isn't about contracts with the actors. That would suck.

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    Well, as she was inside a Dalek (and so, a Dalek?) when we first met her, wouldn't Clara be the hybrid? Regardless, she had to go (finally) and yet, her taking the long way around feels like it cheapens the price 12 payed to get to Gallifrey last week. So, feh.


    In other news, I don't believe it's possible to love Capaldi's Doctor any more than I do. And, of course, I dearly love him not remembering Clara.

    Yeah. I can see a switch and bait by her having literally been a hybrid when we first meet her. [For the sake of the story.*] But, it also seems like it cheapens things that she wasn't truly left as a hybrid.


    I suppose it could be said that Clara/ Souffle Girl not being put back into the Dalek situation makes sense. He allowed her to be saved from that ending. But, there was always a "reason" for why she appeared as a Dalek before officially appearing as Clara. Now I feel that they overlooked that "reason". Unless I missed something between that season premiere and now?


    [* stories are just memories that have been forgotten, dontcha know? So, let's forget parts of the story and chalk that up to...something]

    • Love 2

    Sometimes you have people who bring out the worst instincts in each other.  You could make a case that that's what Clara and The Doctor do.  Clara was unaware of her own mortality when she was with the Doctor and the Doctor was willing to do against his own principals and destroy time itself for Clara.


    Think what they could do if they actually tried.


    The first part is very true.

    What I don't like it the thought that The Doctor believed he could fix this situation when he acknowledged how bad the situation was. He can do many wonderful things but he's not a god. In the end, he left everything up to chance and it ended the way it would have anyway.


    The episode was just a ridiculous situation.

    What happened to the Clara who went back through all of time and played a role in ever one of The Doctor's moments?

    She has already lived for as long as he has up to the previous two episodes. So, I don't quite understand is if they were tying up loose ends, why not close Clara's story loop instead of living it open.


    Sure, she's "Impossible" but only because of The Doctor's predicaments and the story allowing her to do the impossible things.


    Also, Ashildr probably should have been a bit less composed. Even a person who seems to adapt to loneliness for a while might be not so quick to speak clearly upon meeting with someone after a while. I can see why she went along for the ride in the diner TARDIS. But, I can't see how she could play chess by herself while waiting for her other half to show up and still be that composed.



    Another thing, in the nuWho, all of the Doctors have become obsessed with their companions. I get how Clara was special but so was Rose and she did keep coming back. And, man, it seemed like Rory and Amy were never going to go away and with River being their child, they really haven't completely gone; there's their legacy.


    It still doesn't seem necessary to have The Doctor obsess over one companion when he's obsessed over many. Maybe they should have all popped back in and he could have dealt with Donna and his obsession. An intervention of sorts.

    • Love 4

    Well 12 face is of a man he once met...

    I expected them to revisit the guy in Pompeii to resolve why The Doctor "chose" his face.



    So . . .  the Hybrid . . . was the Doctor and Clara? Um . . . huh?!?

    Remember when the guy was decorating the TARDIS? He put a photo of Clara on it but it wasn't until this episode I realized it was half Clara and half Ashildr. Maybe it was just the half of each ones faces. But, I took it to mean she/ they are the hybrid.



    Maybe Ashildr and Clara will run into Jenny. Remember Jenny? No one else does. Nor do they bother with anything pre Moffat.  Ugh.


    There's lot of loose ends floating through space and time, aren't there?


    I looked at this episode as a cleverly tied ribbon with many elaborate bows and presented as a gift without a package to go with it.


    Perhaps I just expected for Clara to end up as a Dalek like the show teased earlier in the season. Left where she began in the show. But



    Clara and Me


    Reads like the title for a spin off, doesn't it?

    • Love 5

    The only thing I didn't like about this episode is that Peggy and Ed are still alive and kicking in their stupid, narcissistic world...I just can't abide either of them and am sorely disappointed to see they are blithely 'actualizing" (Maslow would have an absolute cow at the very idea) in fantasy land while the real world makes painful decisions and suffers the repercussions of simply having been born in a particular time, place and gene pool..


    I know this is going to sound harsh. The thing about Peggy and Ed is not that they are lucky, exactly. They also may not be idiot savants and are doing all the right things and not knowing how or why those things work.


    I think they are too dumb to die. I can't help but consider that old saying whenever they survive. As characters go, they may just be too dumb to know how to die.


    Obviously, the way things work out for them is meant to be, and are, funny, intentionally funny. But, Peggy does come off as kinda loopy and Ed is single-minded (wanting a Normal life) but intent on doing all the wrong things and believing he can reset the clock to Normal. So far, all works out for the two of them, even when it goes horribly wrong, but it really won't work out for them like they believe it will. Obviously.


    That said, I have no idea how their fates or most of the characters' fates will play out. That's what makes this seasons' new characters more interesting for me.

    • Love 4

    But what M. Malone means in THIS universe might be entirely different, as evidenced by Silver herself and the late Captain Essen.

    That's certainly true.

    There were times in this episode, and/or maybe the previous one, where Bruce said he hadn't thought something through. Obviously, one of Batman's strengths as a character is that he plays a long game. So, the ruse and the nod to M. Malone (Moses?) was an extra bow on the package of him tricking Silver.

  24. It's probably worth mentioning that Matches Malone is not just one of Batman's alter egos, a disguise he uses. Matches is a con man who infiltrates the criminal underworld, if you will. So, by having the name mentioned--even if Silver claims to have made it up, it fits into the big con that Bruce and Selina pulled on Silver.


    I certainly didn't expect to hear any version of the name. That's for sure.

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