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Posts posted by StaceyNotStacie

  1. On 5/17/2024 at 3:22 PM, mammaM said:

    But that's baby Ceecee's name. I know some people don't care, but I never liked cousins with the same name (even ones so far apart in age)😎

    I could see Sheldon naming his daughter after his mother.  Maybe her name is something like Mary Constance or some other variation of Mary. 

    Nobody wanting to sit in George’s spot at the dinner table made me smile. My grandmother has been gone for over 25 years and I still wouldn’t want to sit in that particular seat at the table. 

    I was a little disappointed that we didn’t see Paige at the funeral. I know the actress is most likely busy, but she had such a significant role in both Sheldon and Missy’s lives that I would have liked to have seen her one last time. 

    If we’re getting a sequel with Mandy and Georgie based in the 90s or early 2000s, I’m half expecting another show in a few years revolving around current age Cece with Jerry O’Connell as grown Georgie with cameos from Uncle Sheldon and Aunt Amy (maybe he can move back to Texas and take over the science department of the University since Drs Sturgis and Linkletter have been long retired). 

    • Like 4
  2. 5 minutes ago, Frost said:

    I had tears running down my face through the entire funeral.  That was so hard!  Poor Missy.  I really felt for her.  When you're in the middle of adolescence and you're mad at everybody, to lose one of your parents must be awful.

    I completely understand Sheldon just shutting down.  That's pretty much what I do when I'm consumed with grief.  His re-runs of a last interaction with his father was so touching.

    I love that Amy is still being completely honest with Sheldon, and Sheldon finds it stimulating.

    I'm fine with YS being Sheldon's memoir.  I'm glad he thought fondly of his sister, brother, and parents as he got older.

    I’m glad that the funeral wasn’t the final elapse because I needed something to clear my mind after the funeral scenes. It seemed like there was a bit too much of JP/MB. I wish we could have gotten more of the siblings together, especially individual scenes with Sheldon and each of his siblings. 

    Missy and Billy on the porch was nice. I wonder if he ends up being her second husband. I could see Missy going for a “popular” guy as her first husband and then seeing Billy as a George-like good guy after her first marriage ends. 

    • Like 8
  3. 1 hour ago, Bastet said:

    With them shoehorning Tyler into the last episode, when it made no sense for him to be there (at the bank with the family), it's possible the change is going to be Becky and Beverly Rose move out because Becky and Tyler have decided to get a place together.

    I wonder if Becky and Tyler will get engaged and the final season will consist of Becky finishing school and planning a wedding (which could be the series finale). 

    • Like 3
  4. With Jackie happily married and semi retired, I hope she reverts back to the original Aunt Jackie from the early seasons of the original show. That Jackie was such a great character before she became a bit goofy (and maybe a throwaway joke line about a kid named Andy). At this point, I just hope that all of the characters end in somewhat of a good place instead of always not being able to catch a break.  

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  5. 6 hours ago, appositival said:

    I'm hoping that Mandy's parents get divorced in the pilot episode of the 'First Marriage' show. Mandy's mother reminds me of a humorless version of Hyacinth from the British "Keeping Up Appearances" sitcom.

    Divorced yes, (per TBBT) but I can't imagine that they would get remarried to each other. That show would be called 'marriage go round' or some such.

    Since we already know that George dies, why not kill off Mandy’s mom and put her dad and Mary together. A spinoff where Mandy and Georgie struggle with their young marriage with young kid(s) while dealing with the fact that their recently widowed parents have married each other could be interesting. 

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  6. 8 hours ago, Dimity said:

    I am wondering if the finale, or the episodes leading to the finale will mention Paige.  I really really really (yes really) hope that the powers that be give us a happy ever after voice over, at the very least, for her!

    I agree. Even if she doesn’t become as successful as Sheldon, I hope that she keeps in touch with Missy as the two girls got older. 

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, nilyank said:

    We just found out that she was a line cook during her summers beside learning how to cook from her grandmother. I am wondering if she is going to develop enough experience as the Q cook so she can be hired later at the Metrocourt to help them get back their 5th star.

    I sure this is so that Cody and Sasha can continue hanging out together during work now that they are no longer spoke models for Deception.

    I can’t wait to see how she screws up Thanksgiving. 

    Maybe with her tv experience with Deception she can become a famous tv chef or a foodie influencer. 

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  8. I loved that George was the one to take Sheldon to visit Massachusetts since he was the one that took him to Cal Tech earlier in the series. I did laugh when they saw the snow and immediately went back inside without even visiting MIT. 

    The scene with Drs Sturgis and Linkletter telling Sheldon to go to a prestigious university was wonderful. It reminded me of the video that the high school teachers made when it was time for Sheldon to graduate. I also loved the final scene with the professors and the dean. I would watch a spinoff about the college  with these actors (it would probably be better than the Georgie spinoff coming up). 

    • Like 10
  9. It seemed odd that Dan would hold his seminars in his own house. The hardware store would probably be a better location. 

    I really hope we get a scene where Dan has paid off the mortgage (for real) before the series ends. There was so much emotion in the scene from the original series when they burned their mortgage papers and I’d love to see that accomplishment for real this time for Dan (or for the kids to pull their money together and pay off the mortgage for him). 

    • Like 4
  10. 1 hour ago, appositival said:

    I liked the similarity between CeeCee getting baptized and Sheldon's computer getting upgraded. I wonder if Sheldon would have been able to sympathize with the baptism objections otherwise, since he considers religion to be meaningless.  

    Sheldon removing and replacing Georgie's baptism was cute. "Put it back!". I guess Georgie does believe.

    I wonder if the only reason that Sheldon was mad about the computer is that the computer kept winning at chess. I’m also wondering if his roommate (a computer major) mentioned something in the past, Sheldon somewhat agreed and then his roommate went ahead and upgraded the computer thinking he was helping Sheldon. 

    re the baptisms, I know that we’re watching 1990s Texas, but I wonder if the grandmas would be able to get away with that today. With Georgie not caring about the baptisms, I’m guessing that he probably wouldn’t be a regular church goer if he didn’t live at home, but he believes in God and doesn’t mind that Cece is baptized because she probably would get so eventually. 

    • Like 4
  11. 1 minute ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Wait, isn’t that someone Sheldon already knew (not sure why that’s a spoiler but I’ll respect previous posts)?  Why would they not recognize each other?

    There was an article that mentioned he was coming back this season, but didn't say how or which episode he was returning.  It would have been interesting to see him as Sheldon's roommate instead of the unnamed guy that appeared in tonight's episode.

    • Like 4
  12. I'm glad that they retconned the affair.  Mary was a lot of fun this episode between the role play and her interactions with the football team (the sled had me cracking up).

    I did feel bad for Sheldon losing his bedroom.  In regards to his dorm room, were there two beds in the room or only one bed?  I didn't mind the roommate (I hope we learn his name in a future episode), but I was sort of hoping that 



    would have been the roommate.  I enjoyed his bonding over video games with his dorm neighbors in the past, so I enjoyed his bonding with his roommate.  I was a bit surprised that he didn't comment about Sheldon being younger than him, or a small comment about someone telling him about the student that was in his room last year ("you must be that weird kid that was here last year").  

    Missy will always be my favorite character on this show.  I'm glad that she opened up to Mary after her boyfriend broke up with her.

    • Like 11
  13. This was an interesting episode. Although I missed Bell being in charge, I enjoyed the dynamic between Elliot and the younger cops, especially in the hotel. I was waiting for him to comment that he somehow acquired three extra kids. 

    On another note, I wish they would trim Elliot’s beard a bit. It’s a bit too bushy IMO. 

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  14. I was surprised that they actually solved the case during the episodes. After seeing the OC previews last week, I thought that Elliot was going to find Maddie for Olivia. 

    I liked the FBI lady that was working with Olivia. I missed whether or not they found her missing sister and was wondering if the cold case would be a potential story in the future. 

  15. I was half expecting Jackie to get a phone call at the end telling her that Bev had a heart attack on the train. 

    As crazy as it was, I was glad that Jackie got a nice moment with her mother. Other than her complementing her about her parenting in the original series (which was probably retconned), Jackie has never really received any praise from her mother. 

    • Like 2
  16. 46 minutes ago, Nerfect Drifty said:

    I watch because I keep holding out a foolish hope that Sam Beckett will return home.

    Once we saw Ben and Addison reunited, I was hoping that we’d see a surprise cameo by Scott Bakula returning to the Quantum Leap HQ. 

    Gideon turning out to be Hannah’s son was somewhat predictable after the son being such a big part of the first episode. I was surprised that we didn’t get an older Hannah in real time or some acknowledgment as to whether or not she was still alive in 2024. 

    I really hope this gets renewed, and if it does, wouldn’t it be amusing if Addison was sent home after her first leap while Ben continued to leap? 

    • Like 7
  17. 32 minutes ago, Chit Chat said:

    I think the near-death experience with the tornado was a catalyst for her to step up to the plate while Mary is gone.  I was actually shocked that Missy knew how to cook!  I don't recall ever seeing her cook or bake anything, so good for her for figuring it out!  

    Missy was my favorite part of the episode. I’m waiting for a throwaway line when Mary gets home about how Missy made something better than Mary. I’m just a little disappointed that we didn’t get a scene with Billy stopping by and complementing Missy on her cooking. 

    • Like 7
  18. On 2/13/2024 at 9:56 AM, BradandJanet said:

    Jill is going to show up to Teidi's wedding with a brace on her SEVERELY TORN knee and her arm in a sling to support her SEVERELY TORN shoulder. She'll need to decorate her wheelchair with fresh flowers from the church and reception bouquets. Jill is SHE WHO WILL NOT BE UPSTAGED. 

    Note to Heidi: Don't let Jill near you if she's holding tweezers, and don't let her do your hair unless you're OK with a lopsided rat's nest on your head. 

    She strikes me more of the MIL type that will either show up in a white dress or in all black like she’s headed to a funeral, black hat and veil included, and going on and on about losing her baby boy to another woman. 

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  19. 6 hours ago, js9548 said:

    Why is Whoopie mentioning that the audience looks familiar? She has done this several times in the past couple of weeks. These are not pretaped episodes, but this is happening more and more


    Could it be that some members of the audience attend regularly if they live in the NYC area? 

    • Like 1
  20. 13 hours ago, Artsda said:

    While Ron speech was nice and he seemed to get it. There's no way he's in right mindset to return to the drinking/strip club going group.  Not to mention Sammi is not going on vacation with him.  

    Miami he chose to move to? Still a party town. 

    It was good of Mike and Lauren to get Sammi out of there.  

    Interesting they haven't replied to his messages in 2 years, I think more happened than what they trying to say.  All of the collectively stopped talking to him. 

    My guess is that either MTV or Ronnie don’t want to participate in a full season of his story.  He probably has some sort of contract with MTV where he appears in a handful of “serious” episodes in order to collect a paycheck. It helps him financially and there’s probably something in the contract that keeps him from speaking negatively about MTV or writing a tell all book about the show. 

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  21. On 10/4/2023 at 1:38 AM, CarpeFelis said:

    So, the governor is a conniving crook…

    All of Elizabeth’s Ominous Looks — especially at the end of the episode — are making it look like she’s having second thoughts about marrying Lucas. Good grief, not Nathan again.

    When Lee mentioned Goldie being so innocent before he and Rosemary left for the ball, did anyone else get a bad feeling she was going to be kidnapped while they were out?

    I didn’t even think of a kidnapping. I thought they were going to chicken out of going to the ball and use the baby as an excuse. 

    The governor election makes me wonder if the actor playing Lucas is leaving the show. If he’s elected governor, it’s an easy out where Elizabeth can break off the engagement and Lucas leaves town, leaving Nathan to comfort her. 

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