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Posts posted by K.M.

  1. 6 hours ago, blackwing said:

    Hey hey!  I solved an anagram!  It's "The FBI".  I am so extraordinarily proud of myself! :P

    That seems more likely than "The Fib", although that would probably work too. :-)

  2. 3 minutes ago, IzeOfLight said:

    I'm kind of surprised no one's brought up NF's tweets:

    Is he throwing shade on Castle's writers? (admittedly, everyone else here does ;)) Saying his character was stale and one-dimensional? Interesting . . . 

    No, I think he's desperately hoping not to be typecast, which is always a likely problem for an actor who has played a high-profile character for many years. Coming off being a lead character in a major show usually goes one of two ways: you either get something else high profile right away, for instance a juicy movie role, or you get nothing but bit parts and essentially vanish from the mainstream view until casting directors think enough time has passed and everyone's forgotten your previous role enough to believe you can play something else.

  3. Maybe they should put the U-Turn pictures in a simple puzzle box, or other small speed-bump-like task. How much do you want to U-Turn someone? Enough to sit and fiddle with the box or do the task? Is it worth slowing yourself down or losing a few minutes of your lead? I think I'd prefer it if they dropped the idea of hitting another team with a disadvantage and simply gave optional advantages. Here are some possibilities that occurred to me:

    Everyone gets one Express Pass to use during the Race. This would go back to the "choose when it's most advantageous to go for it" of the early seasons without the expense of setting up Express Pass tasks. You would probably get some legs where several teams would burn their passes so as not to be left behind, but those strong or crafty enough to keep theirs would earn the advantage it could give them later in the race.

    Or maybe they should introduce a new kind of pass:

    Team Pass - Allow teams to turn a Roadblock into a Detour, so they wouldn't skip it, but the team members would both be allowed to work on it and presumably finish faster than the other teams.

    Switch Pass - Allow teams to switch which member is doing the Roadblock. This might save some teams which get completely stuck because the one member is physically or otherwise unable to do the task.

    • Love 4

    I can't remember if they ever explained it, why is this show called Blindspot?

    They haven't and its a far more annoying thing to hold back than what Jane's name really is.  I've some some trite stuff like "Jane is Weller's blindspot", but no... that's not really it in the long run.


    I think it's referring to Jane's memory loss. She was introduced with her identity and past a total blank. And now we know that to carry out some master plan, she chose to wipe out everything and deliberately made her whole life a blindspot. That's how I'm interpreting it.

  5. 95% of what they're doing they could have done without a Castle breakup. Or at least they could have found some reason for a temporary split that made the teensiest bit of sense. But being all lighthearted and changing nothing except sleeping arrangements while pretending there's a Big Bad Reason for it is just bizarre. I used to love this show. Now I'm just watching a trainwreck and I can't look away for fear of missing something even more stupendously silly. I can't imagine what insanity they're going to pull to try to tie this storyline up.


    If they weren't on a different network, I'd say they should do a crossover with Heroes Reborn and make Kate's spy buddy an Evo and find out that Senator Bracken was really Noah Bennett in disguise while he had his memory wiped and Kate's mom was really part of a secret anti-Primatech activist group. Then Castle could find out and be super enthusiastic about superpowers and annoy all the villains by asking them to show off their powers at inopportune moments, thus distracting them and saving the day. And Esposito and Ryan could team up with El Vengador in his muscle car and ride off into the sunset.

    • Love 4
  6. When he injected the air, Henry said: "I'm not a killer; I'm a healer." Are we sure his only motive was revenge?

    Actually, I think what he said was "I'm not a killer, I'm a doctor."


    He won't let himself to be forced to kill Adam, but he'll use his medical skills to stop him.


    I think that Adam's whole approach to Henry from the beginning was an attempt to make him into someone who would be willing and eager to kill Adam. When he had the dagger he couldn't bring himself to use it on himself. He wanted to make Henry do what he couldn't, and in order to do that he was actively trying to break down Henry's resistance to the idea of killing someone. That was the reason behind sending in the supposed immortal to attack Henry and force Henry to kill him. Remember the phone call from Adam afterward, asking how it felt to kill someone, and wasn't it a rush of a new experience? Adam can torture and kill others, but is too much of a coward to deliberately stab himself, so he wants to manipulate Henry and use him to find out if his theory works, one way or another.


    So Henry's choice to paralyze Adam and imprison him in his own body isn't only a revenge thing; it's the only way to get out of being forced to kill Adam over and over - and to prevent Adam from destroying everyone and everything that Henry loves one by one in an attempt to push him into acting contrary to his nature and convictions. And yes, if Henry ever finds the "cure" that he's been looking for, I expect he'll share that knowledge with Adam, one way or another.


    I have had very similar thoughts to yours regarding the difficulty of convincing someone of the immortality without a demonstration, and also that he should eventually meet an immortal (who isn't crazy like Adam) to spend his life with. That's some of the stuff I would like to see the show address if it continued.


    Speaking of lonely immortals, has anyone else noticed that Henry is basically a human version of The Doctor? Always the smartest person in the room, British accent, wears a scarf, has a nemesis of his own kind, has a series of companions who help to combat the endless loneliness. Too bad Henry doesn't have a TARDIS so he can travel in time and space and save the universe every other day to help pass the time and take his mind off things. He has to make do with solving murders instead. ;-)

    • Love 8
  7. Perhaps Abe was worried that when Adam discovered the gun didn't kill Henry, he would try the dagger, and it would work. Or perhaps Abe is always that anxious when Henry "dies." Maybe Abe worries that Henry is a like a cat with nine lives--that Henry too has a finite number of times he will be revived.

    That is all possible of course, but to me it didn't feel like they were playing it that way. I would have expected some small reveal or comment about it if that were the case. This show hasn't usually been that mysterious about what characters are up to. Sleeping in front of the safe with a rifle seems a bit excessive if Abe knew it was the wrong gun. If they get a second season, of course they can do what they like with it if they want to use the "same weapon" theory again.


    I don't think Adam could ever plausibly be Caesar - for one thing, Caesar had a rather public autopsy and burial. He couldn't just vanish. History would have noticed. So if Adam is telling the truth about trying to save someone and he got stabbed trying to save Caesar, he'd either have been one of the senators who changed his mind, or possibly a servant who was nearby. Another possibility is that he was a friend of one of the assassins - many of those who participated in the assassination of Caesar were later assassinated themselves. You could spin a tale of how the dagger that killed Caesar was then used in revenge against those who killed him - and "Adam" got in the way. That would allow him to be tied into the Caesar event but not a famous person whose story would be known and whose stabbing and disappearance would be noticed.

  8. Regarding the "last death" question, I thought the dialogue with Adam and the narration pointed out that what Henry fears far more than physical death is his secret being revealed, taking the risk of rejection and isolation and endless loneliness. Taking a leaf from Lucas' book tonight with the classical quotes, I offer this:


    Cowards die many times before their deaths.

    The valiant never taste of death but once.

    - Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare (Isn't that fitting?)


    So telling Jo will be his last death - facing the one thing he's always been most afraid of.


    The discussion with the doctor in the hospital seemed to indicate that Adam might recover. "How long will he be this way?" "Nobody knows - could be for life". So they have an out if they need one. Although Henry supporting a private prisoner in a care home is a nice dark secret to play with in the future (if they get a future to play with).


    Give a gold star to whoever came up with the line, "You're emoting, Henry. Continue." That got a belly laugh from me. I love the Abe/Henry dynamic.


    I want to know how Adam shot twice using a single shot flintlock pistol, cool trick.


    I thought of that too, and now I really wish there had been a scene with Henry shouting, or should I say emoting while Adam feverishly reloads his pistol with powder flask and ramrod.


    I like to imagine that Abe was able to procure an identical one to "hide" in the safe for Adam to steal.

    That's an interesting idea - but if he'd switched it out he wouldn't have been so tense at the river, waiting to see if Henry would appear, because he'd know that the switched pistol couldn't harm him. He must have looked and found out that the pistol was gone, that Henry and the dagger were gone (call to Lucas, since they're on good terms now?) and then gone to the river to wait and pray. Excellent scene.


    I kind of feel like Lucas might step into the "son" role after Abe passes, especially if Jo and Henry don't/can't have children (yes, I'm assuming Jo and Henry is a foregone conclusion). They've done really well with the mentor/mentee relationship there, and I loved Lucas' cravat and even imitating Henry's walk as he strode up to the crime scene. Lucas would totally be Henry's immortal-enabler and BFF.


    Hoping for a second season feels a bit like staring out at the East River, waiting for Henry to bob up. :-(

    • Love 6
  9. How would he know that he's made mortal without actually dying, though?


    Maybe Adam dies, and thus Henry finds out how to if he wants to? Or Adam's theory doesn't work out at all, and he bows out of Henry's life (at least for the time being)? Or they reach an understanding and go out for a drink...well, okay, probably not that.


    Come on, second season!

  10. The Kimmel interview barely even mentioned the show, beyond the fact that he plays a doctor who doesn't die and the season finale is coming up. They spent most of it discussing Ioan's name and how hard it is to pronounce (he takes it in good humor, but he must be so tired of interviewers that can't get over it). On the plus side, however, he sprinkled in quite a bit of Welsh toward the end of the interview, which was lovely to hear.


    But no discussion at all about renewal, and unless Ioan's mere appearance is supposed to boost ratings, not much of a plug for the show either. :-(

  11. It occurs to me, that since we got the story from Adam, it's likely we didn't get quite all of it. For instance, maybe he didn't just show her the knife. Maybe he said something to her in the car about his intentions that made her suddenly decide to drive off the road and be desperate enough to kill herself after she was resuscitated. If there was something said that would make Abigail think Adam intended to kidnap/imprison/torture the immortal when he found him, I can see her dying to protect Henry. After all, that's got to be Henry's worst fear, since Nora and the insane asylum. And Adam's version with Mengele was even worse.


    When we first saw Adam, he was the mystery man who only spoke in threatening tones over the phone, wouldn't say anything about himself, then killed Henry twice (once by slitting his throat and once by drowning him in a taxi), and then Henry found out he had tortured and flayed alive and murdered more than one person in revenge. It wasn't until he gave Abe the information about his parents that we saw any not-terrifying side to him. What if he told Abigail the things he'd done in his search for another immortal? Or what he'd be willing to do to find him?


    I don't think her reaction was out of place to early-appearance Adam. And it occurs to me that Adam's gift to Abe of his real parents might be prompted by regret and as close as he'll ever get to an apology for killing his mom.


    Also, I'm not alone in thinking we're meant to wonder if 2000 years old + Roman dagger = Julius Caesar, am I? Although actually being Caesar seems unlikely to me. Maybe he's one of the senators who assassinated Caesar. Cassius or Brutus, maybe? I'd love to know if the writers know/have decided who he is at this point.

    • Love 12
  12. Jo! I don't blame her over cancelling the trip. The words "I have every minute of every day planned..." Not for me. She obviously likes spontanity. And how ironic that stiff, staid, proper Henry is the "spontaneous" one. Love that. Also, Issac was trying way to hard to impress her. Jo is not impressed by money and showiness - I so love her/respect her for that!.


    Henry may have a formal, sometimes even pompous, manner, and he's closed himself off in many ways because of his "curse", but clearly he's a true romantic at heart. Isaac is...not. He's trying to impress and sweep Jo off her feet, but it feels like a means to an end, which is getting what he wants. He hasn't bothered to find out what Jo's tastes are or suit his plans to her; he just does what he wants and is sure she'll follow along and like it. He's totally lacking in the sort of sincerity Jo gets from Henry, and I like that she not only realized it but was willing to go out on a limb and say it (well, almost).


    Watching that final scene between Jo and Henry I had the impression that Henry was aware of what was coming from Jo. Upon re-watching I still feel like the gulp and way he said "why?" indicates he was aware of where she was going but afraid. Based on how the Hilary Burton character Iona Payne/Molly Dawes romantic interest storyline ended, Henry's not ready. Story and character wise Henry needs to find closure at least with Abigail, at most with his immortality situation, before he'd be able to have another love story. So for me while watching that scene I got caught up and wanted Jo to say how she felt, I feel like it's a good thing Abe interrupted.

     I agree. I think he had so firmly put any such possibility out of his mind because of fear and past hurts that he had thoroughly friend-zoned himself in his own mind. He cares for Jo and values their friendship and working relationship and was resolved to just be happy for her so he didn't see it coming. I do think he picked up on what she meant and his "why" was a stall tactic, because he was totally unprepared and didn't know how to respond. Any relationship with Jo would be a serious one, not the casual sort that he originally thought he could have with Molly Dawes. He backed off fast from that when he realized he was in danger of getting attached. A confession from Jo requires a decision on his part on whether he can risk telling her about himself, and whether he can risk opening himself up to another love that he is sure to lose eventually, even if she handles the uneven aging better than Abigail did. He really does need to resolve the wounds from Abigail before he can respond to Jo. And once it's been said, it can't be taken back. So Abe coming in was really perfect timing. Saved by the plot twist.

    I keep hoping that the reason they haven't announced the show's cancellation yet is that someone at ABC likes it. Or maybe they just don't have a replacement for it. Or since that's been a dead timeslot they're not in a hurry to take another risk. I'll take any reason, really. I want a Season 2!

    • Love 5
  13. I just can't believe that they didn't search Fitz's bags a little more thoroughly on the way out the door.  That seems like a big security whoopsie on the part of Real SHIELD.


    Wasn't Simmons holding his pack for him, though? I think they searched his pack first, then she slipped the cube in while he was being searched and everyone was watching.

    • Love 9
  14. Yes, and Henry seemed to be in denial about it too, refusing to see how big a problem it was becoming for her. I think he was trying to reassure her that his feelings weren't changed by her appearance, but it had the effect of shutting her down because he couldn't accept how she was feeling. His approach to things seems to be full steam ahead, and if he runs into roadblocks, he tends to just push harder. It works for him in the M.E.'s office, and with the police (because they've decided to put up with him for the sake of the results he gets), but I can see that it would be a major problem in a relationship.


    After all, Henry has major abandonment issues, not to mention the terrifying loneliness of inevitably losing everyone and everything over and over again. After Nora, he took a big risk on Abigail and I think he was just too terrified to deal with the idea that she couldn't handle it anymore to even sit down and really talk about how their relationship (or at least the public face of it) might be changing. I see Abigail leaving like that as a desperate act, rather than a callous one. I'm hoping Abe and Henry find her (or at least find out what happened to her) so they can get some closure.


    Oh, who am I kidding? I'm hoping against hope that they get renewed for another season. This show started slow for me but it's drawn me in and I don't want it to end.

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