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Posts posted by Snarkette

  1. 12 hours ago, WildPlum said:

    I suspect most of these tiny houses don't move often, which is why they can be built with drywall and tile and granite/concrete counters and residential windows.

    If history is to be believed, most of them become AirBNB income generators or vacation homes rather than primary houses.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Gillian Rosh said:

    So, Delle Seyah Kendry - I guess the bitch is back. And she'll be spilling everything about Dutch to Aneela. That can't end well.

    Not 100% sure. I think Delle Seyah kind of has a thing for Dutch. She may not be entirely forthright.

    Nice workaround for actress availability.

    • Love 2
  3. The show still hasn't explained how Archie is a Blossom yet. I am still waiting to get the background of why he was featured so prominently in all those photos when the board visited. However, we now know that maple syrup runs in the veins of not just Cheryl, but also Polly and Betty.

  4. https://theestablishment.co/the-troubling-trendiness-of-poverty-appropriation-4d3681406320


    The Troubling Trendiness Of Poverty Appropriation

    It’s become trendy for those with money to appropriate the poverty lifestyle — and it troubles me for one simple reason. Choice....This background, this essential part of who I am, makes it particularly difficult to stomach the latest trend in “simple” living — people moving into tiny homes and trailers. How many folks, I wonder, who have engaged in the Tiny House Movement have ever actually lived in a tiny, mobile place? Because what those who can afford homes call “living light,” poor folks call “gratitude for what we’ve got.”

    ...It’s likely, from where I sit, that this back-to-nature and boxed-up simplicity is not being marketed to people like me, who come from simplicity and heightened knowledge of poverty, but to people who have not wanted for creature comforts. For them to try on, glamorize, identify with...

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  5. Right art direction, wrong story, crap characters. Yay for the locations and weird visuals. Boo for everything else, including leaving Toto behind just for Roan and puppers to show up at the last second. I hated everyone except Toto and West.

    This is one I'd rather see go than return for a second season.

  6. I don't care for Glinda's interior decorator. The whole door lens aperture effect bored me by the second door. How do growing witches live and thrive on thin gruel? 

    Who feeds and cares for the decrepwitches? Is there an en suite adjoining the hovering mad bodies of shame? 

    • Love 2
  7. The whole witch thing. There are orphanages, convents, cardinal witches, and "Mother South", who would not have been the genetic mother of those three sisters, right? So is it possible that one or all cardinalities can imbue young girls with witchitude, and those were the ones we saw Lucas guarding in the wagon?

    That wagon of wee witches seemed to not have much control, so I'd think they get witched in batches and those girls were freshly enwitched. It looks like adjustment to witchness is difficult. Sylvie doesn't seem to have a lot of control over getting other people totally stoned. And where did her shell earplugs come from?

    Munchkin Chieftess seemed to be a witch or at least a magic user and I doubt they bring aboriginal first people OZzies into the orphanage system so maybe there are different strains of magic?

    There is no way Dorothy could have gone through any Mother South process as she left Oz very early, didn't she? And she didn't return until she was 20ish, and then the gauntlets jumped to her when she talked West (it was West, wasn't it? I get so confused with those two) into self harm. So how does she fit into the magic system?

    And is magic and witchery an entirely female thing? Have we seen any men as magic users? Kind of a bitter disappointment for Frank Morgan if so, to be transported to a world with magic and then be excluded by his gender. The flashbacks in the ep confused me. How did he know they would be transported to Oz? (Did he know?) And when did the beast thing happen? When did Karen Chapman return with Dorothy?

    I enjoyed the episode but I'm more confused after than before.

    (I secretly like Lady Ev. She's selfish and mean but she's entertaining.)

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  8. Quote

    I felt for Blip, but he has two beautiful sons so it isn't like Evelyn is being unreasonable.

    Two beautiful sons. A sacrificed college degree. Complete devotion in supporting his dream. And the kids are doing well and are out of diapers. And he's still having temper tantrums that everything isn't about him.  (But then again so is Ginny) And he was a total jerk to Mike several times.

    If the show gets renewed, I don't know if ex wife is end game, but I was really happy how that worked out. That's a great resolution for a guy who has said repeatedly he's still in love with his ex. And even if it doesn't go towards reconciliation, it feels natural. 

    I'm also super happy that Ginny was upfront hating the idea of dropping everything and being dragged around to be part of Billionaire's dream. Damn right he can come to Arizona. I also think he loves the idea of Ginny rather than her reality. One date (or two half dates) does not lead to that kind of overstepping. And a Billionaire Prince Charming may end up as a good boyfriend but she has huge priorities in her own life, or at least she did until the big owie.

    And as much as I hate to say it, Ginny was right about her brother too. He lied. She would still have paid to get him out of trouble. And he's gone because of Amelia who didn't get how Ginny prefers a flawed person in her life than a perfect wall against being hurt with him gone. (And she was wrong wrong wrong about the game. Go stats guy!)

    I'm sure if Pitch is renewed, she'll be back pitching pretty quick since this is the end of the season, and there's probably going to be a time lapse. Right? Or is this something that would drag on longer than September to April, no?

    • Love 6
  9. 16 minutes ago, MaryMitch said:

    I liked the "will Mike leave?" plot better than any other plot this season. He's just a richer character than Ginny.

    Agreed. I would have been happy to see the entire series move to Chicago with Mike. I also preferred his flashbacks, so it can't just be the beard or the actor. Ginny shines best around him because her best character trait is that she's a baseball geek and obsessed with the game, just like he is. The problem with her character is that she's too new, too rookie. I thought the whole thing with the camera man was awesome but it just didn't fit her on-show experience. It's something she'd learn from a pro, not give to an end-of-career guy as a rookie.

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  10. https://britishtelly.wordpress.com/2016/04/07/detectorists-series-2-a-lesson-in-british-pop-culture/


    Status Quo is a classic British boogie/psychedelic rock band that formed in the 60’s and still exists today. They had next to no presence on the American record charts; however, if you watched the Live Aid concert in 1985 you may remember Status Quo as the band that opened the epic sixteen hour televised event with their hit song, ‘Rockin’ All Over the World.’

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