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Posts posted by BPOX

  1. (Side note regarding the second sneak peak: Jemma correcting Hydra on their calculations because Fitz on the other side? Girl needs to sort out her emotions, quick.)


    I was fine with that, they have a shared interest in getting someone back. Besides she might have been lying to save the world. Malick explaining his evil plan and discouraging her from helping (he can double check what she says). What? Like I was just supposed to be impressed with you for manipulating Ward.

  2. I'm confused on one thing: how come Max Rager isn't employing Ravi to come up with a cure? If they know Major is a zombie divining rod, they must know he was a temporary zombie. 


    1. I think they only know what they overhear at Liv's house since the new roomie moved in and bugged the place.

    2. They don't want to admit culpability. Going public or forcibly curing folks would mean more exposure.

    3. That wouldn't be sufficiently EEEEEVILE

    • Love 3
  3. Are we really supposed to find him threatening when there are Inhumans with powers running around?


    Why not? For the last two seasons we have seen Hydra capture people with powers to create weapons out of them. Why wouldn't he keep doing this? Why would this be less a threat with more to harvest? Also, we've seen Ward successfully fool, kill, kidnap, and torture our protagonists either on his own or with bad guy allies. Lash looked weird, punched a hole in the wall and got away. Yeah he hurt some folks off camera too. But he hasn't proven himself as effective as Ward yet at terrorizing the team. I'm not saying Ward's the smartest most capable bad guy out there, but he does OK.

  4. Ward is acting out some sort of psychodrama and there is no rational connection between his actions and his goals, insofar as he can even realize what they are.  What people usually call psychopaths or sociopaths may not have any conscience about what they do, but they do things for comprehensible reasons, like fun and profit. 


    Is he really that incomprehensible? It seems like he is empire building to me. The only job he knows how to do is being an agent. It's not that uncommon a real world problem for the folks who grew up fighting a war to travel to new places and find new wars to fight. That's what they know how to do. He's arrogant enough to think he should be in charge, and his world view is the only way to be safe is to be tougher than everyone. Last season he was more a mercenary. This season he's grabbing power, and I assume cash, from the Hydra leadership vacuum by representing himself as rebuilding Hydra.  Yes, he wants to take revenge for his grievances too. That's where the fun comes in.




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    Ward's tough love for the Strucker boy seems like a compulsive re-working of his personal autobiography with Garrett, with himself cast as Garrett. Which is kind of demented.

    Well, Ward has a pretty high opinion of himself. If it worked on him, it's probably a great plan! It seems basically sound though. Get someone who is convinced that they are entitled to greatness and tell them if they just work hard enough, ruthlessly enough it's their right. Pretty familiar message really.



    I love how they mix up pairings, it keeps things interesting. May and Hunter should be a fun one. Hunter will be cracking jokes and May will not react to him at all.


    Until she has just the right one liner. May's pretty funny at times.

    I'm glad they got Simmons back now, I'm sure we'll find out what happened to her throughout the season. She's got some PTSD from her time over there and sleeps with a weapon. So I do hope we see her in survival mode.

    PTSD is angsty and all, but I really want flashbacks and her being a big key to the mystery and changed, not just injured.


    What was odd is that about all the information SHIELD had on the monolith going in was the legend that it was an anti Inhuman weapon. Yet Daisy was front and center for the entire mission, even with her body showing physical symptoms that she was not up to the strain.


    She's been throwing herself into dangerous situations seemingly over her head since the pilot. So I'm not sure this was exactly odd. They've just given up trying to stop her.


     I would have enjoyed seeing some of that Jemma trying to survive on the Alien planet for that time. What was she eating/drinking?

    I think I would just have Walking Dead flashbacks where I yell at the screen at the screen for her to cut some pikes for gods sake. Find a library, learn to pickle, get a dog. So, it's best I was saved that. I just want to know who the bad guys on the planet are and how they will affect this season's arc.

  6.  I'd find it hard to believe Clive would be able to just let it go. That's something that stays with a person. Deep down, he'll always assume she's a little racist.

    I know Clive is supposed to not know what is going on, but he's seen her be not herself before. He always gives the personalities little looks. Approves of some, rolls his eyes at others and makes the best of it. I figure he doesn't know what's up, but I wouldn't be surprised if he assumes the personality changes are related to the visions.


    I found Liv's "cranky old man routine" a little laboured, mostly because of the cliched dialogue. And for the first time, I really hoped that Clive would start to twig her personality changes on every case because the racism was a little hard to take under the circumstances.

    This personality wasn't funny or fun to me at all. The procedural part was boring. It wasn't a good choice for the premier. You have to lay down all these plot threads which isn't that exciting until they start paying off. They needed a more fun single episode thing.


    Am I the only one who doesn't buy that Major is actually killing people? It's pretty much got to be a fake out. I will be super disappointed if it is not.

    • Love 1
  7. Well, it's sort of the combo of Daisy, kind of frilly, with Johnson, pretty staid, and the Quake powers that makes it an incongruous and so sort of an interesting name. It caps off the search for her identity certainly, but I agree it's not the coolest name. It's no C K Dexter Haven.

    • Love 2

    The only bit that didn't work for me was how Coulson and Hunter escaped the train. There were so many people guarding them! But one punch, one kick and one tech later they're gone? The plan relied on the ACTU deciding to inventory their gear on the spot? That didn't really work for me.

    It didn't really rely on it, that just helped. Besides how cool was it to see Coulson take the standard Sheild break the thumb to get out of the cuffs moves and make it about beating the bad guy with the wrong end of his new fist? It took me a while to figure out that when he tells Fitz he's on his third hand it's because he just messed up his most recent one earlier in the episode.

    Joey's powers seem pretty useless -- melts only certain metals within 3 meter range.  That doesn't explain the guy that was completely toasted in Joey's apartment or why the wooden door and wooden door frame were destroyed .  Was the implication that Joey went over the railing in his balcony -- so how did he survive the fall ?  I also don't get why the car exploded when he melted it -- it wasn't running at the time.


    Joey has had his powers like a day. It seems pretty early to dismiss them. Obviously he can disarm people at close range. With some thought he can take down significant structures. All Shadow Cat from XMen could do was walk through walls. Oh wait...


    I really could've used a "Previously On…" at the beginning, to be honest. And then I thought that they would use Joey to deliver a whole mound of exposition to remind us what happened at the end of last season while explaining what's going on to him.


    You know I might have appreciated one too. I felt like there were lots of really exposition heavy scenes, and some felt kind of clunky. I was like Coulson, why are you telling Daisy this, surely she must know how many Inhumans you all have tracked.


    The characters on NCIS, and the NCIS thread here was all abuzz about the new haircut on Gibbs.  Nobody noticed Coulson's new 'do?  I did.  I don't like it.  Super short doesn't work for him.  Sky!Daisy's new hair was nice though.  Much more superhero-y than hacker-y.


    I love both their hair. Daisy's because of the wind machine and sort of wild look and it's a new chapter thing. Coulson because it goes with his more casual clothes and innocuous company man persona. That and I just think it looks better with the angles of his face.


    • Love 3
  9.   But I didn't add the flirting because his feelings for her were genuine.


    Flirting expressed via kidnappings and threatening rape. PotAYto PoTAto


    The Quake thing seems to be working out OK for her now, but imagine being hauled off against your will to be handed over to a fascist vivisectionist and a crazy man who wants to transform you into who knows what. Oh and it more or less makes you the enemy of all your friends. This seems a legitimate horrific beef.


    However I wouldn't put her further up the list because it's not heroic to kill the baddie and she's so powered now that it would be hard to justify not finding a way to contain him with a convenient rock slide or something. Were it to happen, someone with a bit more conventional abilities should do it, and do it to protect others.

    • Love 2
  10. Lincoln is an Inhuman.  IIRC, Coulson put Skye in charge of forming a new team of Inhumans that would work for SHIELD.  Since Lincoln has become friends with Skye and wasn't killed off, it makes sense that he would be a part of Skye's Inhuman team and whatever they do next season, as well as a possible love interest for Skye.


    And he has medical skills and knows Inhuman biology so he can be the xenobiology exposition stand in while Simmons rocks out for a while.

    He hasn't proven too interesting just yet, I'd agree with that, but bland can work fine for advancing the story a while.


  11. Entertainment Weekly Spoiler Room: Spoiler Room: Scoop on Once, Arrow, Blacklist and more



    Anything iZombie would be great! — Jennifer
    Maybe Major is trying to live life to the fullest after his near-death experience, but he’s going about it in all the wrong ways. I hear not only does he off a zombie in the premiere, but he’s also snorting Utopium in the second outing.


  12. I don't really love the idea of a team up, though agreed it is inevitable. Blaine just sort of steals the evil show. It's like evil comedy relief. I'm not sure how excited I am to see him and Liv together in the main plot.

  13. I also think Clive should be more interested in Liv's many personalities, unless he thinks she's an intrusive, peppy, anti-social, motherly, bixsexual artist and trivia nut that knows about guns that also drinks and smokes pot.


    I get that he must think it's a byproduct of being psychic, but you'd think he'd have more questions about that. Maybe he doesn't want risk jinxing it.

    Blaine is actively turning people into zombies and harvesting teenagers for their brains. NOW. She knew one of his victims, hell she ate his brains and SHE STILL DOESN'T DO ANYTHING. That makes me hate her way more than Major and his generic love interest status. For the record I don't like Major but at least he's doing something to try and stop teenagers dying while Liv is just ... tripping on brains every other week.


    Well, she doesn't know what to do, and she's trying to figure it out. I can sort of respect that.

  14. Felt bad for Liv throughout the episode, Rose McIver really sold the grief. However, Liv's treatment of Major is just not OK. Seriously, the guy already considers himself crazy because you can't spill the beans! Hope it will come back to bite her in the ass big time.


    Yeah, I keep feeling like this show is smarter than the other comic book crap, but it's pulling the same old story. It seems obvious that the mental hospital isn't going to actually protect major. But I guess that's just genre awareness.

  15. Liv, Major and Lowell's forays into heroism are all pretty clumsy. Well meaning and all that, but not terribly well planned out. I like it. I'm hoping Clive can give them some tips in the future. Not that he seems like super cop himself, but he's got understand the basics a bit better. This is why they are always telling the audience insert characters to wait in the car.


    The good news is Blaine doesn't seem that bright either. We've established the visions tend to be triggered by visual cues. All you need is a person or two insulation from the murderers and the delivery boys, dude.

    • Love 3
  16. Wow, there certainly are a lot of people who are pretty idealistic about love. I'd be pretty comfortable saying Grant loved Kara, in his own destructive way. That's even with me feeling like Grant's defining character trait is really good liar. I felt like he was playing the boyfriend to her, but I also feel like Grant tends to kind of live his lies a bit too, even while he's making up his facts on the fly.

    • Love 6
  17. Which I find kind of sad. Why aren't heroes allowed to be pragmatic and rational, at least once in a while? I get that they need to be  closer to the bad guy for dramatic, storytelling purposes, but it's so cliché. No, they always have to act for emotional reasons and/or get themselves in danger. Would've been a nice change of pace if the writers had Liv simply shoot him. I hope the main reason why she wasn't allowed to do so was that they needed Blaine alive, possibly to help her unravel the whole utopium / Max Rager mystery, and this decision pays off in the end.


    Well, I think shooting someone in a preplanned way from a distance is clearly premeditated. If you have the time to plan it out, you probably have the time to think out an alternate solution. In a lot of the other situations the audience gut reaction is, well they didn't have a choice. With this sort of thing, well you should have exhausted your other options. Now I can think of cases where a hero would make this choice to kill preplanned at a distance and the audience would find it justified, but those would all be people who had been at it a while.  With an amateur like Liv it could happen, but then the next six month would be her wrestling with the consequences of her decision. And I'm not actually convinced that actually would have been the most pragmatic decision, there is the rest of this operation left and we've seen Blaine is not the only killer here.

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