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Frame Worker

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Posts posted by Frame Worker

  1. That actually was his mom. She mentioned she came from his village, lost her son and husband, sang the presumably unique song his mother wrote. He put it all together went cray-cray over how messed up the whole scenario was.

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  2. I kind of see the "I wouldn't help just anyone" as an admission to himself in that moment, and he has to chew on it a second before he can spit it out. It's sadly true, and I don't think it's something Rick is proud of. But as noted, he does put people he cares about first, and will leave strangers to die if there would be much risk involved to his people. He's come around to that "you don't get to be the good guy and live" mentality and I think the pause is he doesn't like how it sounds to actually say it out loud.


    And imo we're not supposed to see this as a good trait. Shane approves of that answer. Jessie needs that answer. But Glenn, Carl, and Michonne tend to resist that answer. They can call Rick on it, and occasionally give him a time out if he goes too far.

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  3. I think the real question is: do we need to make a distinction between only comic talk and comic vs show talk, and for now I am thinking no. Like maybe the only thing we really need is to rename the existing thread Comics vs Show: The same but different to make it entirely clear that the thread isn't for comic discussion only. If there ever comes a time where the comic fans are trying to really dig into something comic only and keep getting sidetracked by show injections then it might make sense to split out a comic only thread, but personally I haven't seen a need for that.

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  4. Wait a minute...are TPTB actually trolling us? After the complaints of the revolving door of black characters getting killed and replaced, they literally build a revolving door and kill a black character in it? I mean it was effective as hell, but is it also an elaborate meta joke?

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  5. I just came to a realization about the gun touch: it has nothing to do with Pete. Rick is carrying a visible sidearm. If that was a 'must kill' or 'must cop' reflex his hand would have gone to the peacemaker. Instead, it's got to be a direct response to the A flash, "you're one of us now!" He touches the hidden gun 8 inches away from the visible one...no I am not. Not really. Maybe that's a guilty touch, like when he hesitates to take it from Carol for a moment. He's breaking the ASZhat's trust by having it. Instead of a scarlet letter burning on his hand, he has a pistol burning under his jacket. Or maybe it's a reaffirmation, I haven't drunk the kool-aid.


    Which also puts a spin on the "I love you wall" scene right after. He's happy to hear the zombie because that's the justification for breaking trust. There is danger, as peaceful as this place looks, there's still zombies out there, and still the same potential problems in here. 

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