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Posts posted by Malia110

  1. Malia110   

    18 HOURS AGO

    I'm a newlywed, two months last Monday.  My husband works in the evening, sleeping until about noon each day.  I, on the other hand, work 8:30 - 5:30.  I usually wake up around 6:30 a.m. and head out for my one hour commute.  Once the work day is over, I drive that same commute home.  I cook the children supper, maybe do a load of laundry, by then, I'm exhausted.  I also have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  

    I miss my husband during the week.  I try to stay up until at least midnight to have time with him.  

    My thing is...he wants to wake me up after I've gone to bed or gets disappointed if I want to go to bed.  I've tried explaining, "my body and mind SUFFER if I don't get enough sleep."


    Really Tired, But Feeling Guilty in Georgia

  2. On 3/28/2018 at 1:14 PM, GoodieGirl said:

    Pet Peeve: People who reheat strong smelling seafood items in the company microwaves. I would rather smell burnt popcorn than leftover tuna noodle casserole any day! And I like tuna noodle casserole and many other seafood dishes but I would not want to stink up the whole cafeteria with it! Yuck! 

    edited because I like "many" other seafood dishes...

    We have a girl eats brussel sprouts EVERY DAY.  She puts thrm in our toaster oven and. They. STINK!!!

    • Love 5
  3. On 9/21/2016 at 10:55 AM, Lm2162 said:

    I actually thought Dr. Jenn's pieces of advice themselves were good. No one will deal with someone who acts that aggressive and insane. But it's also pretty messed up, as she said, to sort of insinuate you have a future together, which he's doing by even entertaining the ring thing or discussing its price, if you have no intention of doing so. 

    If this was a random couple not in a sequined jumpsuit and not with that level of ugly cry, I'd say that advice wasn't the worst. But what makes it totally ridiculous is that their entire relationship is obviously a joke or an act for the cameras, or some sort of two sided arrangement, and Dr. Jenn is entertaining it as if it's some actual thing. She is so not an actual therapist. 

    I kept saying to myself during the ugly cry, "Stop it or else your lips are gonna pop!  Stop it!  They're gonna pop!!!"

    • Love 1
  4. 1 minute ago, MsSilverSpecs said:

    I have two kids that are on the autism spectrum. My daughter is non verbal like Nicholas. I can prompt her to say "I love you mama" all I want but when she repeats it, it means nothing. I know that and therefore I don't make her say things that I just want to hear.

    Jacqueline needs to just come to grips with her son's condition. Both her and Chris. I remember in a past season, he said something to the effect of "I know in my heart he will be rehabilitated and be normal". This bothers me. Their son will always be on the spectrum, and the best thing they can do is accept it and help him have an easier time with therapy etc.

    I wonder if being that this was at the beginning of Nicolas' diagnosis, if I am remembering correctly, if that was just naivete' of the disorder.  I wonder if Chris is at a different point of acceptance than Jac.  Anyways, I imagine it is hard on all of them, they will all learn at a different rate, accept at a different rate and hopefully, they are getting him into correct treatments, therapies, etc.  I have no idea the inner workings of autism, as I have no experience with it, but I imagine it would be a life change that has to be learned when faced with it.  As someone else said, I would like to see more of the Laurita's using RHONJ as a platform to inform society about autism, what they have learned, etc.  They may have their reasons not to though???


    7 minutes ago, MsSilverSpecs said:


    Same old stuff with Melissa and Joe . I laughed out loud when she read Teresa's note from jail about the sprinkle cookies. Ha!

    When I saw that, I wondered if Theresa was trying to be funny or was she be the same old snarky, Tre?  Time will tell.....

    • Love 3
  5. RHONJ finally came back...trust me, I was NOT sitting on pins and needles...I didn't even make time to watch until tonight.  I left RHONJ however many years ago, was it two?, bored, disgusted, and not really caring for any of the "characters".  I, like many, refused to watch, "Theresa Phones Home", or whatever it was called, siting the "I won't help them make money" excuse, but really, I just didn't care about the Guidices any more.  There really was zero ownership, not even, "Ooops, you're right, I didn't dot the I on the signature for the money laundering".  None, zip, zilch.  That was infuriating and disgusting behavior.  You don't get in big trouble like that by doing absolutely nothing.  I used to like Theresa...a really long time ago.  Pre-Melissa a long time ago.  Prior to the money scandal, but once Melissa came on board, I watched the denial of any wrong doing unfold, "she didn't say that about her SIL, she didn't say this about her brother, she never told Jac that, Dina would never do this".  Deny, deny, deny...and thus, my dislike of Theresa began and still sits.  The homecoming, pulled at the heart strings.  She is first, a mother, yep, she took part in screwing it up, but still, a mother who loves her children and as much as I don't understand it, she also loves her husband.  I think in that moment, she was very grateful.  She may only remember what she lost for 10.2 seconds, but in that moment, I think she remembered, she would never admit it out loud, but she got it.  Joe, you piece of crap, get up from the table and greet your damn wife!  You helped her get where she was and she did her part of the time, get up and act like you are happy to see her!  Grrrrr!!!  I have a strong dislike for that man!

    Jac...I used to like her too...I believe that Nicolas' regression, was Jac's regression. I can't imagine what it must be like to have a perfectly healthy child, suddenly seriously regress and then to be diagnosed with a condition that the world is just learning more about, but yet, still knows so little.  I can't say whether or not I would use a television show as a platform, but I think if it made my family enough money to use for his medical care, I would.  Who wouldn't go to the ends of the earth to help their child?  On top of that, apparently, she and Chris did some shady business.  I believe they are paying for it.  They corrected themselves, it looks like, in order to not be as severely punished as the Guidices, but looks like they did a very fast U-turn.  At least they will admit it (or at least I think they did).  Jac, though, I agree with many of you, that she just can't let Theresa go.  Is Theresa her way to fame?  Is Theresa her drug?  Is Theresa her poison that she just can't NOT drink?  I don't know, I don't get it...I have been in toxic relationships, like Jac, but by my 30's, I finally realized how toxic they were and poured that poison down the drown.  Waiting to see if Jac does that this year, though the previews aren't looking to be in that favor.  I think Jac is a very unhappy, depressed person, and she might need some therapy, seriously.  I think Chris is clearly being physically affected by his decisions, his family's health, and wiggling out from underneath his life that came crashing down on him.  I like Chris, always have.  I am pulling for this couple.  Ashley, was a teenager when we last saw her.  A mouthy, bitchy, shitty teenager, who was born to a young mother.  She was horrible.  She is still just a young 25.  A lot can happen in the years between being a teenager and being in your mid 20's.  Life has a way of slapping the shit out of you.  I am willing to give her a chance, I mean, she pulled Danielle Staub's hair out for me, I owe her.

    I immediately thought the new girl, Delores, looked like Dina!  I even rewound it to see if they had said she was a Manzo sister, but no, only that Jac knew her through Caroline.  She HAS to be related!  

    Siggy, I got nothing on her, except, she was likable.  We only saw her for a total of three minutes, so, I will probably eat those words.

    Kathy and Rosie.  I thought Rosie looked rough.  Might be the new weight loss, but, wow!  Kathy looked as beautiful as ever.  I didn't care for her green outfit though.

    Last, but not least, I don't think I forgot anyone...the Gorga's....listen, I can't help it, I love Joe.  I think he is cute, I think he is funny, I think his nakedness and hitting on his wife 24/7 is his personality. That is the Joe we have all come to know.  He thinks he is God's gift and I always just roll my eyes and smile.  He hasn't changed a bit, that is for sure.  Melissa handles it like a boss, which clearly tells us, that his the man she married and she loves him.  They are a fun couple, who can laugh, have fun, but get serious when need be.  I really, really, really, hope that we don't get the same story line of Theresa/Joe/Melissa Family Feud.  It has been done, over and over and over.  New script please!

    Previews look like it will not be a quiet season....cheers to all!

    • Love 3
  6. On 6/23/2016 at 3:22 PM, Lm2162 said:

    Dr. Drew is insanely sexist on top of all the stupid. Who shames the only TM2 girl who has a four-year university education for wanting a job or grad school and not popping out another kid to keep her husband docile? Who shames the most emotionally healthy woman on the show for not getting engaged at an earlier age than 24??! And acts like without a man she didn't have a family and her life sucked?

    Oh, but Jenelle and Nathan are totes fine even though Nathan basically admitted to repeatedly physically abusing Jenelle on screen, she neglects her baby on TV, and between them and David, they have three kids they are entirely not or barely allowed to see, legally. Let's just let Leah and Corey 100% slide on the obvious neglect of their disabled daughter and tell them how great they are even though they blatantly admitted to ignoring a specialist's orders on how to prolong and improve their daughter's life. 

    What in the fuck?!

    THIS!!!!!  Yes!!!!

    • Love 2
  7. Finally watched the Finale special....while I don't understand what Dr. Drew was doing with the "marriage counseling"...well, I do, but it was not done well, what I did like about it, was he FINALLY asked her hard questions.  In the past, he has let her walk off because she was mad and skirt the hard questions.  I loved watching her sit there and squirm a little, actually answer the questions, ...though....she was never going to answer the question the way Drew wanted her to, which I commend her for.  The marriage is over...Javi was right, she is done....when Kail is done, she is done.  I am actually not even going to dis her for being done because that marriage was doomed from the beginning.


    As for her comment about she and Jo getting along now because "they have all grown up"...meh...that may have a little to do with it....I don't think she is done fighting with Jo though.

    • Love 3
  8. 12 hours ago, auntlada said:

    I always hated the lists of what to get your dad or mom for Father's Day or Mother's Day. My dad did not build things. He did not fix things if he could help it. He did not want electronics. He usually got a shirt from me because I knew he regularly cleaned out his closet and could always use new shirts.

    My mom, on the other hand, wanted things like cordless drills and didn't need more perfume or jewelry, although she would be happy with anything. She always told us she wanted socks and a hairbrush so we wouldn't spend too much money on her.

    Yes!!!  None of the men in my life fit into the check box category either...and my mom is the drill mom!

  9. 1 hour ago, Madison Bumgarner said:

    Babs should have called the cops when they refused to bring him home. Jenelle he has no custodial rights when it comes to him. I hope Babs follows through and doesn't let Jace see Jenelle for awhile. And way to scream at Babs when Jace is a foot away from you, you stupid bitch.

    According the the tweet Janelle posted on, June 3, I think, it seems Babs gave in, sadly.  

  10. Here's my take...let me preface by saying, "I have NEVER cared for Kail!"  She and I would never get along, she is ALWAYS a bitch, it ALWAYS has to be her way, damn the judge, dann the father of the child, damn the newest love interest...SHE makes the rules.

    Javi has always seemed like her little pushover...he was perfect for her, he is her little puppet, apologizing in submission when she deems he has done something bad.  He is a pansy when it comes to Kail...and for this, I have NEVER had any respect for him....other than I do think he loved her...and he does love those boys.

    What I don't understand is that Javi and Kail planned another pregnancy (this would have been the marraige-ending child #3 that was not meant to be) to coincide with his current deployment.  They "planned it so she would be near due date when he got home".  This probably was only a few months prior to tonight's episode....ending in miscarriage (or abortion, depending on who you believe)...so, all of a sudden she doesn't want that???

    I think Javi is pissed that she changed the plans....and since he is a few thousand miles away from Kail's raging fists...he can challenge her...by video phone.

    It was clear that Javi was torn up about leaving his family for six months ( I remember thinking, "This party and public crying is a little much....he is only leaving for six months!) It was also clear that Kail couldn't get him out of there fast enough, only finally tearing up when the video of her sad boys played....she looked rather bored on the actual day of Javi's departure and he was emotional.

    All this to say...idc what Javi's excuse is for leaving, I say more power to him...those FT with Kail were painful to watch...supportive much?  Nah!  Not Kail!

    • Love 3
  11. 13 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    I don't even understand what Instagram or Pinterest are.  I don't use Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, either, but I know what they are.  The other two were subjects of clues in a Jeopardy! category a while back, and I thought that had taught me what purpose they serve (I don't want to use them, but it's nice to be conversant), but that knowledge didn't stick.  Instagram is pictures, I have that general sense, but Pinterest won't stay in my brain at all.

    Pinterest is like the old notebook where you put "recipes" or "decorating ideas" in it.....or even an old bulletin board that you pinned a magazine ad that you ripped out because you liked the models hairstyle....it's a virtual bulletin board.

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