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Posts posted by esperanza

  1. "He's a cheater, a liar, and a douche. What I do NOT think he's guilty of is leading her on. He wanted a hook up. He got it. He was an IDIOT to think she would keep her mouth shut about it -- or that the cameras didn't catch it."

    I don't think he led her on either. I think they were both attracted to each other and they had sex. Great. But why is he so hostile to her now? Why couldn't he pull her aside and say "hey I'm still in love with my girlfriend. I hope you understand."Then she wouldn't have felt the need to go to Emile and Amy and he actually could have gotten away with it. At least until his girlfriend saw the show.

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  2. Ugh, the Rocky hatred on this board is really depressing. To me she just seems like an emotionally fragile immature twenty something. Why are people defending Eddie and blaming her? If you have sex with someone, you should treat them with enough respect to tell them in person and kindly why you no longer want to do so. Easy. You don't ignore them and treat them like scum; unless you're a woman hating misogynist like Eddie.

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  3. The Captain should have fired both Leon and Kate. What experienced Chief Stewardess would not know the basics of handling an oven fire in the galley? She and Rocky fanned the flames, left the oven open, did not attempt to put the fire out with an extinguisher, then ran out of the galley while radioing for help. Did she even shut off the oven? Kate had just burned the popcorn in the microwave and I think most of the smoke from the oven fire was from that. Kate should know how to deal with this kind of emergency.

    I was thinking the same thing in terms of "there's a fire? Open the oven! Fan the flames" Um, really?

    Here's my problem with this whole scenario:

    Leon was liked by several members of the staff, he was a pretty good chef (the guests seemed to love his food), and he wasn't even around for the oven fire. I'd be pretty pissed too if I was fired. I certainly wouldn't hang out and cook for the man that fired me.

    Eddie is acting totally dishonorably. He only is turning on Rocky now because she is unpopular with the cool kids. Klassy.

    The only thing I liked about this whole scenario is Ben calling out Kate for always having to have someone to hate.

    Plus I think it's totally unprofessional for Captain Lee to be talking about his employees on social media.

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  4. This show is at it's best when it has some criminal activity or something other than just the music industry story. The music itself is great but I'm worried it's just going to be Dynasty vs. Empire: "I signed this artist (investor, etc), No, I did!" back and forth. I actually like the stuff with Lucious's mom because at least it's a little more deep.

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  5. I'm really disappointed in this show. I don't mind the slow burn or the lack of zombie attacks, but I was hoping with this reboot we'd get some answers about the virus. They could have easily added a scientist into the mix, talking about where the virus came from. Or added some people from a different country to give us information on whether they are having an epidemic. Now we just have another less-attractive (not just physically) cast hiding from zombies.

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