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Stella Rose

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Posts posted by Stella Rose

  1. On 2/17/2024 at 11:43 AM, SG429 said:

    Odd, isn't it, how many ad campaigns are built around the theme of "You Stink." Outside of folks leaving the gym, medical issues or those with just poor hygiene, most of us are pretty inoffensive, aren't we?

    Honestly, I would much rather smell a little natural BO than all the chemical fragrance crap that is everywhere.  I get migraines and between all the febreeze, perfumes, and "stop stink" stuff, I can barely leave the house.


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  2. On 2/6/2024 at 3:18 PM, Crashcourse said:

    Yes, I don't mind this new commercial.  Also, this new woman isn't nearly as annoying to me as the previous one.  

    Maybe it's not *quite* as bad but the new lady has Joker mouth that bugs me to bits.

    Not as confusing as the Commercial within a behind the scenes commercial with bad lip-syncing.  Lady Bunny is scowling somewhere.

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  3. 19 hours ago, millennium said:

    Now we'll probably have to wait another three or four minutes before Alexander Skaarsgaard turns up in another series playing Alexander Skaarsgaard.

    "Sookie... er Shiv, yeah... is MINE."

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  4. 17 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

    I love the show, but you can't mistake it for an Aaron Sorkin drama.

    Or a Shonda Rhimes show.  Olivia Pope on Succession...  "I..  um yeah.  Good.  Always.  You know, I mean, better than, yeah, um, well anyone.  Like, um, facts, right?"


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  5. 7 hours ago, sandyskyblue said:

    While I don't think Roman actually 'pre-grieved', it is definitely a thing....when my husband passed after having cancer for 9 months, I asked my sister 'why do I feel so relieved (one of many emotions I was feeling then) right now?', she said I was already grieving during those 9 months without me even realizing it...it made perfect sense to me then and still does now after 10 years

    I am so sorry for what you went through.  That is a whole different situation though - the feeling of relief after caretaking for a lengthy illness is absolutely understandable.  As to Roman I think if he did "pre-grieve" he just lived his life grieving that his father was a total turd and did not give two skinny rat's asses about him.

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  6. I just realized that other than when a character has a "big speech" moment, 90% of the dialogue is unfinished sentences and non sequiturs.  

    "Yeah, so...  um....  yeah."

    "Sure, yeah."

    "You know I really...  um...  sure."

    Bless.  For saying a lot, these people say nothing.


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  7. 18 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

    "Ghost Bo" is really cheesy.  Dont care for Steve Burton's 'sour face".  John dancing at the Pride Party was pitiful.  The best part was seeing Patch & Kayla with their 3 kids...new Joey was good.  I dont remember who Megan Hathaway is....

    Wasn't she one of Stefano's long lost children.  She was involved with Bo at some point a long time ago if I remember correctly.  80s era I think.

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  8. Merciful Zeus...  Beyond Salem?  Beyond watchable.

    That was painful.  I paid for one month to watch the Psych movies and thought this would be a bonus.  Not so much.

    Even all the insane undying love I have for Loretta Devine cannot force me to watch this.  

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  9. 9 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

    Can we please stop blaming mothers for their children's flaws. Alyssa a bitch and that's all on her. Not her mother's fault or how she raised her. Sadly, her mother's kindness did not rub off on her. 

    So true, as is the reverse.  I hate when someone acts like a decent human and the comment is "oh, their mom raised them right."   Well actually no - I was practically raised by wolves, I just managed to become a decent, civilised person because I chose to.

    So is there any word if C/A are still contractually bound to film - and what about those hefty fines we were all made aware of last week?

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  10. 2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    I’m just wondering If Alyssa is going to show up to the reunion and if so, will she have a new chin with her?

    I sincerely hope for a new personality, but it's awfully soon for the light to dawn.   That would do about 100% to improve her looks...  

    That sad, she will still be a chinless, whiny, nasty little  victim.  (IF) she even comes/stays long enough to put on her act.  More likely she will be asked one question that "triggers' her and she will be out faster than Asshole Chris.  (of Paige and Chris)


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  11. Re: the 'defund the police' accusation - it sounded to me from the talk Chris had with his POLICE officer best friend was that he heard from a friend who heard from a friend that Alyssa said he has posted something to SM about him wanting to defund the police.  The feeling I got was that she glommed onto another thing that someone else said (i.e. the groomsmen saying he liked to debate) as another reason for her to act like a turd.  

    Seems like she was just looking for a reason to be a beast.

    While getting into the elevator after the wedding:

    A:  "I rescue dogs."

    C:  "Great, I have a rescue dog I just saved a couple of months ago."

    A: "I am allergic to dogs.  Well to your dog, not my dog."

    A"  (to producer)  "God, I hate him so much!  He is so threatening! I feel triggered.  Did you see  his hand gestures when he pressed the elevator button?  No way I can stay in the same room with him.  I was ROBBED."

    ETA;  Chris - your teeth are fine, you are adorable as-is.  Alyssa is just a hell beast.

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  12. I feel like Lindsay - for the right person - really is a catch.  Hear me out:  I believe she is the type to be all in for someone (to the point of over, but again - right person).  She truly is a ride or die type gal.  I think that there is nothing she won't do for someone - to the point of running them over - but for the right guy, I do really like her.  She may or may not need to tone down the booze a bit, but she seems like a decent soul, and is exceptionally self-aware...   I have a little bit of hope for her and Mark and as was said earlier - they could be a Elizabeth and Jamie type couple.

    Alyssa,  oh you dear, delusional, messy, nasty, bitter little pill.  I have about 0 hope this young lady will ever grow up.   Maybe if she got some therapy - she needs to take a cold,  hard look at herself and try to figure out why she is such a miserable cur.  I do not believe for a split second that Chris was anything but a gentleman to her, and I have to think she has some pretty serious past damage that is completely clouding her judgment.  (Either that or she is just a nasty brat).  I think she seriously missed out on a very decent, kind man.  Get help little girl.  You are very obviously very unhappy in your own skin.

    Chris - be well, sir.  You handled this hot mess with more dignity, class, and grace than anyone on this show since it began.   You will make someone very happy and will come out of this so much better.  

    Does anyone know - are they done filming and  is he stuck with the fine for quitting early?  If so we should start a GoFundMe.   It would be worth every penny.

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  13. Screw all the psycho-babble diagnostics.  Alyssa is just a mean, nasty fucking twat.  Period.

    How she ever rescues animals that are less than perfect is beyond me.  I used to do rescue for the hard - HARD - luck cases - serious, end of days kiddos who were about ten exits past hospice.  (I still take on hospice kids, but had to back down to one or two at a time for my sanity.)

    Seriously, You can't take a look at an animal who has mange, mites, fleas, tumors... who is starved and biting and worse and just say "meh..."   "they have jacked up teeth."   This little girl is one bitter pill.   I hope she can look back at this and grow the hell up.   Nasty.  NAS-TY.

    Grow up little girl.  You are not 17 years old.


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  14. Alyssa sure is a bitter pill.  I have to wonder what kind of animal rescue she does.  I do rescue and have for many years.  You have to be pretty darned open minded for that sort of thing.  When you first see a toothless, skinny, mange-infested, flea-ridden bald critter you can't just say "nope, not attractive".  I wonder about her a lot.  Not to mention she looks like Lindsay Lohan after the bad face job.  To be that self absorbed and shallow at that age to be getting "dental work" done...   I do hope Chris will find a kind mate after this, he seems like a decent fellow.  

    Also...  where the heck are the "experts" ?  They should have swooped in stat to try to help out - or at least do something for poor Chris.


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  15. First impressions usually change, but Alyssa is probably the least likable of all the females on every season.  What a pill.

    Chris seems like a decent, nice guy - a bit dorky, but adorable.  I said about 15 minutes in "Hold on pal, this will be bumpy as all hell, but in 6 months you will be divorced and the right one will find you."  God, she is a miserable cur.  For someone who does rescue she has the personality of moldy drywall.

    So far the MVP of the episode was that sweet little vintage Chevy Truck A&C left in.  Hi cutie!!  What a gem.

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  16. I was actually surprised that Brett (who seemed to be a true animal person) would be a willing co-conspirator in Myrla's purchasing a puppy from a hell hole pet store/puppy mill.

    I would have pegged her for being the type to push for adopting from a rescue group or shelter.   You would think she would have at lease been less giddy about the whole thing.

    Meh! to them both.  (or all 4 if you count Brett's boobs.)  

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  17. I have to say I did a 180 on Myrla from the start to the decision, then whoa - nellie....  Right back to the original opinion.  She actually had me fooled for a while.  Shallow note, for all her 'diva pretty pretty princess' BS,   I think she needs some serious makeup tips, she always looks vaguely like a Wayans in White Chicks.  She has no color at all on her face.     And the boots...  Chile!  Money does not buy taste.   Not sure what Gil was going for either.  If you can't beat them join them?  Oddness all around.

    Brett....  oh, Brett...    I know a lot of ladies hate bras.  I get it.  I am barely an A- so I can go without, but still I don't.  However, they make these awesome reusable nipple covers now - some even with a tab that will help hold those girls in a perky and upright position.  My humble opinion is that some of those could be her best girl's friend!  I do wonder a bit about her mystery man.  She got kind of oddly bitchy about the whole thing.  She seemed so open and cool throughout the show, her change in personality and tone there was jarring.  I wish if she was seeing someone she would have just owned it and said "Hell yeah, I have someone!"  instead of continuing to martyr herself as the long suffering wife of a giant bump on a log.

    The less said about Z and HurriKay the better.

    What a waste of a season.  Seems each one gets worse than the last.


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  18. I hope the A/B thing was just the editing monkeys effing with us.  If she breaks his heart she is going to be on the fan-wankers most wanted list.  I hope to see them on next years' couples cam - with Bennett home with their babies and Amelia coming home with take out veggie LoMein.

    I think ChristinA just realized she was not going to get the Kate edit, no matter how bad she tried to fake us out in thinking Henry was another Puke.  Sorry, sis.   We watched Kate.  We cried with Kate. You, missy,  are no KATE.

    Hoping Woody and the oh so amazingly calm and lovely Amani are OK.

    Karen and Miles...  no clue.  I am just wondering what the dickens she saw on his SM that put her off so badly.

    Nothing to say about Brett and Olivia.  They can both just go back to their cats and that will be enough from them.

    • Love 13
  19. 4 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Like a sweet girl with sausage roll bangs, dark framed glasses, peter pan collar blouse and dark bowtie under a jumper?

    No way in hell.   She would be just as mealy mousy as him.  He needs a WOMAN.  An actual  adult woman with a  job/career, her own abode, and who is self confident enough to be kind and bring out the best in him.  She needs to be strong and whole enough to not NEED him to carr her, but to WANT him to.  (read:   the precise opposite of the "Oh-so-worldly ChristinA who is more insecure than my 5 year old  - don't call me princess,  I'm a Queen.).  All he needs is someone who is kind, decent, and who does not purposely make him feel like SHIT.  (see:  ChristinA).


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  20. On 10/2/2020 at 7:54 AM, spunky said:

    I'm the same age as Henry and would fly to NOLA if I knew he was into black women jk. In all seriousness I would rather have someone like Henry over last season's Brandon and Michael. 

    I'm sure if a person were kind, actually listened to him, was non-judgy, and treated him like an equal human, he would not be concerned about pigment!  (coming from one who is pigmentally challenged here).  Dang, the  poor guy seems like he just wants a kind word and a genuine smile or laugh.  He is creeping close to Kate levels of beat-down.    I think we all saw the writing on the wall when Christina mentioned at least 12 times in episode 1 how 'worldly' she was and how poor, poor neophyte Henry had gasp- never even traveled - gasp.

    21 hours ago, Booger666 said:

    I adore diamonds and will happily provide a good home to any cast off diamonds you don’t want anymore 🙂


    I have some I would happily trade for some sparkly emeralds or rubies!    I don't dislike diamonds - nothing personal - just find them kind of boring.  I reserve my true hatred for "diamond chips" clogging up every pretty gemstone solitaire on the planet.  P'tooey.  (I digress).

    I think Woody was just being silly about the diamond thing.  He and Amani are the surprise of the season for me.  I was so worried for her episode 1.   It will be awkward though if they make it and Karen and Miles don't.  I am not sure how Amani really fells about Karen - she is so gracious it's hard to tell - but I think she genuinely likes them both.

    Bennet and Amelia continue to be strangely adorable, and I find myself really, really hoping to see them on couples cam with A&W next year.

    The less said about Olivia and Bret the better.  Bad match, just bad.  Not Henry/Christina levels bad, but close.  I think someone mixed up the prospective spouses on this one.


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