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Posts posted by wifey81

  1. I can see I'm in the minority but I loved Rinna's out of nowhere, months late coke accusation.

    a) I hate Dorit. Insufferable. The fake accent, the fake mothering.. and I'll hate anyone who loses the baby weight that quickly just on principal

    b) Cokegate was a genuine shock. So many of these storylines are leaked and hyped ahead of time. This episode already had so much drama I really was not expecting such a big accusation at the end.

    c) Such transparent tit-for-tat. No covering the fact Rinna was pissed at Dorit over the Xanax stuff. Just BOOM I am getting you back.

    d) If a table of people got up suddenly like that (8/10 people) to touch their make up they were 100% doing coke. 100%.

    This one accusation was the season highlight for me. RHoBH for the win, just when I was about to write it off completely.

    • Love 2
  2. A few short years ago Kim Richards was so stressed by potential conflict that she would stammer and go red and go hide in the bathroom (ie. get slammed).

    "I get nervous!!" - "I don't like conflict!"

    Now after only a season or 2 in the off-tv wilderness she is launching attacks at Rinna out of nowhere. The girl is thirsty, and not just for a drink.

    I did kind of enjoy Eden donning her pseudo-therapist hat for a minute and forcing them to dig a little deeper, because they were fighting at an elementary school level.

    I don't believe Rinna was sincere in her apology to Kim, but I love that she has mastered the art of the shut-them-down apology. Cause no one can argue with you once you've apologized, it just makes them look petty. (In fact Rinna is an amazing example to LVP on this issue).

    Meanwhile I think I am the only person on the interwebs who still likes Eileen Davidson. Sure she drags things out but the woman has spent her life on soap operas, when they tell her to bring the drama she thinks they mean stretch it out. I think under the producer-encouraged conversations, she has a genuine-ness to her that I appreciate.

    I find Dorit 100% fake and irritating. Not even decent house porn. Move along. And take the nasty husband with you, ugh.

    And Erika.. there are times I really like Erika but the immature, hypersexualized, burn-money-in-order-to-pretend-I'm-a-popstar thing is so off putting for a woman in her 40's. There is something about her that just doesn't make sense.

    • Love 4
  3. I don't buy for a second that Meri was confused about how Mariah would become a parent - I think her repeated nonsense claiming it was a mystery was her passive-aggressive way of communicating that she does not approve of same-sex couples becoming parents.

    She was veiling her disapproval ever so slightly because of the cameras.

    I have a feeling she saves her conversations with Mariah for the cameras too, which understandably drives Mariah insane. It boxes Mariah into having the talk, for the sake of the cameras, but she can't hide how little she wants to participate.

    Clearly Mariah has had a big awakening during her time away at college. She has insights now into her sexuality but also her mother. Once you recognize that level of narcissism it is impossible to un-see it.

    Mariah does act like a brat a fair bit but I think her current resistance to see her mother's perspective is a protective mechanism - there is no room for anyone else to have feelings outside of Meri, you have to wall her out to have a life. I don't like Kody at all, but even I can see that a relationship with Meri must have been untenable. It's Meri's world, all the time.

    • Love 11
  4. Ok so I have re-watched the first season of Sister Wives (clearly I have huge issues, but that's another thread)  and I think its truly sad what has happened to this family.


    Apart from the obvious physical transformation, what is really clear is how broken down the relationships have become. In that first season, Christine talks about how when Kody got excited about bringing Robyn into the family she felt "that she lost her best friend." Can you imagine Christine describing Kody as her best friend these days?


    Similarly with Meri, at the end of the wedding episode, she says that "right now I would call  these women my best friends." Fast forward 5 (?) years and she is clinically informing Christine and Janelle about her divorce. It would be laughable to see them pretend to be best friends now, but I think originally there really was a bond there between the three original wives. They laughed so much more then, and it seemed so genuine.


    It was particularly interesting to hear Kody talk about how Robyn's kids would now have "two dads, and 4 moms."  He went so far as to say (referring to the bio-dad) "We're not trying to take anything away from him."


    How times have changed.

    • Love 5
  5. I think if Kody had been breaking the news to wives 2 & 3 we would have seen different reactions.


    Christine has massive insecurities with Kody specifically. I think if Kody had announced he was divorcing Meri to marry Robyn we would have seen a Christine flip out reminiscent of weddingdressgate. But because Meri broke the news, Christine was focused what she perceived to be a huge sacrifice on Meri's part and seemed genuinely moved.


    Similarly, it it had been Kody doing the announcement,  as opposed to Janelle's arch nemesis we probably would have seen Janelle be her usual calm self. Meri is Janelle's sore spot, and it must have felt like one of Meri's mean old moves from where Janelle was sitting.


    Lets not forget that if Janelle was rightfully next in line to be the legal wife. And hell, if any of these people should be dealing with finances and legalities is should be Janelle.


    But to me the biggest giveaway for what little joint relationships there really is in this family was the fact that Meri was telling Janelle and Christine THE DAY BEFORE she was signing the paperwork. By their own admission, there were no family discussions, no "heads up, I am thinking about this" but a cold "technically they're part of the family so I guess I should tell them" announcement.


    It speaks volumes about the true nature of their strained barely-in-each-others-lives relationships, it really does.

    • Love 20
  6. I feel really, really sorry for Christine.


    It seems she married Kody out of some kind of defence-mechanism she had about polygamy. From tonight's episode, we know that Christine married Kody not too long after Christine's mom's divorce.


    It seems that even though she was a young adult by the time her mom dared to break away from the fold and try to find some happiness, the divorce really affected Christine. She seems to have been oblivious to her mother's unhappiness in the marriage, and quite angry with her mother for breaking up the family. This seems to have grown to be an overly defensive block she has about polygamy - by her own admission she wanted to be a 3rd wife. Its like unconsciously she was saying "Mom you were wrong, life was great - I'll show you how wrong you were and marry Kody and have the same wonderful life you had!"


    Sadly of course, history has repeated itself, as it always does, and Christine is in the same kind of empty marriage her mom describes leaving. But of course, Christine is stuck her some teenage rebellion and hell bent on sticking with the marriage, despite the OBVIOUS misery.


    Its really quite sad.

    • Love 13
  7. If it really was a 'family' decision, how come Christine and Janelle seemed to be informed by Meri separately from Kobyn?


    Clearly this is something Kody asked Meri to do a long time ago and in the current drought of attention she has decided to bestow this wish on her beloved (gag) in an attempt to redeem his affections.


    Firstly, she's waaay off base, the lovebirds (gag again) will continue to only have time for each other, but secondly, shouldn't there be some kind of discussion if, you know, its all about the bond and special kind of marriage they have (continuing to gag).


    Even when the scenes are clearly contrived they fail to demonstrate a vaguely democratic, united front.

    • Love 2
  8. If only Kody's legal dependents were able to get some kind of insurance/financial benefit, it would make more sense for him to marry Christine or Janelle because they have more kids than Robyn.


    And as others have said, if it was for 'legal' reasons what makes them think a judge will not see through their legal restructuring??


    It's just bizarre. It makes no sense.


    As for Kody and Robyn going to Hawaii last December, I don't know how Kody can justify that to himself. Even Kody has to have limits right? (Right??)


    First three wives get local motel 3 day honeymoons, Robyn gets 10 day Mexico  honeymoon.


    Then after 4 years of wedded polygamous bliss Meri gets a divorce, Christine and Janelle get ignored and Robyn gets legal wife status and a trip to Hawaii??


    Seriously??? How can any of them say with a straight face that this not favoritism??

    • Love 8
  9. I am so surprised by this news.


    I actually feel really sorry for Meri. Her one child is off at college and she's obviously already feeling ostracized from the family unit, and Kody goes and divorces her?! Seriously buddy, going to take more than a couple of wet bars to restore Meri's mood after this.


    Can anyone tell me, is there any possible legitimate reason for doing this?

    • Love 3
  10. I still don't understand why? Why would she risk her job, her success, her degrees all for this bs. The show isn't forever. And she chose the show over her job. Holly out of all the moms is a disgrace


    I have often wondered about this myself.


    Its concerning that someone who seems to be so educated could not see through the limited 'opportunities' all these moms spout on about and see the very real potential for damage to Nia.

    • Love 1
  11. I expected to dislike Rinna. She has a completely flake image, so I was expecting a heartless bimbo.


    I've surprised myself with how much I've liked her. She is warm and down to earth, and seems to own her d-list status which IMO makes her hugely likable.


    Throw in the fact that she speaks openly but kindly about the addiction elephant in the room and I am a total fan.

    • Love 4
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