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Posts posted by brewerrkj

  1. On 8/2/2017 at 9:47 PM, louannems said:

    A generic, thoughtless message, as usual.  Doesn't Michelle even know one single thing to describe Jenni's likes, dislikes, hobbies, favorite activity?  She's sweet.  Big deal!  And where is her Servant's Heart?

    Yeah, like Meee-Chelle would know anything at all about Jenny.                                                                                                                                                                      First of all, Mee was only the log flume that she went down after 9 months of gestation.  Jill was Jennifer's actual caring nuturing mother - I bet if you'd ask Jill any of those things about Jenny, she'd know. the answers.  Also, everything and everybody is always "sweet" or "so sweet" or "nice" in Duggarland.  Lack of imagination and a vocabulary from Schoolhouse of the Dining room table is to thank for that.  At least Jennifer has enough sense to hate Jim-Bob and Michelle - you can feel her doing it every time she looks at either one of those two.

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  2. The thing is, I don't think Jana should be left with Josie if she's going to panic like that. Nor do I think that any parent of an epileptic child has to put the rest of their lives on hold because their child might have a seizure once every few months, as it seems this is Josie's pattern. The situation as it is now is unfair to everyone. What would be best is to hire someone to care for Josie who has some training and is a little more removed personally from the situation. This allows JB and Michelle to continue their careers, Josie to develop and grow as normally as possible, and Jana to be relieved of a responsibility she clearly doesn't want (and doesn't need.)

    FEML - That.Will.Never.Happen.In.Jim-Bob.Duggar's.World.  There is no way, no how that freaking Millionaire would ever pay for an "outsider" to come into his "perfect" "wonderful" household and especially allow that someone to be paid for it.

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  3. I wanted to slap Michelle's bitch ass through the tv screen when she called Josie's seizure a "glitch." 

    Isn't this the same child that JB and Michelle have been feeding viewers the line for the last 3-4 years that Precious Miracle Youngest J-girl is "just fine" and "doing well" health-wise, despite having been born at 24 weeks and spending her first three months in the NICU?  Guess what you two dunderheads, that makes you liars! 

    As to Jana freaking out while Josie was having it? 

    Makes sense to me.  Jana, not Michelle-dingbat is actually that child's mother.

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  4. Is anyone else cringing at Mackynzie walking across a parking lot with absolutely no adult supervision?  Jinger and Anna are pretty far ahead of her and not even looking at her.  She's still so small - it would be easy for a careless driver to not see her.  Granted, I'm a bit of a worrywart in general. 

    Yep, I cringed.  Then again, very soon now Mac, who is going to be 6 in October, will expected to start "Buddying" for Anna's "little ones"  so they probably already expect her to be able to pretty much fend for herself!


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  5. I liked seeing Jinger taking pictures in the previous episode. I wonder if she doesn't get married in the next couple of years, whether or not she'd be allowed to pursue a career in photography..even if she took pics at fundie weddings, or baby pics, she could definitely make a living if she was given the chance to do so. I do hope someday she gets that chance, and also when she does marry, that she'll find a guy who will move her into the city of her dreams and away from her controlling parents. 

    The only probem with that is the only "career" the Duggar girls are really allowed to pursue is "baby log flume."

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