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Posts posted by Mybrainhurts

  1. Actually, there was a lot more fake about the Social episode than the fake Gordon Ramsay (who was fabulous by the way!) I lived in Costa Mesa for 9 years and it is not as "well-heeled" as Gordon made it sound. In fact, the beginning of the episode actually showed more of our much wealthier neighboring community, Newport Beach. The area that Social was in is not a fabulous neighborhood...It's a marketing scam known as Triangle Square, which Costs Mesa has been trying to make fashionable since 2001.The reason they did so well the first year is that the owners of Triangle Square cut really great deals for the first year of rent and then start jacking up the rates (which is why Social did so well the first year and then started slipping). Most of the businesses around there only last a few years because the parking and traffic suck and when the restaurant first opened in 2014, the surrounding area had a lot of empty storefronts and homeless people. If the restaurant had been closer to the actual jewel of Costa Mesa, South Coast Plaza, it would have been more believable. I was wondering what the whole thing was about until the end where they said they were opening a spot in Huntington Beach. This was just a way to get some buzz for the new place (Huntington Beach has more tourists and is probably in a better spot) and I will bet some money that the other chef will be working there. I can't blame the owners for running with this but it goes to show how real reality shows are.

    • Useful 5
    • Love 5
  2. That first hour was painful.  They could have put all that summing up in a five minute montage at the beginning of the second hour. 

    I was a Monster fan since I started watching episode 3. I rewound that song at least 5 times and thanks to this forum, got to watch T-Pain's cover version from Yahoo Music as well, so thank you guys! The fact that no one knew it was T-Pain was, in my opinion, the reason he won but I also thought he was amazing. And the fact that he was crying when he won? Bonus point gold! It's nice to see someone get a second chance like that and be grateful for the opportunity.

    • Love 11
  3. Quote

    I feel the need for some PTSD counseling-- for everything from dripping wood chipper guts to really really crappy acting. Any advice? Or are you all going to just laugh at me and say, "Bitchplease, that ain't nothing."

    I'm afraid for me, it's going to be Bitch please that ain't nothing.  I mean, complaining about bad acting on CSI:Miami is like complaining about rain in London.  It's always there and you either learn to love it or just stop watching.  I will give you that the wood chipper parts were especially gross, even on this show.  But the bad acting?  That's why I watch the show--it's just so damn funny!

    • Love 1
  4. On 7/30/2016 at 0:56 PM, Muffyn said:

    @Mybrainhurts, losing 75 pounds in three months is rapid weight loss that should trigger concern from the doctors.  As you say. people keep complimenting your weight loss without thinking of the reasons for it.  Doctors should know better.  While they may want you to lose weight overall, losing that much that rapidly should be considered a problem to be addressed immediately.   They should at least be concerned that you are getting proper nutrition.  It reminds me of when my accountant had throat cancer.  His cousin very cheerfully told me "The good news is he's lost a lot of weight." Yes, he did, because he couldn't swallow food.  He also then died from the cancer, so, yay, weight loss!

    I am so sorry for your loss.  I officiated at a funeral yesterday.  Like you, someone lost the love of their life.  It is hard for people to understand the depths of grief.  There is no snap out of it.  It takes time to heal and to be able to allow the good memories to shine more than the pain overwhelms.  I hope you find people who can support you during this time.

    Thank you so much for the kind words, Muffyn, I really appreciate them.  I thought the doctors would be concerned too but since obesity is considered such a horrible thing now it was treated as more of a "good thing".  It is now 15 months since Anne has passed and I am 111 lbs. lighter.  What's funny is that one of the reasons for this was that I was diagnosed with what used to be considered the obese person's magical excuse, hypothyroidism.  I'm now taking my medication for it so my metabolism has improved and I'm still losing weight (although not as fast as the first 75 pounds).  I have been blessed because in the last few months, I have found a wonderful support group and I am doing much better.  People still go on about my weight loss but it doesn't hurt as much because it isn't tied as much to the grief any more.  My body still does feel odd because of the weight loss but I really can't do anything yet because no one knows how much I will lose.

    I feel really bad for people like your aunt.  It's a damn shame that so much time and brainpower is wasted on worrying about how you look, especially when you aren't obese.  It just seems like time could be better spent doing other things.  I agree that "You look nice today!"  is the best compliment anyone can give--focusing on the weight loss just makes it sound like I was some sort of monster before or saying that "at least some good came from this" which makes it sound like losing the person who was everything to me was somehow beneficial to me. I wasn't a monster and losing Anne was the worst thing that ever happened or will happen to me.  For most people, losing weight is a good thing--reading over some of the stories on this board makes me proud to know you all, even if it is just on a forum.  However, the reason I told my story is because weight loss, like everything else in this world, isn't the same for everyone.  It's easy to judge people (I know, I do it all the time) but without knowing their stories, our judgment is impaired and what you think may not be the case at all.

    • Love 6
  5. *in a whispering tone* I love Horatio, he's so over the top he amuses me to no end.


    How can you not love a man who in the recently run "Rio" episode appears suddenly to confront the Mala Noche head and then suddenly disappears after some traffic passes by only to wind up kneeling in front of the Jesus statue?  I mean, that is the stuff of legend (and just so damn funny!)

    • Love 5
  6. Forget salad bars, have you been to Golden Corral lately? I can never understand WTF they would put a chocolate fountain in a place like that, with ten thousand bratty kids picking stuff up off the floor and dipping it in, or just their hands. Nasty.


    I don't know why anyone would have a chocolate fountain.  The chocolate turns to melted, waxy crap and no one can use it in a sanitary manner.  It's like a damn chocolate germ pool.  Eww.


    And you kids get away from my car!

    • Love 9
  7. p.s.: The Mets meme = hilarious.  I'd recommend a t-shirt with that on it, but as a member of Neurotic Fandom, I know you don't want to tempt fate.


    I'm gonna be THAT Yankee fan and say that the meme is incorrect already.  Sorry guys, couldn't resist.

    • Love 2
  8. Never ever be sorry, man. If life experiences like yours didn't make me (and others) cry, then what I have always believed is coming true. People are "hardening their hearts" and are just plain cold unfeeling people. I don't want to be that person. I don't want to be dead inside, so please, never feel bad about sharing your experiences. It all brings us closer. And I hope that in our little disembodied internet forum way, we can offer some support and good vibes and love to you.


    Thank you again for all your kindness, HalcyonDays.  Honestly, I never thought that this forum would help me, but I do feel better.  It's nice to know that there are people out there who understand and wish me well.


    Exactly. And that's what irks me about the whole "fat people just need to stop eating" judgemental BS that's out there. Yeah, people like me, who are incredibly lazy and drink too much wine and eat crap food - yeah, I know why I have the extra pounds. Not gonna deny it. But not everyone is the same as me. Most (not all) of these people profiled on the show have some mental illness, or suffer from depression or have medical illnesses or whatever that gets them to this weight. This whole mindset of "hey, you are fat and lazy and are eating too much just stop" drives me up the wall, because no one asks, WHY are you eating this much? Why do you have no energy (depression most likely). And for the record, I do think (never been diagnosed) I have bouts of depression, which is WHY I don't particularily about my health, eating, etc. I just can't be bothered because *shrug*


    I don't think this attitude is going to change anytime soon.  What's strange to me is that people have become far more tolerant of alcoholics and drug addicts because they are suffering from a disease while obesity and depression are still considered to be shameful and easier to judge.  I know from experience that people will say that I should just snap out of my depression and that if I exercise more and eat less, everything will be fine.  It's not true--treating depression and obesity is a lot of work.  There are some days where even with my medications and my dietary changes, I'm exhausted and still feeling down (obviously, I'm not going to become thin overnight but if I'm not making daily progress, I'm lazy too!).   


    And the flipside is Mybrainhurts (love the moniker, BTW). Granted, people don't know about other's lives, but to "congratulate" and "praise" his (I assume you are a he, please correct me if wrong) weight loss, when the reason for said loss is absolutely devastating, is just wrong. Like, I totally think of TV and movies that would portray this mentality: "Sucks that you lost your spouse, but hey, on the bright side you look great from all of the weight you lost. Now you can fit into designer clothes!" Like, the being thin is more important than - I don't know - the actual lost of a loved one. Humans need to be more compassionate, not judgmental and not so focused on what someone looks like.


    Thank you about the name.  I kept it from my TWOP days because it still seems to fit after all this time of watching all these bad shows.  BTW, I am a woman but since I talk about my wife a lot and my name is gender neutral, it's easy to assume otherwise.  As far as people not knowing about each other's lives, it doesn't bother me if someone I don't know well congratulates or praises me--they don't know what happened and weight loss is usually considered a positive thing.  What really hurts is that the people who know what happened to me and supposedly care about me STILL react as if my weight loss came from a positive place, as if it is a consolation to me.  I never expected something like this to happen to me (we were together over 30 years and were supposed to die within hours of each other, like you hear about on TV) but now that it has, it's really strange to me that even people I love are extremely judgmental about my being a very depressed, obese person.  I just assumed that because no one said anything, it didn't matter.  Apparently, it does matter and I have to deal with it now.


    Again, thank you all for letting me get this out of my system.  I really appreciate it.

    • Love 6
  9. Omg, Mybrainhurts, your post made me totally cry. My condolensces over the passing of your wife, firstly. *longpause*

    WHY is it that so many people just don't get it. Your loss of your beloved wife is devastating, therefore it affects you emotionally and physically. Why do people not get that?? I am truly amazed at humans inability to not understand basic emotion and basic human bonding.


    Thank you for your kind words, HalcyonDays and I'm sorry for making you cry.  I think that a lot of people don't understand because death is a frightening concept, especially the death of someone so close like a spouse.  It scares people to think that any of us could lose the person they love most in the world at any moment so they focus on anything but that.  In my case, it happens to be the weight loss.  I can understand it in a way but it still feels really bizarre to have something that really isn't an accomplishment to me (I lost the weight due to a simple side effect from a drug and grief) considered as such.



    It is possible they misunderstand the cause of the weight loss. Often when people undergo a life-changing event like divorce, death, job loss, cancer, they set On a course of self-improvement, losing weight, going back to school, adopting a healthier lifestyle. Your friends may see your weight loss and mistakenly believe you are behaving in a positive way. They may think you are keeping busy with an exercise program or gym membership, and consider the change in your appearance as a sign that you are coping very well. But you aren't, and nobody is going to understand that unless you tell them.


    Unfortunately, Algebra, the people who are most enthusiastic about my weight loss are the people who know that isn't what happened.  They know there were days where I couldn't get off the couch because all I was doing was crying. They know I'm not coping well--in fact, I've even been told that "people die every day" and I should be doing better in getting my life back on track.  I'm assuming that they don't know what else to say so the weight loss is what they happen to focus on.


    I know I'm a pretty unique case in this situation so using my example is probably not the best one to understand motivation for weight loss.  I also know that some of the people profiled on this show really are people who weren't motivated at all to lose weight but who decided to do the show for their own bizarre reasons (Penny and Pauline being the prime examples, of course).  I just wanted to say that weight loss is extremely complicated and that while it's easy to look at Penny as the "typical" recalcitrant obese person, there are other stories out there and mine just happened to be one of them.

    • Love 1
  10. My condolences on your loss, Mybrainhurts. Any serious loss in my life also results in weight loss, usually of about 20 lbs. and I am at an average weight for my height. Maybe your doctors aren't concerned in part because weight loss as a result of stress is common, and at your weight 75 lbs wasn't a concern.

    As time goes on, it's hard to know what to say to someone who has lost a loved one. Some people don't want it brought up to them constantly, and others don't mind receiving an acknowledgement. It's possible that people are offering congratulations on your weight loss because they think it is positive, and don't realize it is making your think of your losses. It's okay to say, "I wish it was for a positive reason," and/or "It's not a good thing; I really don't want to talk about it." Unless you do want to talk about it. A support system is a great thing to have, and true friends won't push you to talk if your not ready.

    There are many medicines that cause loss of appetite. If you haven't told your doctor, you should, so that it can be changed. No matter what your weight, having no appetite is not healthy. Lack of appetite is messing with your brain chemistry, and can actually cause depression to be worse. I speak from experience. A lot of medicines take several weeks to regulate in your system, and then the side effects resolve. If you have been on that medicine for a while and still have a loss of appetite, I suggest asking for a different one.


    Thank you for the kind thoughts, Christina.  I guess the reason I'm upset about the doctors and my friends is that ever since my wife passed away, everything has changed for the worse and now even my body doesn't feel like my own anymore.  When the weight loss is the only thing focused on by everyone, it feels like nothing else matters except something that I really had nothing to do with, that I have no pride in because it is just a side effect of what happened. That's also why I talked about motivation or the lack thereof--I know my motivation is not as high as it could be because of this and maybe some of the people who appear on the show don't really want to lose weight for their own reasons.  That certainly would seem to be the case for Penny and possibly some of the others who had so much trouble losing weight even after the operation.  I just wanted to comment that sometimes these things are more complicated than what we see on the show.


    As for my medication, I'm talking to the doctors this week because my appetite is still pretty low and I've been taking it for three months. I'm not sure if it will be changed because otherwise it's working pretty well but at least they will know what's happening.

    • Love 2
  11. I would agree that a lot of overweight and obese people have no clue of their true size. Personal story time: My heaviest weight was 310lbs, and even though I weighed myself regularly and knew what size of clothing I wore and knew that I was obese, it was like it never clicked in my head...I knew I was bigger than everyone around me, but I didn't feel 310lbs. I only ever noticed how very large I had gotten when I saw photographs of myself, which was rare because I was self-conscious and avoided photographs!


    I also deluded myself, hugely, into thinking that I was healthy. As I'm sure a lot of members of this forum know (since it was briefly discussed on Zsalynn's episode) there's a Fat Acceptance movement; and some of the things they parrot are things that I completely bought into: that I had no control over my weight, that weight was largely genetics, that BMI isn't an accurate measurement and has no bearing on health, that metabolic conditions made it too difficult for me to lose weight, that I could be healthy at any size, etc.

    I ignored a huge amount of health problems when I was 310lbs because of things like the Fat Acceptance movement. I'd see my pre-diabetes and attribute it to a family history of diabetes. I'd see my weight and attribute it to having fat genes. My bad knees were blamed on an old injury, not the weight pressing on my joints. My BMI being in the 40s didn't matter because it didn't take muscle mass into account! I blamed my constant tiredness and soreness on poor posture.

    I don't know what the catalyst for me was, but about a year and a half ago, I decided to lose weight. I've lost 70lbs so far, and have 107 more to lose before I'm at my healthy BMI weight.


    First off, congratulations on losing the weight you've lost. It really sounds like you are well on your way to your goal weight and you have a great attitude.


    My story is a bit different and I really don't take my weight loss very well.  I started out at 392 pounds although I didn't know it at the time.  I knew I had health problems due to my weight (high blood pressure) although I was lucky not to have diabetes (or even prediabetes) and my cholesterol levels were fine.  I really didn't have time to follow any diet program because my wife had a stroke and I was too busy taking care of her to take care of myself so I just didn't think about it too much.  Sadly, my wife passed away three months ago and I tried to commit suicide the same day.  For some reason that I still don't understand, I survived.  The funny thing that happened was that all of my health problems were taken care of by being in the hospital.  What's even stranger is that I have lost about 75 pounds in these past three months due to the medication I'm taking and loss of appetite.  The one thing that everyone talks about is the weight loss as if something wonderful has happened.   Even my doctors don't seem all that worried because obesity is so bad.  I feel like screaming every time that someone compliments me because to me, it's just a reminder of all that I've lost.  I don't know why I'm sharing this--maybe it's just because people are obese for different reasons and people lose weight for different reasons.  I don't know if I will ever get to a "normal" weight at any point--it's too soon to say at this time whether or not I can follow through or even if I want to do so.  I don't think I'm being a Penny or Pauline about this (I'm not bedbound by any means and can even wash all the parts of my body!) but motivation to change is a hard thing to find sometimes.  Maybe the motivation will come to them (and myself) at some point--there's always a chance that it will.

    • Love 6
  12. Don't hate me, but the Esurance commercial with Buster Posey delivering the baby always makes me laugh.  I love the way he comes running into the room saying, "Who's ready to deliver this baby?"  I don't like the San Francisco Giants but this commercial makes Buster Posey seem like a cool dude.

    • Love 6
  13. First, while I love this new, badass Dr. Green, I still kinda miss the old Dr. Eyelashes with her bright clothes and crazy shoes.  I know Dr. Green is now much more effective (judging by how Laura was handled this episode) but Dr. Eyelashes was just so fun.


    Second, Laura was a total bitch and a nasty piece of work.  You can tell that the whole "I just want a space of my own because you own this house and want to control me" was something she used effectively against John since she moved in and trashed the place.  I am so glad John had enough of Laura's crap and hope that he did actually kick her out.


    Third, I love the fact that Laura got hoisted on her own petard by not marrying John.  If she had, it would have been a lot harder to get rid of her.  (I know the show didn't say why they weren't married but I'm guessing it was another paranoid conspiracy theory on Laura's part so that she could always have control of Angelina and so she could throw the "space" issue back in John's face.)


    And finally...

    You know that question, mental illness or just an asshole? I think tonight we saw a clearly mentally ill person who was also a giant asshole.


    Maybe it's just me but there must be an asshole gene that gets expressed more fully in hoarders than in people with other mental illnesses.  Too many of these hoarders are assholes and mentally ill.  In fact, in all the years I've been watching this show, I can probably only remember about 10 hoarders (and that's being generous, I'm sure) who weren't total jerks.

    • Love 7
  14. Trending HIGH on my annoyance meter this week:


    1,2,3 o'clock, 4 o'clock POP.....5,6,7 o'clock, 8 o'clock POP...we're gonna POP around the clock....tonight"

    ~Tide Pods


    Thank you!  I thought I was nuts because I can't hit the mute button fast enough when this commercial comes on.  The song is just so irritating and her twirling throughout gets me pretty stabby too.

    • Love 3
  15. I swear if I see that creepy chicken drawing French fries on her selfie and saying "Chiiiiiiiiiiiiicken friiiiiiiiiiiies" one more time, I won't be held responsible for my actions.  


    Oh and who the hell would want to eat icing surrounded by Captain Crunch Crunchberries?  Why don't you just save the time and pour a bag of sugar down your throat?  You get the same effect and you don't have to step inside a Taco Bell.

    • Love 2
  16. I'm sure he's a great guy when he's not actually beating on a woman, although I have a feeling that considering the vile temper and powerful punch def has, he may have strangled her in self-defense.


    Well, if she bit him as hard as she bit the plaintiff, strangling her may have been the only way to get her off of him (not trying to justify what he did...but damn, did you SEE that bite mark in the picture?  I've seen pit bull bites that looked less nasty!)

    • Love 2
  17. Raise your hand if you knew that bubonic plague was still a thing. I certainly didn't.


    It's pretty much a West Coast thing.  Bubonic plague struck San Francisco in the early 1900s.  The city and state officials blamed Chinese immigrants and sealed off Chinatown while not doing anything about the rats in the rest of the city.  By the time everyone realized that this plan wasn't working, bubonic plague spread throughout most of the rodent population in California.  It's spread through a good portion of the Western states through the fleas on the rodents.  There are usually a few cases of bubonic plague diagnosed even now--in bad years, it can be as high as 30-40 cases in the US.  Since Mary lives in Fresno, they're right to be worried about the plague. Oh and by the way, EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Oh and sorry for the historical lecture--studying public health and the history of public health has always fascinated me.

    • Love 6
  18. As far as him shutting down his business, didn't they say at the end that they were going to open a gym instead? Although it is weird he wouldn't have that planned out before deciding to shut down his business.


    Yeah, they did open a gym about 5 minutes from my home (I didn't know Bryce and Amber were locals).  It's called Symmetry OC (http://symmetryoc.com/) and it looks like they got a lot of help from ABC and Chris and Heidi, who were both mentioned a lot in the news story shown about this.

    • Love 1
  19. I actually did read "A Ghost in the Little House" years ago, but it really didn't make me any more sympathetic to Rose.  The author tries to make Laura very unlikable but it really doesn't work in that the "horrible" things that Laura did to Rose really weren't all that horrible.  The family lived in poverty in Missouri and Rose was very sensitive about that.  Laura was also more of a "tough it out" sort of parent instead of what I call the "cookie mommy" type so I'm guessing that Rose thought that Laura was a mean person.  What I took away from the book was that Rose seemed to suffer from horrible bouts of depression and anger and that a lot of those emotions were directed toward her mother.  It didn't mean that Laura was a bad parent, she just wasn't the parent that Rose wanted and that Rose didn't have the insight to figure that out.  


    I would love to see Rose's diaries too, but I have the feeling that they will never see the light of day since they are in the hands of Roger Macbride's adopted daughter and she probably wouldn't want to tarnish the Ingalls family brand at this point.  There's still too much money to be made right now.

  20. I have to say I was clapping when JJ lectured the hard-looking "but she said she would take care of me!!!!" plaintiff today.  It's so nice to hear those fateful words "Well, you can get married but you didn't" applied to all couples now (well, in states where it's legal for gay people to marry).  Make sure you put it all in writing now, ladies--if you're paying for 1/4 of the toiletries, you want to be sure to get your money back when it goes south.  (BTW, how does one pay for 1/4 of the toilet paper, soap, etc. anyway?  Another JJ mystery...)

    • Love 7
  21. Since we're still in repeats, I entertain myself by looking for Googly Eyes in the audience.  When I spotted her today, I yelled "Googly Eyes!!" and then had to explain to my wife what the hell I was talking about.  Let's just say my wife can't wait for new shows now so I don't do this anymore.

    • Love 6
  22. I read this in the recap:


    I'm not sure I needed the story about the nun who scraped many, many sheets of her skin off to create a nifty Book of the Damned, because now I can't stop thinking about it. I mean, it looked like a big book. Did she scrape all of her body or just pick one spot and wait for it to scab over? Was paper not available? Isn't skin hard to write on if you don't tan it first? I'd Google it but I'm afraid someone somewhere will put a red flag on my file and my passport will be rendered "exit only" or something.


    My crazy ass wife decided to look it up (since we're not doing any foreign travel any time soon, she wasn't worried about consequences) and supposedly there is a book out there bound in human skin which was taken from 20 square inches of a donor's back.  Apparently, the person was happy and healthy even after the removal.  Here is the link:   http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/anthropodermic-bibliopegy-the-true-practice-of-binding-books-in-human-skin


    The more you know.....

    • Love 1
  23. Still a bit pissed a couple of days later at the Pearl/Max win.  I  know that this is a reality show and that the storylines are created by the editors but you really saw the puppet strings on that one.  I don't think they deserved to be in the bottom, but they certainly didn't win either.  


    I guess it's an age thing on whether you think Pearl is acting like an entitled snot or is the bestest contestant ever (I'm in the entitled snot camp myself) because a lot of the younger fans think she's totally amazing, which I really don't see in anything she's done so far.


    Still loving Ginger (I hate those Untucked videos but her husband was really sweet!), Katya, Max and for the chicken stories alone, Miss Fame.

    • Love 4
  24. Also I know I didn't hear Joe say to the Flash that his father was kidnapped right in front of the captain. Please tell me that didn't happen.



    It did happen but since the captain couldn't see that Joe was talking to the Flash, it didn't really matter.  The amazingly stupid thing Barry did was asking the Trickster about Henry Allen in front of Iris.  I'm hoping that Iris starts putting all this stuff together at some point because it's getting lamer and lamer that she doesn't know.  When even Eddie knows about Barry's identity, it just looks like the writers really want us to think Iris is a weak moron.  And it's irritating because otherwise, I thought tonight's show was pretty damn awesome.

    • Love 5
  25. Can I say that I adore Ginger even more after the story about the lady in the hospice?  That was amazingly sweet to bring a show to her.


    Part of me is upset about Jasmine leaving (that rant about Violet cracked me up, especially "Panties, bitch!", which I will now use forever) and part of me is like, "Sweetie, did you ever watch the damn show?!?!?"  Acting is ALWAYS part of the show so what the hell were she thinking--this is season seven so there is really no excuse to say that you don't know what Ru is looking for.


    I don't know how I feel about Pearl--she is gorgeous and I love the talking heads but on stage she just seems so not there in the performances.  


    I'm loving the new "Untucked"--the last few years of it on Logo have been so nasty that it was really hard to watch.  

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