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Posts posted by steeledwithakiss

  1. This sneak peak actually dealt with the emotional aftermath of something that happened in the previous episode? I think that's the first time it ever happens on the show. The fact that the episode was written by newbies is at the same time depressing and encouraging. Depressing  because seasoned writers never bothered to ever give us that kind of aftermath. They always skip the important emotional beats. Encouraging because it means someone on the staff actually knows how to write human emotions/reactions.

    • Love 21
  2. In terms of spoilers, I would say that CG hasn't given anyone a reason to doubt him. For all his talk he seems to take pride in his info.

    As for the personal stuff, for all his talk about how the cast hates EBR there has been zero indication from the cast to support that. Esp considering the praise SA and DR has put out on EBR at Cons. The same can't be said for KC. I don't think everybody hates her and there is all this discord, but I can believe things aren't as warm and friendly.

    After seeing the pictures/rumors on twitter I'm actually, for the first time in such a long time, excited about the show, it actually made me dust off my account here. I hope I won't be disappointed.

    I don't think CG ever said the cast hated EBR, just that he personally hates her and Felicity. Anyways, I don't think KC was fired, isn't she AK's wife business partner? My guess is her contract ended and/or they promised her another show/project to soften the blow.

  3. I don't believe they'll ever let Oliver go evil but yes there's still a big difference between FB Oliver and s1 Oliver. Dark!Oliver is not as far as I'm concerned killing little children on his way to the supermarket and I think everyone agrees it's a CW show and it's a superhero show so obviously it's never going to go there, I don't expect it nor want it to. However the Oliver who left Hong Kong is not the Oliver who arrived in SC. He might have killed only bad guys in S1 but he did it without hesitation, without feeling bad about it. We even had the VO at the beginning if he was torn about it we would have known. In Hong Kong everytime he had to torture someone you could see how it affected him. So sure, Anatoli could give him the Bratva title without doing anything but that would be a waste of the storyline. We need to see how Oliver got so cold about taking another human being's life even if that person was a bad guy. We saw him kill people that were protecting a man who scammed people of money. I'm not judging him or anything, (I actually really liked the concept, very refreshing after Smallville and on the CW no less) but I'm not sure white collars' crime deserve the death penalty.

  4. I never considered Jerry Maguire a rom-com even if it had all the clichés scenes. I never thought he was in love with her, even after his stupid speech, he just convinced me he didn't want to be alone. At least the writers on Arrow have convinced me Oliver is really in love with Felicity.


    I know he'll go dark eventually but in s2 they should have made him really do something messed up to Slade. Instead he supposedly chose Sara over Shado when we all saw that wasn't the case. Slade's motivation for revenge suffered from that. I know Oliver is the hero of the show but S1 started with a pretty crazy murderous Oliver. I just hope they don't keep on shying away from that part of him. Maybe they're waiting for s5 to make him go really dark though.


    I was not thinking rape or selling kids in the black market but Oliver is a Bratva captain. He had to have done a few questionable things to get there. Just like Sara being part of the LOA meant she was an assassin for some time.

  5. I want Oliver to go very dark in the FB and I hope they don't shy away from that. I want him to go dark and enjoy it and be disgusted with himself for enjoying it. In 3x01 he talked about not trusting people but we haven't seen that in the FB yet, so him no trusting that woman and betraying her/using her could be interesting. They could constrast it with F/O being a team and making decisions together

    • Love 1
  6. I think Jen was supposed be much more important. I always got the feeling they wanted to keep the love triangle longer (a Some kind of Wonderful series) but then changed their mind and it showed because in s2 they didn't really know what to do with Jen and put her in an alcohol fueled downward spiral.


    Anyways, in Arrow I don't think they'll ever change the billing. KC is still the biggest name.

  7. Remember when Tommy thought Oliver hadn't gotten laid in 5 years? Good times. The way Oliver reacted I always thought he had various relationships while away. I just don't think, given the way he was haunted by Shado's death, they are going to repeat the "she died because of me" theme. However knowing Oliver he probably cared for that woman too, because in s1 it looked like he fell for every girl he dated.


    Anyway, I'm not sure I like MG's idea to use that past relationship to contrast with the one with Felicity because I'm afraid they won't resist cutting from a loving scene of F/O in bed to a purely sexual scene in bed with Oliver and that woman. That's just not something I want to see.

    • Love 2
  8. Dawson's Creek made a big change between S1 and S2. In S1 It was James Van Der Beek, Michelle Williams, Joshua Jackson then Katie Holmes and in S2 Katie Holmes took Michelle Williams' place and got 2nd billing, making Michelle third. I'm not sure what they were planning before but it seemed like Joey was a hit and they decided to focus on the D/J lovestory. So yeah it happens even without having to kill a character. They basically changed the leading lady.

    • Love 4
  9. Laurel not being broken up at all over Oliver was kind of hilarious to me. I know at one put she made a comment about knowing Oliver her whole life, but it was the same episode where she was cool with writing him off and even offered to take him out so Diggle wouldn't have too. Given the entire show, I really don't believe they were ever really friends. So I was fine with her putting Nyssa's life over Oliver's. Felt honest.


    Putting Nyssa's life over Lyla's? Nope. Not Okay At All. Esp getting in Diggle's face about it and acting like she had the high road. That's where they lost me.    

    I never bought they were ever friends, but selling out a person you loved half your life who's been trying to protect the city up until recently for an assassin who kidnapped your mother because you had a milkshake together? That's cold and doesn't speak well of her sense of loyalty. I wouldn't want someone like that on my team. Do not get me started on her saying Lyla's life was worth Nyssa's.


    I think they should have put Diggle and Felicity on the list because even if they didn't share a lot of scenes together, the one when they think they're dying and Felicity tells him she doesn't regret anything because she got to know him was really touching and believable.


    They should separate romantic pairing and platonic ones for next time.

    • Love 4
  10. We never really saw her in a relationship apart from Palmer, so I'm really hoping it's not the way she is when in a relationship and it was only the writers wanting to have the break up in 3x20. I don't know if it was the power dynamic (him being her boss) but she didn't even get to be angry with him after they got together.


    She's always been her own person with Oliver, and she's never been afraid to speak her own mind with him. Hoping the writers don't change that.

    • Love 3
  11. It's been said before and I'll say it again, I honestly think that if KCs character wasn't named 'Laurel Lance' she would've been written off the show a long time ago. I see no other reason for her to be on the show because like you said, she serves no purpose to it *shrugs*, ceteris paribus take Laurel out of the show and not much changes except maybe Tommy would've been alive, Quentin would've found out about Sara ASAP and wouldn't have spiralled, his relationship with Oliver wouldn't have been fractured therefore Roy probably wouldn't have had to leave..... Basically everyone would've been better off. 


    I think the only few good things Laurel did was figure out Sebastian Blood was a douchenozzle, helped beat Brick, and supported Sara when she doubted herself. That's it? I think? 


    Thinking about it more, she was actually a better person in season 1 and a bit more giving considering she worked for CNRI. 

    Thea, Roy and Sin were on it first so they could have kept on digging. And Quentin could have been Sara's cheerleader.

    • Love 4
  12. This is in the write up for the "Best Pairing" category for GATV.  It's about Nyssa and Laurel.


    I absolutely agree I liked Laurel better for it but I was already Nyssa's fan.  I guess it did give us another side of Nyssa.  

    I don't know, having her put Nyssa's life above Oliver's, and so willingly without a hint of hesitation, didn't endear me to her. I know it's not a popular opinion, but i didn't enjoy it.

    • Love 4
  13. He's so bitter, bless his heart. That is what media want, for people to care, to engage. That's how it works. Apathy is the death knell of comics, tv shows, and every kind of entertainment. Hence the bad publicity is still good publicity saying. He's trying to minimize the results, saying it doesn't mean anything because the other fans didn't "mobilize" enough or people tried to punish LL by voting for Canaries. Of course it still is just an online poll, it is not a big deal. What is a big deal though for the show/network is a fanbase putting Arrow's name out there. It might look silly for a lot of people how the Olicity fandom cares but they seem to be one of the few trying to get positive buzz for the show. Winning awards is a fun and easy way to just do that.

    • Love 7
  14. Palmer strikes me as the "hide your head in the sand" kind of person but I guess I expected more from Felicity. I think they could have had her starting to explain/break up then having them be interrupted by all the drama with Roy. Then the break up in 3x20 would have been a formality, Palmer could have initiated it. But the way they wrote 3x19, it seemed like Felicity would have been happy in the status quo and that doesn't sit well with me. I know why they did that, they wanted Oliver jealous of their closeness while trying to work with Palmer. However, it just was not logical, character wise, for them to be close. They should have been awkward. What s3 showed me is that plot always takes precedence for the writers.


    I hope they respect the characters they created more in s4.


    ETA: Not saying ILY back, especially after dating for was it 2 months, is not a deal breaker for a lot of people. She could feel it but not be ready to say it, she could be falling but wanting to wait a little before saying the words out loud. I understand wanting to take the pressure off. What prompted him to break up was not that but seeing her with Oliver and realizing childhood traumas, not feeling it yet or bad past experiences were not the reason she couldn't say it but rather that she was in love with someone else.


    With Felicity we have a problem because we didn't get to see her POV. Did she know she was in love with Oliver since 3x01? Did she not realize it until her mother told her? Was she being nice to Palmer until she was ready to break up? Was she planning on staying with him because Oliver will never be available, in hope one day she'll fall for Palmer? I guess we'll never know.

    • Love 7
  15. Adam's characterization did leave me confused. He's shown from the beginning 2 things: his unwillingness to follow the rules and his sluttiness. Through the course of the show we saw he was not exactly a good guy but he was not a sociopath either. He was nice to the girls, went out of his way to make Faith feel good about herself and protected her secret. I think it was pretty obvious when his friend Roger showed up he had some decency left (whereas Roger was just a horrible human being). I understand totally how he could change his mind about leaving it all behind and lose the opportunity to get his vineyard renovated, especially if Rachel was not the "strong woman" he thought she was. Drama, mental illness, intensity as he called it, is not something he's ready to deal with (he was very uncomfortable dealing with Mary before her suicide).


    However I do think the writers sacrificed his characterization, and the layers they had themselves written, because it was the last episode and their endgame was: love is not something you build your life around, men are unreliable, Quinn and Rachel might be twisted but at the end of the day they got each other's back. I don't think there's anything wrong with that message. Adam struggling with what he did more than 5 seconds would have cancelled out all that. We'd be left thinking Rachel and him were star crossed lovers and Quinn was the evil witch. That was not what the show was trying to tell at all.

    • Love 5
  16. They didn't have Palmer do it, but the way the writers removed everyone and made her go to the office everytime she was upset about something certainly made me ragey. There was no other way to write organically Palmer becoming her shoulder to lean on? I guess not since they started on the wrong foot and then Palmer is just way too self-involved, the head in the clouds type, to actually notice something was wrong with Felicity without her crying about it alone in her office at night.


    Felicity being honest and straight forward is such a big part of her personality. It's been her biggest character trait since day one. So it was difficult watching her lie to herself and keep up the pretence with Palmer. 3x17 was cringe worthy but 3x19 was worse for me. She had an epiphany of some kind in 3x18 (thanks to her mother because no one apparently can realize things on their own on that show). She was not able to say ILY to Palmer and she explained why. Even though he was perfect on paper she just didn't feel the same way. Even if you keep Oliver out of the equation, for herself, why would she still play the devoted girlfriend part when she knew full well she was not in love with him and he was? I'll never forgive the writers for not letting her being the one to initiate the break up.

    • Love 8
  17. I totally agree they don't usually dress EBR for her body type. She doesn't have boobs, nor does she have a clear defined waist, her arms are not very thin (not big either, but a lot of girls with no boobs have very thin arms) but she has a booty and big thighs. The boob dress doesn't work for her at all, not only because of the opening on her non existent breasts but especially for the cut of the dress. She looks better in more tight dresses. I think the dresses that looked really good on her were the blue one in 2x01 (because of the long tight sleeves) and also some of the things she wore in 2x10 or the dress she had for her date with Oliver. I think she needs something to define her waist so everytime she wears a belt (like during the "you're my partner" scene) or dresses that have that 50's vibe totally work for her (the date dress, the golden dress in 3x10). The boob dress or the orange dress she had on 3x02 ("I want more from life than this") just ain't for her at all. Putting her in pants is usually a hit or miss. For example in the Fallen it didn't work maybe because of the top or because of the heels, but she looked good in pants in 3x22 because of the more casual look and the jacket she had on.

    • Love 2
  18. I was talking about him getting back in his family's good graces eventually, after succeeding with his vineyard. Adam wanting to get married in England was totally out of the blue. They didn't explain why he would want to do something like that. They should have had Quinn/Rachel going behind his back to his grandma and then tell him his family was insisting he had the wedding there or something.


    One thing I understood was him being tempted to get married to Grace instead of Anna because apart from the great sex she was offering he wouldn't have to fake anything with her. It would be exhausting to play the part of the happy husband even behind closed doors for a whole year.



    • Love 3
  19. Yeah, I thought FOR SURE that was going to lead Adam to choose Grace. He has wanted nothing to do with his family all season, has emphatically stated he wants to be independent of them, but now that he's here with his (hilarious) grandma in his "ancestral castle" he does an about-face and chooses the girl that would endear him to his family? Come on, show. You got so much else right. Why did this have to be so wrong?

    Jumping in the conversation but I think it does make sense. I don't think Adam didn't want anything to do with his family. It felt more like he wanted them to take him seriously and he wanted to achieve something on his own (the vineyard) and prove them, and more especially his father wrong. He seemed to struggle with the trashy sides of the show since day one and it was one of the reasons he didn't want to get married on a reality show, until Rachel pitched the Royal Renovation idea, that could finance and promote his project. I think he wanted to reconcile with his family eventually but on his terms.

    • Love 10
  20. I always thought he knew he was falling for her in 2x06. He probably thought he could squash those feelings because he just had no intention to pursue anything with her. I think because of the danger, the fact that he didn't want to screw up their relationship. His past experience as a boyfriend have been pretty bad. When Barry shows up he's obviously struggling with jealousy but again decides to deny it and tries to be supportive of them at the end. For me Oliver getting with Sara is a lot like Felicity getting with Ray. They couldn't be with the other and were trying to get over those feelings with someone else. Not to say they didn't care about R and S. They did a lot but they were never in love. I'm not sure Oliver put any name on what he was feeling for Felicity before voicing it in 2x23. That's why he changes after that and stops trying to get over those feelings with meaningless sex (isabel) or doomed relationships. Once he acknowledges to himself he's in love with Felicity and it's not going away anytime soon he thinks being around her, as her friend with maybe a possibility for more in the future, is going to be enough for him.


    It is funny how SA changed his tune. At the beginning of s2 he was playing Oliver falling for Felicity there is absolutely no doubt in my mind. But then 2x13 happened and the jealousy for Barry was just curiosity. I don't know if he knew about the ILY fake out of the finale that had to be surprising, but he tried to downplay O/F in interviews after that.

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