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Posts posted by Senna

  1. On 9/4/2018 at 9:11 PM, ParadoxLost said:

    So I stumbled upon Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale theatre from the 80's.  I don't ever remember seeing it as a kid but I don't think we had premium cable when it aired. 

    I loved Faerie Tale Theatre as a child! I was too young for the tv airing, but my library had many of the episodes on vhs. My favorite as a kid was The Dancing Princesses.

    I bought the whole series on DVD a few years back, and would especially recommend Sleeping Beauty with Bernadette Peters and Christopher Reeve, and The Princess and the Pea with Liza Minnelli.  Both of these are hilarious. There are many other enjoyable ones too.

  2. In a possible first (?) for this season, I liked this episode and thought Alice and Robyn were cute together.  Even though the flashback was pretty similar in some ways to the one with Tiana and Naveen, the character interactions and chemistry felt so much more natural and like something that could actually lead to friendship and eventually romance.  (I'm also glad that we didn't get a forced true love's kiss in the first 24 hours, unlike certain other pairings ...)  It wasn't perfect by a long shot (here's my still fully charged cell phone, yeah, okay ... hello, random VW bug, suuure ... ), but ... my expectations for this show have sunk through the floor, and for a short period, I was actually enjoying watching.

    I also really liked the Rogers and Tilly scenes and likewise thought their chemistry felt sweet and natural, without the inappropriate vibes Roni and Henry have.

    The Lucy-on-mission-impossible stuff was super dumb, but at least it didn't take up too many minutes.

    • Love 8
  3. The opening was cute and all, but maaaan is the timeline a headache.  I feel like the writers are just doubling down on how much they don't care about timelines.  It doesn't have to be perfect, but this is idiocy.  (I don't even care if they have an "explanation" at some point; it'll be surprising because I can't think of any way to reconcile it, but it's not going to relieve any of my annoyance.)

    I do feel this episode was particularly clunky.  Like others have said, I'm not particularly feeling the "warmth" in the relationships the writers are obviously going for.  Almost everybody got on my nerves.  I'm basically counting down the episodes at this point ...

    • Love 4
  4. I laughed when I realized this was the winter finale and we won't get any more episodes until March, because *this* is what they left us with?  It's amazing how convoluted this show manages to make things (and I think we still don't even know why Gothel is doing all this?  Her aim was the Guardian ... for some reason ... so was casting the dark curse somehow part of that?).  It tries so hard to be mysterious and really, it's just trying *too* hard most of the time.  For a small example, the Alice and Robin thing.  They're a couple, that's fine.  But trying to build it into a reveal by having Robin not say Alice's name, and Alice just writing "My Love" on her letter ... it just comes off as silly to me.  There wasn't any real reason to make it mysterious for a whole twenty minutes or whatever.  It's like the writers are allergic to being straightforward.  (I wonder if Zelena's fiance will be a "shock" too.  Speaking of Zelena, why in the world was she carting her wedding dress to cycling class?)

    Anyway, this episode felt really messy and disjointed.  I'm a little bit curious about Anastasia, and Alice & Robin, but other than that, I kind of welcome a break.

    • Love 10
  5. I hope there's some as yet unsaid magical reason why Rapunzel's hair grew like 20+ feet in only six years. It kind of makes fairy tale sense when the tower's prisoner has been there her whole life (or has magic hair) ... But as someone who herself has had very long hair (to my hips), six years just ain't that long.

    I didn't mind this episode on the whole, but I disliked the Tangled call-outs when their version of the character is so twisted.

    • Love 6
  6. I liked the first episode (partly for Mack's alien/movie cracks), but I'm iffier on the revelation that they're not only in space but the FUTURE, or rather, a possible future that needs intervention.  I'm sick of grimy, hopeless dystopias, so hopefully we don't have to spend the whole arc here (unless there's some fresh twist, but they were really doubling down on the "hopeless" bit).  (Also, I would miss Fitz.)  I don't buy that Daisy caused the destruction of the planet.  If it were one city, sure, but the whole planet?  Ehh.

    Any hints as to who the guy at the beginning of the episode (with the skin suit) was?  Were we supposed to recognize him?  I thought he and the creepy Kree who's enslaved Jemma looked similar, but it's hard to tell with the blue makeup (and I'm not sure that would make sense anyway, so it's probably just my typical mixing up of actors I'm not familiar with).

    I have enough investment in this show that I'm in till the end.  (And regardless, I trust that this is going to be better than Once Upon a Time's abysmal s.7, so at least my Friday night TV will have something going for it ...)

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