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  1. I really worry about Jill promoting Plexus to pregnant and nursing mothers. I hope we don't discover that there are children with problems due to Plexus poisoning. Time will tell, unfortunately.
  2. I will miss Tiffany, too. I don't know Ayesha, but I am glad to hear that she is likable and a good cook. I am looking forward to the new season.
  3. I don't know either. I sort of thought that churches donate to the Clearing House, and then the money is allotted to the missionaries. But I really don't know. I think any church can make extra donations outside of the Clearing House. At least that is the impression I get. It is all kind of confusing in my mind. Didn't someone post here that the Clearing House has something to do with taxes on the "salary" also? I know my uncle was paid by the mission board of the Lutheran church, but his home congregation sent him a little extra money, as did a few individuals from the church. (usually $10 to $20 dollars). He always made sure to thank them by name.
  4. I am very surprised that the clearinghouse has not caught on by now. Maybe they have, and the R's "salary" has gone down. Maybe that is one reason why Jill is trying so hard to make money. I think Jill's posts and the bragging about all the trips is starting to backfire on her.
  5. I agree, in the long term. But he may have an opportunity to make a lot of money for a couple of years. With the Olympics coming, they will need all the workers they can hire to clean up the mess and rebuild. My guess is that the pay will be very good.
  6. I agree. I'm guessing that there are not very many attorneys that are married to someone who has had their entire life displayed openly on TV since childhood. I'm sure they are concerned about the safety of their children. It only takes one nut-job to cause problems.
  7. Maybe the saying "fool me once, shame on you- fool me twice, shame on me" applies here.
  8. Making friends in a group and socializing children is obvious to us, but sadly Jill has been forever marred by her upbringing and living in an isolated society. Only her siblings and a few close like-mined families were allowed to be "friends". She does not understand the meaning of outside friendships. Jill has made a lot of progress, but I don't think she will ever feel at all comfortable being alone. I think she is trying, but it is just too much for her. More and more kids are being homeschooled these days, and I hope she is using a very good curriculum that is better than the one she used as a child. Maybe she will explore home school groups or co-ops in her area. I think being brought up on "Duggar time" is not helping her at all. I really feel sorry for her kids.
  9. I'm guessing Austin could make a lot of money right now in CA. There will be a lot of building going on in the next couple of years and I would bet contractors will be hiring. They could make a temporary move and come out with a good profit.
  10. I do not watch this for commercials. Especially commercials for things I do not care about in the slightest. I am really tired of the product tie-ins. I want to see nice baking. Preferably without weird ingredients. Same with the kid's baking show. I want to see (and am usually amazed by) the accomplishments of the bakers. I don't understand the need for adding all the comedy. Just bake, already.
  11. Thanks for responding. I'm glad to know it was not just me.
  12. Did anyone else get a security warning when logging in to this site about three hours ago? I'm using a Macbook. When I opened the site, there was only a security alert in red letters saying the site was not safe and to log out. It tried twice. I logged on just now as usual without any message. Was it just me, or was the site having a problem?
  13. Jill was very proud of that Baby Cage that Dave made in the closet. It looked like a dog kennel, and with the clothes hanging on top there would not have been much air circulation. That really made me angry.
  14. The "nursery" in the RV was a baby cage in the closet with clothes hanging above it.
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