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  1. I am afraid it is Plexus itself that is pushing the advertising boundaries. That chart Jill posted looked to me like it might be something the company gave her to use. I don't understand why no one is paying more attention to these companies. I feel very sad for people who are paying a lot of money to find a "cure all", and that there are people like Jill who are ready to take their money.
  2. This looks like it could be medical advise to me. Unless it has a high alcohol content, I very much doubt that it would help depression, or allergies of any kind. Plexus is just like the old patent medicines without the alcohol or opium. I'm not sure of the ingredients, so I don't know how much actual harm it can do (except convincing people to stop taking doctor-ordered meds or treatment), but I am quite sure it doesn't "cure" anything. It does take people's money, and I'm afraid that many people are sacrificing their real meds or treatments to pay for it.
  3. Linens, I think. Maybe books.
  4. I have a friend that has an absolutely gorgeous kitchen. A magazine wanted to show it, until they found out that she has never used it, and, in fact, she does not cook at all. She and her husband eat out every meal. She uses her oven for storage. But she still spent thousands on a kitchen remodel.
  5. Perhaps they all got sick from off-brand ice cream that they stored incorrectly.
  6. Jill's reason for wanting to go on that cruise is to show everyone how she is the chosen person. She wants to stand out in the worldly crowd. She thrives on any attention--good or bad.
  7. I can remember my aunts talking about their friend that was "snatched bald" by the corn harvester on the farm. Apparently that was a somewhat frequent accident many years ago. Their hair would get caught in the machinery and was pulled out by the roots. The women were literally scalped. I can see something like this happening to the Rod kids. I wonder who Jill would blame if there was a terrible accident with one of the kids. Jill would spin it somehow. Maybe she would laugh and take pictures like Michelle did when one of the boys fell into an orchestra pit and was seriously injured. Safety does not seem to be a priority in this family.
  8. Duggar pets have a very short shelf life. They appear in a post for clicks, and then they are never heard about again. Fenna is the only one that found a good home with Jill and Derick. Duggars just should not have pets.
  9. In one episode Michelle told the older girls (can't remember which ones) that a wife has to be available to her husband and it doesn't take too long. You are correct. Jill is incorrect. Jill must have her own dictionary.
  10. I think "old fashioned" names are getting more popular. I have known an Elsie, an Etta, a Margaret and a Mable.
  11. My mother was the youngest of 10 children, and they were all spaced out about every two years. My mother was 20 years younger than her eldest sister. My dad's mother was only 5 years older than my aunt Liz.
  12. Both of my nephew's sons have the same middle name. It is a nice name, and it was their grandfather's first name and their father's middle name.
  13. Just to be smart, I drew mine with Roman numerals. Roman numerals are another thing that a lot of people don't know. When I was taking an anatomy class in nursing school we had to name cranial nerves, which are designated by Roman numerals. I was shocked that there were people that had no idea what they were, let alone know how to read them. And this was over 40 years ago.
  14. You can put the time in you message using a real clock. Kids today can't read an analog clock. Only digital. A skill I used to teach to Kindergarteners.
  15. This is one of my pet peeves. I find myself correcting the ads on TV or people on the radio when I hear "less"when it should be "fewer". Why is this so hard to understand?
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