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Posts posted by RottinginNS

  1. Alexei and Loren- Just a thought, maybe Loren's parents live in Canada and only spend the summers in Florida. Perhaps, Loren is just taking an extended vacation from NY to film this show. I don't know, the whole set up seems weird to me.

    Being from Toronto I would like to say 2 things. 1. Locals love nothing more thank taking tourists up the CN Tower (that's where they had one meal). 2. The little resataurant they went to first wouldn't be an easy find if you didn't know the city.

    My guess is that they are snowbirds.

    • Love 1
  2. And yet child actors still seem to have higher reports of serious issues. Also, the sad thing is that *reality shows* aren't governed by the laws for entertainers that exist in California.

    Only seems that way because they are in the spotlight. Have a look around other town that don't have a 'Hollywood' sign. Kids are messed up everywhere.

    Higher reports of serious issues? Ever have a look at serious issues children have in places like Northen Canada? It's unfair to blame the film/tv world for the problems they have. What is comes down to plain and simple is the guardian responsible for raising them.

    • Love 4
  3. The child cast of Diff'rent Strokes - dead from drugs, dead from health issues and dead broke from parents stealing money, and known drug addict.

    Child cast of Full house - eating disorders for 2, possibly three, and meth addiction

    Child actor from Seaquest - Suicide

    Child cast of STand by Me - Dead from drugs, lengthy history of drug abuse, and to be fair, two reasonably successful

    Child actor from Star Trek Next Gen - in jail at last check for drugs

    I could go on because there's a ton more examples. I'd also suggest the websiUte "A minor consideration"

    I know people with health issues.

    I know people who committed suicide

    I know people who abuse drugs and alcohol

    I know people in jail

    I know people with eating disorders

    I know people who are broke

    None of these people were involved in film production.

    I work in film production and in my experience the children are treated with kid gloves. Education is mandatory, safety is priority and time is a major factor. The hours they are allowed to work are kept quite strict, including call times (when they start in the day) and when they wrap(finish shooting for the day) and the turn around times(time off between call times). Healthy meals are provided with several options to chose from as well.

    If the kids end up a little left of center then it's the guardians that are to blame. Film productions are big business and no one wants to jeprodize the cash flow by getting tired up in court over labor laws and paying huge penalties.

    To the person who stayed in the home while they were shooting........I'm willing to bet they offered to put you and your family in a nice hotel and provide meals. Am I wrong? Perhaps you wanted to stick around and watch the action which some people find exciting but I'm sure you found out quickly that it's not as glamorous as you thought it would be.

    Children and animals are the hardest to work with.....usually it's work 'for'

    • Love 3
  4. What's with TLC? I've never felt the urge to comment on Internet forums like the unsquashable urge I have to post about their shows.

    First off, I think What's Eating Gilbert Grape should be handed out at the door as soon as the caregiver children walk in with their parents along with phone numbers to a therapist.

    As for Dr.Now treating them when he clearly knows they are not willing to help themselves after surgery, he can only do what he can. Every show he says he knows operating is their only hope. I think he's a wonderful man. At least he's trying. I'm sure he knows they are not long for this world but he does his part to give them some sort of chance....even a smidgen of hope is better than nothing.

    I'm willing to bet that mental therapy is included in all cases but TLC has time constraints and would rather show the lumps and bumps than the frustrating tears and denial and excuses. We see that already in the hospital and homes.

    Food must be a lot less expensive in the states than it is here in Canada. I could not afford to eat out like these people do, subsidy or not...

    The poor kids. If they were caring for parents in homes who were substance abusers I.e. Drugs/alcohol, family members would hopefully be yanking them out of the home and getting them somewhere safe. Why don't people see food abuse in the same light? The children are being subjected to the same mental abuse and neglect. Imagine the guilt these kids are forced to live with. Flash forward to them as adults....they will either turn out on the same operating tables or be looking to have offspring to wipe them down themselves. It's a terrible prognosis either way.

    Instead of go fund me bullshi7, these parents should be looking for ways to help the kids. Penny's husband should grab the kid and walk out the door. She can't go after him until she can walk and the courts could see she is incapable of caring for her child. All seems quite simple from where I'm sitting, but alas, I do know it's not simple. It's sad. Really really sad.

    • Love 5
  5. Oh help me! Stuck inside on a cold winter's day with Sisters Wives(wife's,wifes',wives') running nonstop helping me get my learn on. Thanks "learning" channel.

    Ok now someone please tell me about the music on MSWC site!!! Seriously, all I can imagine is watching an old K-Tel commercial with a blazing fireplace and shadows of the wives all curled up on a bearskin rug.

    Now, where are they storing all these unsold products? Maybe filling up Meri's empty bedrooms?

  6. Just watching a re-run now. I don't think a reality show shocked me as much as this particular one is shocking me. I used to just laugh at TLC and partake in some snark from time to time but I just have to say this or I will explode.

    Most of these people where high as kites (I'm guessing meth cause weed don't mess with your face that way)and shame on TLC for letting that poor girl drive and explode her car. Shame on TLC for being in that trailer and not reporting the lot to CPS. I don't think Lacy was high, his teeth were too good, but the fight was the best thing to happen to him. He can be free from that gypsy family and maybe his kids can have a chance at a better life.

    Those other two...wow. Did dude just pay $1000.00 to have sex? He should have looked harder for a $7.00 bottle of flavoured sparkling water. He don't have long for this world if he keeps on tweekin like that. He might be a good guy...oh what am I saying. ??!!

    I didn't even enjoy the shock factor of this show because I was too busy wrestling with the fact that I should cc this post to TLC. Shame shame shame on them.

    • Love 2
  7. What I want to know is why is Chelsea hugging Cassia rather than Yamir.

    I've been saying this since day one. Chelsea is not that into him. She always ditches his kisses. Either that or he has a bad aim. Always forehead, cheek etc, never mouth

  8. Re: 49/51 responses on Mopicklelessbun fb

    Jana Bowen Mohomed as I have known you for a long time now I have watched an read the posts quietly I hope you find happiness in your life I wish the best for you

    Like · Reply · 2 · 7 hrs

    There was a "heart" emote attached.

    Wtf is Jana Bowen?

    • Love 1
  9. The 90 Day Financé facebook page is trying to make #mancrushmonday a thing. God I wish i was kidding! https://m.facebook.com/90DayFiance?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F90DayFiance

    Ok be honest lol. Who voted? I got tired with the comments there, you guys seem snarkier...I mean smarter!!! I like here better.

    I don't understand that people say Danny is batting for the other team. He's pure hipster to me, I don't see gay at all.

    • Love 2
  10. Almost every fundamentalist group out there wears long hair.  Many pull it up over or cover it so the hair can only be seen by their husbands, but it's almost always long.  This would include not only Gothard, but also Pentecostals, Amish, quite a few traditional sects of mainstream churches.  The only exceptions that I can think of are Orthodox Judaism, which shaves their head so they can wear wigs because their heads must be covered at all times to anyone except their husbands and this was several different sects way of doing so, and Catholic nuns in very strict orders that still wear the coif do this as well -- the shaving or close cutting so that their heads are covered.  The fact that Gothard has instructions to men saying that they must make allowances for women to take time to do their hair shows that this is about much more than Jim Bob.

    But he must like that 80's spiral perm and crunchy bangs, because why on earth would Michelle still be wearing it?  Not even Bill Gothard can be fully responsible for that!  :)

    A few seasons ago Michele was sent for a makeover by some of her girls. She looked fab but of course neither she nor "daddy" liked the new updated do. Shame

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