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Posts posted by srh

  1. And that's why I don't feel bad for her.  It's not that she doesn't know what to do, it's that she doesn't want to do it.  She doesn't want to be out of the limelight, because she craves it.  She doesn't want to be healthy because then no one would feel sorry for her.  


    You're definitely right- but I think it goes beyond laziness or dislike and into almost a pathology.  Some of it is definitely laziness, but I think the lack of attention she got as a child has just warped her.  I think she's made a lot of really bad personal and relationship decisions since then, and her situation isn't something that can be blamed on her mother as much as she would like to, but her parents really did mess her up. 


    I also think the reality shows and having a brand based around her "true life" also makes this harder for her- it's not just making smaller changes, it's literally asking her to change every aspect of her life, from her job to her relationships to what she sees as important about herself.  And she doesn't have any kind of good foundation to fall back on that might make it easier. 


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  2. As horrible as Tori was throughout this episode, I really can't help but feel somewhat badly for her.  She can verbalize all of her issues so well, and is told over and over and over again what she needs to do to change things by her friends, family, and therapist, and yet cannot and will not do them.  She works so hard to not do them that she's hospitalized.  And part of the reason she doesn't do them is because it's more lucrative not to- it's probably easier for her to see herself as Tori Spelling; Reality Show Trainwreck than it is to picture a world where she lives cheaply and quietly and out of the limelight.  She has aboslutely no idea what that looks like and it clearly scares the crap out of her. 


    And as positive as Dean was with the kids and with his declaration that he's done with the show, I can't let him off the hook either.  He's sitll working incredibly hard to avoid dealing with the messy negative consequences of his cheating- the fact that he couldn't tell Dr. Wexler how Tori feels about the rehab babysitter fiasco was ridiculous.  You cheated on her, Dean.  She's going to be weird and freaked out over the idea of you being alone with a woman she doesn't know, and she's JUSTIFIED in that feeling.  Own that, instead of being all defensive and insisting that you were "just trying to help."


    There's a lot of fake to this show, but last night's episode felt uncomfortably authentic in some ways.  Her friends saying that their being on the show is simply enabling her, Dean bluntly saying that things are better when she's not there, the breakdown/panic attack at the idea of going to work- I can't look away.

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