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Posts posted by Criminey

  1. I'm not looking for a way back; however I did find a new series that I'm enjoying and has helped with getting over Sleepy Hollow.  

    'Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries'.  It's an Aussie series.  Very good dynamic between Miss Fisher and the Inspector.  The other characters are also well done.

  2. I've spent the last week recovering from a knee operation. As a matter of fact I watched the final in a hospital on pain melds. I've been in recovering, excersising and working with my therapist.

    I've watched a lot of the old interviews from the original creators and producer and watched interviews from Tom And Nicole. What gets me the most and what saddens me is to see the joy they all had at the beginning; the delight they all had in making and presenting this project. Then to see the aftermath. The destruction. I really resent that on their behalf and mine (ours).

    • Love 7
  3. I like Tom Mison and I will watch him in any vehicle he ends up in except Sleepy Hollow. For me and maybe for me alone the brand is tainted.

    As far as I'm concerned, Tom had nothing to do with what TPTB have done with the show and to Nicole. But Ichabod Crane should relocate somewhere else and the show come up with another name.

    IMO, Racism killed this show.

    • Love 8
  4. Another new character for Sleepy Hollow. As much as I still like this show, I wish we had more compelling plots. Mid season ending was in MO just so-so. More Abbie disappearing to parts unknown. Hopefully the new episodes will help bring back the excitement.


    Also Orlando Jones interview.


  5. Great episode! Seems like all the pieces are starting to come together. I'm wondering though if Sophia was working as closely with Nevins as it seems what does she know about the Shard and about Pandora and the demons and other mysticism in SH. If she knows, what does Daniel know? He always seemed like he was hiding something.

    This is getting more intriguing. Bodes well for the rest of the episodes. I can only hope this leads to a 4th season.

    • Love 1
  6. I really liked this episode. The excitement I was missing was there 10-fold. The flash back to Cranes Eton days was done without taking us out of the story. A lot more like S1. And I really liked the new girl whose going to help Ichabod with his citizenship. It looks like Daniel has plans for Abbie. Not sure about her plans; she's still keeping them close. Loved Jenny and Joe together; but hope they eventually join forces with Abbie and Ichabod. Pandora's monster are getting more and more intense. I'll watch it again a couple of times to pickup on what I missed. But all-in-all, well done.

    • Love 2
  7. Hilarious recap by TV Recappers Delight. 43 Thoughts on Sleepy Hollow's Whispers in the Dark. A fun read!

    Thanks HalcyonDays. I hadn't read this recapper before.

    I had forgotten Ichabods comment about how aggressive Betsy was. I know he said he hid in a closet to avoid her; but I figured he just wasn't interested and took an easy but cowardly way out of an entanglement. In rethinking their scenes together, (I think about this show entirely too much!), the lack of chemistry can be explained by his playing out his annoyance and disliking her aggressive in you face play for him. Which kind of puts NR's interpretation in a different light. She's doing a darn fine job of playing an annoying would-be lover. I still don't care for it; but well done if that's what they're going for. (Just my opinion trying to put a positive spin on Reeds performance.)

    I love this show. I'm not sure what could make me stop watching it, other than losing the 3 stars.

    • Love 2
  8. I am a great fan of Tom, Nicole and Lyndie and I still enjoy this show if only to watch those three on my screen. It may be that Lance and Zack will become favorites as well. But, boy, does this show have issues.

    First and foremost, as others have said, Betsy. To me it's part of the same issue Katia had, no direction. i mean I always thought a director or someone was supposed to help actors find their way through a scene. This feels like really bad Improvisation. I read somewhere that Tom and Nicole read their lines together and thought about what direction they wanted to go with their characters. Lynide probably does the same thing. This works for them because they are really good actors; unfortunately NR needs help and direction.

    Secondly, they need really scary monster. the 2 so far have been Okay; but kind of run of the mill monsters, imo.

    I'll continue to watch this show, because of it's leads and the hope hat it gets better; but I'm beginning to get a bad feeling about it's longevity.

    Oh and I love the fact that Nicole keeps pulling out her gun no matter what monster she faces!

    • Love 3
  9. I like the time jump. The show needs to make a strong statement from the start to minimize the nonsense of S2. Nonsense that is still in everyone's mind. Doesn't mean they can't have some back story to include Abbie's journey to Quantico. Even Ichabod's sorrow about his family in a very brief way (Imo).

    This show is nothing without both Witnesses. Tom Mison is terrific as Ichabod Crane. Nicole Beharie is brilliant as Abigail Mills. If either one of them were not there I would not watch the show.

    Also, this show cannot write for every individual fan. What a chaotic mess that would be. Hopefully the producers, writers and Show Runner will take the best path forward to make the show as wonderful as it was in S1.

    This is one of the few shows of this genre I've watched consistently. I quit on Lost, Fringe, The Leftovers. And I'm about to stop watching Whispers. But loved Forever. (Uhmm, I'm not sure the genre is the same for these show; but they aren't the same as the shows on the Food Channel and HGTV ;)). So it may be that I don't know how these types of shows normally run.

    Here's my one demand though, lol. Please make Ichabod a combination of modern day Ichabod and Captain Crane with emphasis on the Captain.

    • Love 1
  10. What makes you all assume the show will stick to the version of Betsy Ross mentioned in previous episodes? I surely don't think they will. Betty's only link is to Ichabod and it will be Ichabod whose hip she will be attached to. They could have brought in a neutral woman to lead or advise the witnesses, but nope, they have specifically brought in someone attached to Crane romantically for a reason. Expect that itch to be all up in the mix and in modern times. There is no way she's a show regular but will only be featured in the past. She's going to play a very big role in the show from here on out. Very big.

    Yes it's a Good point. I don't have any knowledge that it won't work this way. But for me at least it doesn't make any sense to put her in modern times.

    It's one thing to throw in a fictional character into history like Crane and Katrina and bring them to present time and another to bring a real live person forward. Ross was married 3 times, widowed and had several children. Is she going to use the Grimoire to flip back and forth thru the centuries to mourn her husbands, romance Crane, find a new husband, in between having 5 or 6 children (and losing some of them unfortunately) .... Anything's possible. The whole 'screwing up history for ever' thing is in play here.

    Is the new crew going to be just like the old crew -- inconsistent storylines, sidelining Abbie and Jenny, bringing in random men for the sisters to have a relationship with. Maybe. I don't know. But it seems highly unlikely considering the putrid drama of S2 , the steady loss of viewers, and the fact that high level executives had to step in.

    It's an undisputable fictional fact that Crane had a fling with Ross and at some point began hiding from her. I think the comedic value of that would be worth showing.

    There was also something I read that implied that the real Ross may well have been involved in some of the Intrige. Even more intriguing is the story that when her body was being exhumed to move it from one burial site to another, there were no bones found in the grave. But they found them in another grave nearby.....or something like that. Can't remember exactly.

    My opinion is based on the story I want to see, based on absolutely nothing except common sense which says we won't see a story line similar to S2.

    I want to see Demon fighting, Humor, Abbie & Ichabod in whatever close relationship evolves. And a darn good show that keeps me entertained and wanting more.

    If I get the same nonsense I saw last year, then I'm out. But I have to watch it first.

    • Love 1
  11. I debated, which thread but this seems to be an unpopular opinion from what I see across the Tubes. I'm looking forward to S3. I.m looking forward to Icabbie whether it comes down to witty conversation, a few drinks at the bar, taking car of apocalypse business or end game with the 2 of them together

    I think Betsy Ross is not going to be such a factor as to distract from the relationship between ichabod and Abbie in the present. Wasn't she the one that had him hiding in closets to avoid her?

    I like flashbacks. I think 1781 ichabod is a very sexy guy. Some combination of 1781 and present day Ichabod would be perfect.

    Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie) is a very beautiful woman. She will hold her own against any Ichabod interlopers.

    I know all depends on the writers and the showrunner

    Well, I hit reply by mistake before I was done. But the crew on this show are not stupid. Nicole and Tom are the draw.

    I agree that the cross over with Bones is a dumb idea. I think Fox should have picked up "Forever" from ABC and then done a crossover.

    • Love 3
  12. I watched the first 2 seasons of Scandal and loved it. I stopped watching into season 3. I thought the story line made Olivia weak. The work she was doing became her battles with her Dad, Fritz and Jake all with a goblet of red wine clutched in her hand. I also didn't like Fritz's character. Actually thought Mellie was the most sympathetic character on the show.

    Also liked Blacklist. But I dvr'd it.

    Thursday night will become Sleepy Hollow night for me. Can't wait till season 3!

    • Love 2
  13. It's a rainy, windy day and After running errands I decided to binge-watch Sleepy Hollow season 2. My DVR had issues and everything I had saved was gone (Outlander, Forever, Sleepy Hollow and more). Went to On Demand and found only 7 episodes of season 2 - eps 1,2,14,15,16,17,18. The better episodes to be sure; but I still thought it was strange. Essentially most if not all the Katrina centric episodes are missing. Not missing her at all; but still would have liked to see all episodes.

    There were some good Ichabod and Abbie scenes in those episodes (motorcycle, Orion, more but I can't remember precisely

  14. My thoughts:
    I think modern day Ichabod is attactive, funny, addorable and brave (lapses re-Katrina not withstanding); but I think 1781 Ichabod is hot in a very different way -- very formal and stiff as well as brave, attractive and you get a peak of the humor.  When season 3 becomes a reality (fingers crossed), I would like to see some combination of the 2 Ichabods. 

    I image that the Core 4 will have changed idividually and collectively in someways and will have become a team of well-oiled veterans in the fight against evil.  The new season should start at least a year after the return from the past. 

    At first I thought Katrina could be the Big Bad; but I think the show will be better off with the character gone completely.

    I'm all for romance that doesn't over-shadow the fight for humanity, so bring it on in a slow-burn.  Slowly highten the tension; but keep it at bay.  Not will they or won't they; but they won't until the fight is over( or the end of the show; I'd really hate to be left hanging on that issue).  But as someone mentioned, I'm not sure the current writers will be able to sustain that kind of tension.

    In actuality, I will take anything I can get in a third season and beyond!

    • Love 4
  15. I used to watch Blacklist.  Now that it's on Thursdays, I'll pick it up again.  Looking forward to Outlander coming back as well as GOT.


    Also Forever, Masterchef, Top Chef and Amazing Race.  And can't forget The Walking Dead.


    My sister says Empire is great.  I'll have to check it out.

  16. That review guy reminds me why I always get confused and just baffled when I come in contact with Katrina/Ichatrina fans. They must have been watching another Sleepy Hollow show where Katrina was strong and a beautiful witch who was never shady or useless. 


    I am always reminded of this quote from Jon Stewart when it comes these fans...


    I was just going to post this exact same thing.  It's so true.


     I'll miss Jon.

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