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Posts posted by EskimoInMyWay

  1. Ok, can we please stop and appreciate the Kill Bill references on A DISNEY KIDS TELEVISION SHOW?? Come on, that is ONLY relevent to people who grew up with BMW. You think 8 to 13 year old Disney Channel watchers understood that?? How can you hate on that...I was absolutely cracking up. What an homage/hilarious tie in!


    This episode was filled with laughs, in my opinion. Mostly having to do with the tiebacks to the original Boy Meets World. Angela, sleeping in class, schemes, and Shawn family references were so on point!


    Sure the 'literal' tie up of Mya was a kiddy joke, but it was funny in the sense of...this is a kids show and sometimes things aren't realistic. If it was a real show, Mya would've went home and sat there alone by herself, probably crying. Every young kid can relate to wanting to tie up their best friend in a time of need.


    I think people (especially those of us who loved the original series) need to watch this show in its FIRST season, as more of an abstract kids show with real life tones. Stop being so critical and enjoy that we get to see Cory, Shawn, and Topanga in their next chapter and how similar the Matthews kids are to the original characters of Boy.


    I have faith, especially seeing the first season up until now, that the show will only get better. Every episode already has gotten better and better. You 20-30 year olds need to stop being so critical. Once you do, the show will become 1,000 times better.


    Maybe I'm too much of a Boy Meets World fanatic...haha. Who knows

  2. Shawn said he hasn't LIVED in NYC in thirteen years. That doesn't mean him and Cory hadnt seen each other since. I gathered that he's been in and out of their lives. Riley even says he doesn't like me and that he's been around throughout the whole episode. It's Maya who hasn't met him.

    Amy Matthews was always the one to not approve of Topanga. Obviously, that's her first son to get married. Eventually Alan talked her down during a BMW episode, but those feelings don't go away. So of course she is skeptical about Topanga hosting Christmas. I thought that side story was spot on.

    Danielle Fischel aka Topanga still seems lost or forced I agree. Where as Cory and Shawn seemed like they haven't missed a step. The play on the BMW stuff like the sleeping and the "they're us?" was hilarious. As a BMW fan, I loved that.

    I think the Josh/Maya thing is simply a crush that Maya has. Josh is too old and the writers have even said that he's not into it the way Maya is.

    I could go on and on about this episode. I'm just happy that Shawn and Eric (Cory's brother) will be more apart of the story in season two. And lets not forget that Shawn is due for another episode. Also Josh is apparently in like two more episodes and is an even bigger part of the story according to the writers.

    Every episode of this show gets better and better. Michael Jacobs and his writING crew...gah damn

  3. While watching I saw previews for the Home for the Holidays episode with Shawn Hunter. And honestly, this is basically why I've been watching. It looks amazing. Watch the promo for that episode. It'll get you excited. "I told you he was real!" That's what Cory says in the promo and it just excites me. This means Cory has told Riley and Mya all about their shenanigans and they didn't believe him. Also his parents Alan and Amy and their son Josh. Ahhhh. Please tell me you guys are pumped for this haha

    • Love 2
  4. No disordely class this episode, YES! I gotta get the flashbacks out of the way.. but those were amazing! As a BMW fanatic, I loved them. I imagine, any Boy fan would agree. I liked how they sprinkled a few within the episode.

    The curfew joke was a great lead in to babysitting. Of course Topanga and Cory don't initially trust Riley. I mean this is their first born. I love how we are able to see this because we never saw Eric like this.

    The show Riley and Mya wanted to watch was fantastic. It was a joke on all the dumb shows that are made for preteens. It reminded me of the episode when Shawn and Cory tried to watch a horror movie And as a 20-something, I loved that. Also it was very believable that Auggie was feeling neglected because Riley invited Mya. As a little brother, this is very accurate.

    Of course Cory and Topanga coming back was wacky and ridiculous, but I get it a little bit. It's probably every parents dream to do that haha.

    The pirate game was great and I did love Mya's hair-beard. Each episode in this series gets better and better like the writers promised. "Riley wants responsibility and it's important to let her try." Was a fantastic quote from Cory that summed up the episode. That can resonate with kids and adults that watch the show.

    The end joke was funny with the McScrambled eggs family the next day. So I guess I don't have much to complain about this episode haha

    • Love 1
  5. Angela was like 12 years older than Cory, Shawn, and Topanga when they were filming boy. Not really meant to change your mind, just a fun fact. Age in Hollywood is always off. Which is why we continue to see people in their mid 20s playing high school kids haha.

    I'm thinking season 2 the gang will start to look closer in age. If you see them in interviews now and go back to the pilot, the girls and farkle already look older (especially Riley).

    Excited for the episode that airs tonight. Looks like it's Cory and Topanga's anniversary and they let Riley babysit. I'm keepin my fingers crossed for flashbacks. Maybe high school graduation where Topanga proposes?!

  6. Very true about bringing the school stuff home. Just thinking back to BMW when Cory was running for president, he had great talks with his mom and dad about what he was promising to the students if he was elected. (Some examples: Four day weekends and a waterslide.) Alan dropped some knowledge and made Cory really think about what he was saying.

    I dont know, Alan and Amy seemed more like parents. Cory and Topanga seem more like bad baby sitters to me. I guess every parent is different, but as the son who was raised by Alan and Amy AND Feeny haha...just seems not as likely that he'd be this much of a pushover.

    I'm hoping that will change as the series advances. Maybe the Home for the Holidays episode his parents will set them straight a little.

    • Love 2
  7. We KNOW Lucas is living with his mother because of the muffin episode. We however did not know his father was still in Texas. So I'm lead to believe that his parents are divorced or obviously separated. Which I think is a great subject to touch on. So kudos to the writers.

    I feel like we can ignore the horse thing because 1.) It's a kid show and 2.) It has nothing to do with the plot. We aren't watching HBO.

    The Phillies/Mets game was a GREAT throwback! Although it goin into 26 innings was extremely stupid, but then again I guess their target audience wont care about that.

    The end of the episode, I agree that Topanga in particular seems distant with Riley (and she kinda has this whole season). But mothers and daughters at this age/development are not close. They are usually at each others throats. So when I think about that, I kinda get it. But Danielle seems ever further away from that dynamic, I'll agree.

    "What are you to me? To me...you're a princess." This could mean a lot of things. In my opinion, Lucas cares about Riley as a friend at this point. Didn't see too much into them as a couple at all. What do you guys think?

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