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Posts posted by KalEl

  1. They might as well have given Reddy and Berlin capes with giant supervillain collars, because only superpowers allows you fly into Putin's Russia, blow away the freaking Finance Minister and just walk out with no one even saying "boo" to you then kidnapping the Deptuy Director of National Intelligence in broad daylight in Washington DC. There's suspension of disbelief and then there's being utterly freaking ridiculous and I think we know on which side this show falls.


    I love how Liz is surprised the Justice Department isn't going to fly her to Moscow to interrogate the Russian Finance minister almost as much as how much I love that the task force HQ never gets any busier no matter what's going on, be viral epidemic or the daylight kidnapping of a US Government official.

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  2. This show caught me off guard for being so absolutely great. Yet another show hindered by a bad title. Sorry, but it is. Even after seeing that it got good reviews I refused to watch it until my younger sister insisted. Now I know how all those people felt when I pushed Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Cougar Town.

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  3. This show cotinues to a neck-and-neck contest with The Following to see who can portray The FBI as dumb as well as incompetent. Two agents are dead and yet a six foot man manages to wheel a luggage cart out even though we see Harold tell them to lock the building down. Pretty sure being Arabic means he'd get stopped no matter what. The only saving grace is that the bad guys are even dumber. Why on earth would he wipe the make up off his hand before going on a mission!?! And why is the scientist still awake in the bag!?!  Sigh. Soooo much dumb.

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