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Posts posted by megsara

  1. I’m a newbie to BB this season. I’ve watched a few random seasons of survivor thanks to Hunter Harris! 2 have included Cirie and admittedly I enjoyed her, her gameplay to me was quite fun (I’m more of a fan of the social/psychological game rather than physical challenges).

    I’m actually quite sickened by the discourse around Cirie on BB.I know I’m new to the game/show but what rigging is happening here? Yes other players view her as a celebrity but they are being the dumbasses and telling her everything. Jared is actually a liability. I love Cirie and still  love that finally some peeps are clocking in on her because she should be challenged and taken seriously.

    the hate for her really strikes me as personal, prejudiced opinions.

    • Like 4
  2. Really enjoyed this ep.  I was honestly so glad that they had John fuck someone who wasn't a slave.  That was such a dicey  and bad situation.  I do like that John fully expressed the dire consequences if Brianna outed him, even if Brianna admitted it was an empty threat.  The John/Brianna friendship really stuck with me from the books and I'm pretty happy with it in the show with just this first ep.  


    The Marsali/Murthagh/Fergus stuff was just perfect.


    Its taken me a while to warm up to Brianna/Sophie but this ep has really convinced me. She has some real fun reactions.  I certainly didn't notice her "horrible" skin but as someone who has never been blessed with perfect skin I appreciate some realism.  (And I would still pay to have skin as good as hers!)

    • Love 4
  3. 3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    For me, I think the issue I'm having with Octavia is that she started the whole Hunger Games aspect very, very early on.

    That seemed like a direct response to the attempted mutiny.  Maybe they would have gotten to the fighting pits without it, eventually, but at that point they needed to solidify being "Wonkru" and that anyone who threatened the survival of the group as a whole should be punished, via death or "earning" their rights back by "winning" the fight.  Though this method of survival is unsustainable outside of the bunker - as much as I love Octavia there is certainly enough to worry about with her leadership style.  It will be hard if not impossible to get her out of Red Queen mode. Maybe Bellamy could have eventually gotten through to her, though his relationship with Echo will complicate that.  I wonder if Maddie, with her hero-worshiping, will have a part to play.  

    • Love 2
  4. I'm pretty fascinated by the dynamics of Wonkru.  It's obviously very cult-like, but I don't know, I was kind of with Clarke (and Diyoza) with being impressed.  Octavia is still one of my faves.  I'm not quite sure what else her options were down in the bunker.  For all they knew, they would be stuck down there forever.  Not knowing about the prisoners and their equipment, how else would they have gotten out?  It was either a regular culling of the population or everyone slowly starves to death.  Even with the reduced population, Octavia mentioned the farm was barely feeding them.  The entire 'you are Wonkru or an enemy of Wonkru' philosophy seemed like the only thing that kept them cohesive.  Plus most of them seem pretty into the religious/spiritual aspect, including Octavia - I am curious about Gaia.  I have a feeling she had a lot to do, along with Octavia, with what Wonkru has become.

    Indra better be ok - I have resigned myself to her eventually dying (and me never getting my Kane/Indra ship), but she deserves to go out better than that. I did love her telling Octavia she loves her.  

    We haven't seen Niylah yet, right?  She always seems so level headed so I have to wonder, if she survived, what she thought about Wonkru/the fighting pits.  I really liked the vibe between her and Octavia as well, so really want to know what happened to her.  I wonder if she factors at all into Octavia's 'love no one and no one hurts you' philosophy.

    Raven deserves a lifetime of pleasure after all the crap she's been through.  Shaw better start getting ready to provide some of that!

    • Love 3
  5. On 2/6/2018 at 6:22 PM, Scarlett45 said:

    You do get the physical youthfulness but I thought that was an acting choice.

    In the beginning near the cheese stall the grandmother sort of stumbled or groaned and Ortega said something about "sleeve sickness" but not quite sure what that meant.  


    On 2/3/2018 at 6:33 PM, Scarlett45 said:

    I have a question- since Neo Catholics do not believe in additional lives, can Neo Catholic parents opt out of having their babies implanted with stacks, and then at 18 a child can chose to have one implanted?

    At the Alcatraz orientation, that holo-vid mentioned all Protecterate citizens at the age of 1ish get a stack implanted, and if they didn't say that was the law it seemed implied I thought.   

    • Love 2
  6. Just finished my 1st real re-watch of the whole series, and I love season 4.  It reminds me a bit of Farscape season 4 - so very serialized, dark, lots of heavy emotions.  I found there were certain parts that I wasn't looking forward to watching - the mutiny - but found them very satisfying on re-watch.  


    I guess I never understood why people hated the God angle.  I would have if it sprung up at the last minute, but God and angels have been a through-line since the beginning.  HeadSix told Baltar in early season 2 that she was an angel of god, and she was a lot of things, but I never thought of her as a liar.  I am personally an atheist but find religious and spiritual themes in fiction really fascinating.  The whole abandoning of technology angle did bother me, but not quite enough to sour me on the series and season as a whole.  And really, I could never hate it if just for the sole reason that the amazing Tigh’s made it to the end!

    • Love 1
  7. 19 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    And why did he pick up a glass from Sonny's bar and smile wistfully like it was a long-lost lover?

    I burst out laughing when he did this.  It looked like he was wistfully remembering how many of them Sonny has SonnySMASHED!!  

    • Love 4
  8. I think the whole point of having so much of Holden and Debbie's relationship was to show how Holden's opinion and actions towards women have been affected by Holden getting into the minds of so many violent misogynists.  There were also two pointed references to Holden's mother and her seemingly OTT reaction to her son's sex life, so that seemed like another way Holden relates to these men.  The line started to blur between Holden's "play-acting" and his real feelings.  We see him becoming more and more dismissive of Debbie, his jump to instant jealousy, etc.  Then he flies out to see Kemper because on some weird level Holden thinks Kemper is the only person he can relate to after the breakup and Tench and Carr questioning his methods.  He was also becoming insufferably egotistical (that celebration bar scene....yikes).  In a weird way I hope the whole thing with Kemper at the end shakes him enough that he course corrects.   

    I do hope Holden and Tench are on better terms in the future - with Carr as well.  I really liked the scene in the diner after the car accident with Tench telling Holden about his son and the implication that Tench was starting to see Holden as a son, of sorts, and that's why Tench was so shaken after the crash.  

    I am an Anna Torv stan, so I cannot be objective, but I did like Carr and hope we get more of her in the next season.  

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  9. I assume that was Lena in Leon's bed?  We could only see her legs, but I would be surprised if it wasn't.  I've been shipping them since the party last season when they bonded over Lena's poem.  I loved that Leon had fun with the Airbnb lady's group.  He deserves it!!  

    • Love 1
  10. I appreciate the show bringing attention to these kinds of stories, because they are super important, but these days there is so much insanity to wade through that they are easy to miss.  God, he really did stack these agencies from an apparently limitless source of idiots.  

    The New Zealand/Eminem story sent me into the longest fit of giggles.  The clip of the song playing and everyone having to just solemnly listen was insanely funny to me.  Plus the woman in the background and 'how did I end up here?' was the cherry on top.   It was very silly and I loved it and needed it very much.  

    • Love 1
  11. On 3/31/2017 at 2:17 AM, thuganomics85 said:

     But, anyway, he's now warming up him, thanks to some random hot girl (classic Bellamy!)

    Who looks like Clarke, I noticed.  I am not sure he would have gone with her otherwise.  

    I keep expecting some big other big bunker reveal, like cryogenic tanks or something, because John Pyper-Ferguson played the cult leader and it seems off to me if they got him  for one 20-second scene (not that he's some uber famous person, but it seems wasteful).

    Oh, Abby.  I have a feeling she could be a goner.  They want us to think Raven is in more danger, but I fear that could be a misdirect (not that I want Raven to get worse/die - love her).  

  12. Well, though it seemed obvious in ep 1, we got confirmation that Jacob is Margaret and Will's son.  The racial dynamics were interesting in this episode.  I felt for Will when Margaret casually mentioned Lennox having 1000 slaves and how that marked his success.  I'm curious about the history of Margaret and Will's relationship.  I do like that they seem to be equal partners - they certainly don't hold back when having their debates.  I also wondered if Lennox is the father of either Charlotte or Lucy.  There was a lot of history there.  Lennox's son is awful and I hope he gets comeuppance.  Ugh. I'd say Nancy can do it but he might end up liking it. On that note, I love Nancy.  

    Mrs. Quigley and her son had a creepy vibe this ep - I doubt she's going to be happy with Emily's power over her son.  

    • Love 1
  13. Yes! Bothwell!  At least for show purposes, I'd rather go with the theory that Bothwell didn't rape Mary and it was a ploy to make their quick marriage acceptable.  

    I'm glad they've gotten Mary to the point of being done with Darnley, emotionally, but I do wonder about the timeline.  She at least has to be pregnant by the time Darnley is dunzo, and they aren't even married yet!  Will they time-jump over the pregnancy? I assume we're not getting Rizzio and all that drama either.  

    Re France.  Queen Margot has been a longtime favorite movie of mine, so I was always curious if Reign would bump up into the plot points from that movie, so it was a bit exciting for me to see Charles announce his conversion.   Ugh, poor Catherine.  Yes, yes, she threatened Charles with replacing him with his younger brother, but not via religious war.  

  14. This ep felt a bit overstuffed, though the flow is pretty terrible on the CW app because of all the commercials.  This will be a good one to rewatch once it hits Netflix.

    Baby Rose was so freaking adorable in that scene with Mary and Greer.  She was very entertained by something, and so was I.  I really don't remember Rose's father very well.  What ethnicity was he supposed to be?  I vaguely thought Middle Eastern?  But I am very hazy on that plot.  I think Greer and James have good friend chemistry but nothing more.  Honestly the only person James has good chemistry with is Mary, so.....

     Still hoping the loyal watchman is Bothwell.  I am ready for him!  

    Were we supposed to think that the assassin wasn't set up by the English?  The ambassador seemed very confused/surprised so I wasn't sure.

    Of course Narcisse hits on Leeza.  Might as well try to get the trifecta I suppose.  And Leeza seemed fairly into it, which is rich considering her moralizing.

    Continue to really adore Luc.  He's so nice, and tall, and has the most beautiful un-waxed chest.  Climb him like a tree, Claude! 

    • Love 1
  15. I'm hooked!  Loved the dynamics between Margaret and her daughters.  They love each other, of course, but there's so much under the surface.  The girls resent being pushed into this life, by their own mother, but I think both of them get on some level why she did it.  It's the only like Margaret's known and is at least trying to do better for them than her mother did.  

    • Love 6
  16. On 3/19/2017 at 7:39 PM, Moxie Cat said:

    Maybe they have time for Bothwell after all.

    I'm thinking he's the Faithful Watchman.  Wasn't he a big world traveler?  He could have that wax made in Africa.

    That conversation between Narcisse and Luc was gold.  "Tell her you didn't know until this morning." "I didn't!" "Tell her I was solely behind this." "You were!" Ah, bless you Narcisse.  How will I live without you?  I understand Leith not wanting to be part of this open marriage because, hello, look at Luc, but damn...poor Claude almost had it all.  

  17. On 3/3/2017 at 11:14 PM, taurusrose said:

    Kudos for getting an actor who resembled Craig Parker to play his son.

    He even sounds like him!  Claude and Leith were cute, but Narcisse Jr. is a tall drink of water so I'm happy with this pairing.

    On 3/3/2017 at 11:14 PM, taurusrose said:

    I don't need to see gratuitous shirtless scenes with him.

    Oh, but I do!  Good lord he's sexy.  I laughed with delight when he whipped that shirt off.  That's the CW I know and love.  Also more charged glances between him and Mary.  Too bad they couldn't have cast him as Darnley or Bothwell.  

    Considering the need to speed up the timeline, I don't mind Mary's already weary of Darnley and his BS.  Reading the history it came off to me that Mary was in lust with him rather than love, which made sense as she would have been a virgin for her 2nd husband, and that's not really an issue in the CW-verse.  

    • Love 2
  18. I loved that right after James and all his men were like "Roar!  Let's go rescue the queen!!" Mary just casually trots into view.  You can see the influence of Catherine with how Mary dealt with both the Gordons and her brother, and it warms my Mary/Catherine-loving heart.  

    Also, James may be getting more and more frustrated with his sister but it hasn't seemed to cut down on the lusty glances he throws her way.  I did appreciate Greer being fairly nonchalant after interrupting James' 3-way.  After being a madam it is old hat to her after all.

    I thought it was quite sweet that Catherine took care of what's his face so Claude wouldn't have the guilt to deal with.  

    • Love 1
  19. On 1/12/2017 at 1:59 AM, Michel said:

    Though speaking of Lucy, I thought she was Hispanic, not white. 

    I think she is Jewish, if I am remembering correctly.

    Well done episode, and still managed to have some laughs.  I liked the montage of the workplace and everyone getting distracted for 2 months straight.  Ahhh, I have been there.  Still there, really.  

    • Love 4
  20. I loved how they NBD introduced William's boyfriend.  He's only talked about his relationship with Randall's mom so assuming he was straight rather than bi or gay was just that - an assumption.  

    Very on the fence with Toby, but I do think he was quite sweet in this ep and was stunned at his collapse.  Him having DVT makes a lot of sense in hindsight.  Yikes.  As a frequent flier that freaks me out.  

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