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Posts posted by Absurda

  1. On 3/4/2024 at 9:48 AM, joanne3482 said:

    think we talk about this every year, but this isn't the first season of the show. They know there will be create your own runway looks at least once if not twice. If you don't already know how to sew, you should be buying a cheap ass machine off Craigslist and pulling up some Youtube tutorials. I know not all fabric sews the same and that there are differences between this and that and putting in a zipper and sleeves and all that. But have some basic sewing skills at least. 

    I so agree with this.  I'm tired of contestants coming on to long running shows an saying "I can't do this challenge because I don't do X" when there is at least one or two X challenges every season.    If it's your dream to win this thing you should be practicing and preparing for all the common challenges from the moment you turn in your audition, if not sooner.

    I do love Saffira and want to see her go all the way to the finally.  I thought Plasma would last longer than she did, but I don't think there's really been enough comedy queen challenges for her to find her groove.

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  2. I really hope we, at some point, get an explanation for why Makee isn't dead, is running around with the arbiter and now hates the prophets.  For anyone who watched season 1 her story line is not making any sense at all.

    I refuse to believe that Kai knew the others were going to be betrayed and abandoned on Reach. 

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  3. Forgot to add:

    Why does Cortana look so different this season?  How many Spartans are there?  Last season focused so much on the main 4 I was wondering if they were the only ones left, but this season introduces at least one more squad of 4.  Do all the Spartans know about what Halsey did or are the main 4 just keeping it to themselves? 

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  4. I'm so bummed Makee is still alive. Really not a fan of hers.

    No spoilers usually means no discussing possible future story lines or plot points from other media in the universe (like the books or video game).  It also refers to possible posting about the episode before the show airs for most viewers (like if you caught an earlier international viewing or sneak peek or something).  Essentially, if you have more information about what's going to happen next than the casual viewer, keep it to yourself. 

    Providing backstory on characters or events that doesn't spoil potential plot twists and some speculation on what could happen is usually okay.  If in doubt, you can use the eye icon to mask potential spoilers.

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  5. On 2/11/2024 at 5:22 PM, joanne3482 said:

    I'm over the burger finger. I don't need to hear about it. 

    Yeah, I'm over it, too.  I didn't think it was that funny to begin with. 

    I'm also tired of Nymphia's banana shtick.  It's time to see what else she's got. 

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  6. On 8/18/2023 at 9:31 AM, Frost said:

    Wasn't the Nanny only supposed to have one line, in one scene, at the audition?   Loretta's part does seem to be growing steadily.

    No, she had a full monologue in the audition.  I think the comment "it's just this one scene, right?" was in reference to the pages for the audition, not the nanny's part as a whole.  At the table read she clearly had multiple lines in Act 1 and was the first or second character to speak.


    On 10/6/2023 at 8:49 AM, quarks said:

    Similar thought about the Blue Ajah Sitter killed in this episode - how was she attacking anyone, even while under the sul'dam's control? Renna had trouble getting Egwene to do that, and Egwene hasn't sworn anything on the Oath Rod.

    I thought about this.  I'm not sure if there's an in universe explanation, but my thought was that if she disobeys she'll be harmed (tongue cut out, hands chopped off, possibly killed, etc).  So, in order to protect herself from that harm, she has to use the power against the white cloaks.  I'm open to other interpretations. 


    On 10/7/2023 at 11:04 PM, Blue Plastic said:

    What did Renna mean when she said, "Use it!" after she released Egwene from the collar. Use what...to do what?

    Egwene implied she'd release Renna if Renna released her first.  I thought Renna was referring to the release button on the bracelet to release her.  Egwene had other ideas, though.

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  8. On 9/29/2023 at 8:32 AM, quarks said:

    Speaking purely as a viewer here, did I expect it? No. Would I welcome it? Yes. Also, Alanna, it sounds as if you need to spend more time with kittens if you think fighting an army of them would be easier than fighting the Forsaken. Have you SEEN what just one kitten can do to what was a careful arrangement of knickknacks on a shelf?

    Preach!  I adopted two kittens this summer and it's been complete chaos in the house ever since.  I'm covered in scratches just from playing with and them jumping off my lap with no warning.  Plus, their sooo cute and sweet, I can't even be mad at them.  An army of kittens would be unstoppable. 


    On 9/29/2023 at 11:53 PM, Avaleigh said:

    I'm curious what Lanfear means when she says that having a broken Amyrlin is better than having a dead one. What part of Siaun is broken? Is she physically hurt? Could Lanfear have stilled her? Could she be under Compulsion? 

    Better a weak/broken leader than a martyr possibly replaced by a stronger leader.  Amyrlin was easily defeated by Lanfear, this will make her more frightened of the threat the Darkfriends present, perhaps even unduly cautious in facing against them.  She's also likely to be seen weak among the sisters for her failure to hold onto Rand and Moiraine.  This might cause infighting in the white tower and distract them from the threat of the Darkfriends.

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  9. On 9/22/2023 at 10:38 AM, thuganomics85 said:

    Elayne continues to be the voice of calmness in all of this, and is able to make the tough choices like preventing Nynaeve from interfering.  Elayne really is one of the best cases of a newly introduced character truly shining on a show.

    I'm really getting the vibe that when Elayne becomes queen she's been VERY well prepared and she's going to be f-ing awesome! 

    On 9/22/2023 at 9:50 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    This isn't anything book related, but I'm leaning in to Rand playing a long game here and maybe sending away Moiraine was his idea and he's trying a double con. He calmed down way fast when he said "I'll do anything" to Lanfear. 

    I just don't by Rand as smart enough to think of something like that let alone pull it off against Moiraine.  Book Rand may be different, but show Rand is the character I like least.  I don't hate him, but I think he and his story (along with Mat's) are the weakest, least interesting parts of the show.

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  10. On 9/17/2023 at 8:55 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    I need a spin off series that's just Brown Ajah. All they do is have drinks and talk about history. 

    And gossip!  Don't forget the gossip.  I love the browns so far and wish we could spend some time with them.

    There's a Wheel of Time wiki on Fandom (https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/A_beginning ) that I've found really helpful in filling in some gaps in the mythology/cultures/backstories/character types, etc.  There are book spoilers there and they talk about characters we don't know or haven't been introduced to in the show but I've still found it helpful.

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  11. I thought Moraine was still in the midst of her pity party and didn't want anyone around who would try to make her feel better or support her.  So, that's why she sent Lan away.  She's so focused on her goal of supporting the dragon that she can't see anything else.  She definitely has a "only I can accomplish this task and everyone else is just in my way" complex.

    Unpopular opinion:  I did not like the big, poofy, ankle length skirt.  I think she did put in on to declare her status as one of the nobility, but it really didn't look right on Moraine.

  12. On 9/12/2023 at 8:02 AM, chaifan said:

    One thing that bugged me about this episode...  Sheraim Sedai's planned punishment of the maid for being in Elayne's room - 3 months of lashings - made no sense.  That maid would have had no choice - whatever she was doing was at the request (meaning order) of the heir-daughter.  She wasn't in a position to refuse, even if she wanted to.  The punishment should have automatically gone to Elayne.  I would have hoped that the Aes Sedai would have a greater understanding of power imbalance, especially upon servant women.  I would have rather seen Sheraim question Elayne, but tell her the punishment would have always been hers to bear, not just because she was protecting the maid. 

    I don't think she was planning to punish the maid; she wouldn't need the maid's name for that since she was right there.  I think she wanted the name of whatever sister or staff member said the maid and all the stuff in her room was okay or helped get it all in the White Tower.

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  13. I think the problem with Nate's redemption is that they are trying to do it in less than one season.  Everyone else has had multiple seasons to grow and Nate's arcs have felt more like a roller coaster than a gentle hill.

    I liked Evil Dani, it was just some silliness.  Perhaps he's over compensating to remind himself that he and Van Damm aren't teammates this time.

    One thing Akufu's appearance did was make me crave a Chicago style hotdog!

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  14. Here's my take with Jade.  The window table is a status symbol and Nate's obsession with getting the table shows his obsession with status.  Every time he comes into the restaurant he's trying to be a big shot and is trying to impress people, including Jade.  Jade just isn't impressed.  I think she'd act the same way for any actual big shots who come into the restaurant; she's just not a fan-girl groupie.

    When she heard Nate talking sincerely about what the restaurant means to him and that he wasn't buying into the model's superficial, pretentious opinions about it, Jade got to see a genuine Nate.  That's what made her start being nice to him.

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  15. I really don't see Shiv settling down to be her mother or a "corporate wife".  She's ambitious and fabulously wealthy, she can do whatever the hell she wants.  I can see her taking a break to figure out what that is, but she's not out for the count.  Maybe she'll go back into politics, I think that's where her heart really is.  Or do something else.  Who knows?  But she'll have power and influence in her own right, just not in the family company.

    In Barbados when they were talking about sharks then Ken swims out to the raft I couldn't help but think:  "Ken gets eaten by shark, that would be an interesting plot twist."  I kinda hoped for it.

    I'm satisfied with how things worked out.  Tom may be a bootlicker, but as Shiv noted, he's a popular manager.  He's also one of the ones (plus old guard) keeping things going at the company after Logan's death and while the kids keep trying to out maneuver each other.

    I thought Roman trying to have Gerri removed from the building and refusing to see her was a total coward move.

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  16. I don't think Connor was ever in the running for anything whether he wanted it or not.  For someone like Logan, Connor would be "tainted" by his mother's mental illness and forever suspect of having the illness himself.  That would be a weakness Logan could never tolerate in his successor.

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  17. What if Mattson has just faked everyone out and is going to breakup Waystar, keep the bits he wants for himself and sells off the rest?  No US CEO because no company left to head.  The president would be appeased since there's a good chance the remaining pieces could be picked up by US companies. 

    I feel like there are too many hanging threads and too much to wrap up for this show to only have one episode left.

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  18. I don't know about Greg being CEO.  Mattson told Shiv she was unqualified for CEO.  Greg is even more unqualified, IMO.  He hasn't had a high-level role in the company and he's only been there a few years.  Appointing this unknown, glorified gofer, as CEO would not play well in Wall Street even if it's an open secret that they're just a puppet.

    I can see Mattson ditching the whole family and going to one of the old guard or a complete outsider as a surprise choice.

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  19. Or, for the damaged, they're crying because they realize they will never have the relationship or hear the words they always wanted.  No more chances, no more maybe tomorrow's.  They will never get what they wanted or needed from that person.

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  20. I have to admit to getting a little bit of satisfaction from Roman getting hit then slightly trampled by the protesters.  He was spoiling for a fight but in the end, like a typical bully, crumpled when someone fought back.  I like when any of the kids are reminded that they are only big, tough, powerful people inside the company their daddy built.

    I think Rava was right not to take the kids to the funeral.  It's not about what Ken wants or what Rava wants but what's best for the kids.  Should they have had to go through all that to sit in a funeral for someone who barely gave 2 sh!ts about them?  The funeral was really not kid friendly.

    Ken made a decision that makes the kids' world worse and he just wants them around to make him feel better about it.  To pretend he cares more about them than anything else.  Then Shiv tells Mattson her plan is to be a crappy parent like her father.  The best thing for the second generation would be to be raised by anyone other than a Roy.  Even wolves would be better parents.

    I kinda want to hear Connor's eulogy just to I can find out how a eulogy can open them up to legal action.

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  21. My heart broke a little for Shiv when, during their fight, Tom shouted that he loves her and her immediate response was "no you don't."  I believe him that he loves her, but she's so convinced that she's unlovable that she's not just pushing way but actively destroying the one person who does.  By doing everything she can to make Tom hate her, she's proving to herself that she's unlovable.

    I don't think Tom knows about the baby.  I think Shiv is keeping that information to herself because

    1.  She hasn't really decided if she's keeping it

    2.  She won't want Mattson to know until she has secured her post deal position.  Announcing a pregnancy and imminent maternity leave would make it too easy for Mattson to push her to the side post deal.

    I'm glad Ebba has an escape plan for February.  She's so obviously miserable it hurts to watch.


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  22. Okay, Graham Greene and Elaine Miles are the tv couple I never knew I needed.  I would love to see some brief vignettes of this couple together.  Not as part of the main show but maybe as extras. 

    Consider Joel as Ellie's adoptive or foster father.  That's really the relationship between them but there's no court or paperwork left to make it "official".

    I can understand why Joel was salty with Tommy.  Here he was worried sick, so convinced that his last family was in trouble that he set out across country to find Tommy.  In the process he lost Tess and was saddled with a kid who is dependent on him and reminding him of past failures; a responsibility he didn't want.  The whole time Tommy was safe and cozy in a luxurious community with a wife and kid on the way.  I'd be pissed, too, once the initial relief and joy wore off.

    If Hawkeye can have a still in a tent in the middle of the Korean War and moonshiners can have them in the middle of the woods, then they can have stills after the apocalypse. 

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  23. 35 minutes ago, Shermie said:
    On 2/12/2023 at 12:17 AM, aghst said:

    Did mostly sociopaths survive the fungus apocalypse?

    It’s a tv/movie trope that sociopaths seem to not only survive, but thrive in dystopian worlds.

    They don't have those pesky morals or ethics preventing them from doing anything and everything to survive. 

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  24. 14 hours ago, mledawn said:

    Kathleen was played by a Kiwi

    I've seen Melanie Lynskey in so many things over the years and never knew until now that she's from New Zealand.  She's so chilling in this because she seems like such an average person.  She doesn't seem evil, she may not have even been this bad if it weren't for her brother being killed.

    I think if Henry hadn't betrayed him, KC would still be under FEDRA control.  As the henchman said, he was great, but he was ineffectual.  They needed the violent action of Kathleen to "win".  He may have been betrayed eventually but there's no telling when.

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