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Everything posted by specialj67

  1. I kind of like that it’s not a contest between the top 2 like last time around.
  2. As over-used as both of her programs are, I really enjoy watching Ashley Wagner do them when she is on. I hope she can earn a spot on the US Olympic team; it would be nice to see her earn it outright and not have to petition the selection committee or whatever it was she had to do for Sochi. The women’s LP competition this afternoon was quite surprising—if only because there was not a Russian skater on the podium. What?! It was lovely to see both Japanese’s skaters bring it like they did. As for Bradie Tennell, I’m feeling very “wait and see”. I hope she can can withstand the heightened pressure at Nationals.
  3. Thanks for the link. Possibly widening the GOE scale is interesting; it would be nice to see the more crappily done quads get the penalty for poor quality they deserve.
  4. I've realized part of the reason I don't enjoy V/M as much as I used to is because the commentators kinda ruined them for me with all of the hyperbole and fawning. The only time I've liked watching them this season with English language commentary was during the Worlds FD when Tanith and Ben were calling it. I could at least consider buying what they were selling since they had competed against V/M before and have the relevant experience to say why the judges score V/M like they do. BTW, I loved the work Tanith White and Ben Agosto did for that FD and hope NBC uses them together a lot more.
  5. The men's competition in the short program was impressive. Even Boyang Jin's ridiculous Spider-Man routine charmed me--this one time. Aside from Javier Fernandez, I have no solid feeling about who will finish on the podium, which is exciting. My fave performance in the pairs free skate, aside from the top 2, was definitely the French team. I love the feel of both of their programs for this season and that their execution and consistency has improved. Of all the current pairs, I hope they can make that big move up to the top group. The women's short was ho hum except for the 2 Canadian skaters in the top 3. I hope they both do a better job of skating clean in the long than they did at their nationals.
  6. Of the newly added commentators on the NBC family of channels, John Coughlin and Charlie White are the two I actually enjoy most of the time. They had the most experience competing under the current judging system and can offer good insights into why skaters are doing or attempting to do elements in certain ways and know when to STFU during the programs. Ryan Bradley and Tanith White are also decent, but still have too many verbal tics and talk too much over the programs, in my opinion.
  7. I hope Mirai keeps this up; it would be a delight if she made another Olympic team. Watching 4CC was my first time seeing Virtue and Moir's short dance, and I really like it. As much as them steamrolling their comptetitors is boring, watching this particular program is pretty fun. I like them much more when they're not doing romantic-themed programs. Same thing with Chock and Bates and their free dance this season--much more fun to watch them do something not romantic. I know the U.S. is still not a real player in pairs, but it's nice to see the current teams doing a better job of standing up on most of their jumps. I'm very interested to see how Cain and Leduc do next season. Going into Worlds, this is the first time in I don't know how long that I've been genuinely interested in watching the pairs competition--especially with Sui and Han being there.
  8. Happy to see Carolina finish on the podium. Medvedeva is growing on me, if only because she is one of the most damn consistent skates competing right now. I'm 60/40 on liking her LP this season--there are elements, not involving the damn arm over the head, that are wonderful to watch, but I still wrestle with the feeling of emotional manipulation regarding the use of audio clips in the middle. As she is our new Russian ice queen overlord, I have to say I prefer her a bit to the 2015 world champ just because her programs don't feature wiggling as a choreographed element. i felt a bit old watching the men's short when Stephane Lambiel popped up as the Latvian skater's coach. Where has the time gone... I look forward to seeing what he can do with the Latvian kid, because he was damn entertaining to watch today in the short.
  9. It's annoying that NBC's coverage of most events is buried deep in their cable sports channels, but bumming a family member's cable login comes in handy from time to time, like wanting to watch the coverage of Europeans. Day one thoughts: The only one surprise in the women's short--that Carolina Kostner is up in the medal mix, playing the role of possible spoiler to another Russian sweep. I don't care for her short program, but if it helps break the Russian domination, I'm all for it. In the pairs short, it was worth watching all of the splats just to get to James/Cipres at the end--they were fresh and modern and CLEAN. Holy crap. It's was what I've been waiting to see from them since first noticing them during the Sochi Olympics. It would be amazing if they managed to pull off a podium finish. Apparently, they're training in Florida now with a couple of the top pairs coaches.
  10. It's annoying that NBC's coverage of most events is buried deep in their cable sports channels, but bumming a family member's cable login comes in handy from time to time, like wanting to watch the coverage of Europeans. Day one thoughts: The only one surprise in the women's short--that Carolina Kostner is up in the medal mix, playing the role of possible spoiler to another Russian sweep. I don't care for her short program, but if it helps break the Russian domination, I'm all for it. In the pairs short, it was worth watching all of the splats just to get to James/Cipres at the end--they were fresh and modern and CLEAN. Holy crap. It's was what I've been waiting to see from them since first noticing them during the Sochi Olympics. It would be amazing if they managed to pull off a podium finish. Apparently, they're training in Florida now with a couple of the top pairs coaches, and man does it show.
  11. Only got to see the men's long so far--playing catch-up with the rest of the U.S. Champs coverage--and relieved to see Nathan Chen live up to expectations. I hope he can maintain the momentum and stay is good health. Happy to see Jason Brown deliver a quality skate--he will always be my fave even when there isn't a chance in hell he'll win. Of the other men, Alexander Johnson was a real highlight for me. As evidenced my my comments above, I love a skater with quality skating skills and artistry, and his are lovely to watch. I know at this point in his career, it seems unlikely to see him much on on the international stage, but I hope he's in the mix at next year's nationals.
  12. That is a good batch of boys in the GPF this year.
  13. Was hoping I could start enjoying Evgenia Medvedieva's skating since it's obvious from the international space station she's a medal fave for the 2018 Olympics, but so far--nope, still not on that train. LOVE Chock and Bates' free dance this season, though.
  14. Only got home in time tonight to see Ashley Wagner's LP, and color me impressed. She really performed the hell out of it--reminded me why I liked watching it last season. Evgenia Medvedeva winning was predictable even without having seen her performance or any of the others besides Ashley's. She's the exciting new flavor. I feel like an asshole for thinking that way, and yet...
  15. That was an exciting men's competition. It shouldn't be so surprising that Hanyu couldn't top the impossibly high bar he's set this season, and yet... Watching Fernandez skate like he did with nothing to lose was something else. This is the first season I've really started to enjoy his skating beyond the jumps, so it was great to see him defend his title successfully. I can't complain too much about Boyang Jin placing 3rd, since his technical content is bananas difficult (and Patrick Chan really didn't deliver when he needed to), but watching his program felt...blah. I'll be interested to see if his PCS game reaches his technical. And super impressed with box Max Aaron and Adam Rippon. And that Adam had the 4th highest scoring program of the night. My expectations for them were low, since consistency isn't what they're known for. It's disappointing that the U.S. only gets two spots for the men's competition at next year's worlds. The kid from Latvia had some nice moves and just plain good skating skills. Too bad he couldn't maintain for the whole program.
  16. I still don't get Anna Pogorilaya, but I can't argue with her placement this time since the human zamboni didn't make an appearance. If Wagner and Gold bring it in the long like they did today, that would be something. The level of competition among the top 8 is great; I haven't been this interested in the women's competition in a good few years.
  17. So, Plushenko was eying the 2016-17 season, but a neck surgery ruled that out. I wonder how serious he is about yet another comeback, and how much of this is the Russian Federation and/or media?
  18. I'm really looking forward to see how the Shibutanis and Papadakis/Cizeron do in direct competition. Really disappointing about Poje's foot down during his and Weaver's FD, which is very cool. I would love to see a world podium of these three teams in any order. Love Satoko Miyahara's LP this season. Would love to see a world win for her over the Russian teen jumping beans, if only because her choreography isn't reliant on windmill arms. After seeing Mirai Nagasu's performances at 4CC, it's disappointing that she's only 1st alternate on the US world team. Here's hoping she brings it this much next season, because she really is a joy to watch.
  19. NBC actually showed a bit of ice dancing from Euorpeans, which was a pleasant surprise. I'd never know that Papadakis and Cizeron had been out most of the season based on that free program, which is awesome. Super excited to see how they do at Worlds. I will freely admit to my ignorance on the finer technical pants of skating, but I honestly can't see much of a skating style difference between Elena Radionova and Evgenia Medvedeva. The way Johnny and Tara were exclaiming over the differences between them confuses me. Any explanations for people here would be much appreciated.
  20. Can't make any comments on Adam's FS since I have yet to watch it (stupid RL obligations), but I look forward to it to see what people are griping about! After watching both Max's and Nathan's free programs on YT, I'm very curious to see what Adam did that the judges seemed to like more. Of the other men, so glad Grant placed 4th--he skated the hell out of that FS, and that Nathan and Max did so well and are both on the world team. Max has really been on a roll this season with that FS, and while I personally don't like all of the pauses in it, it is such a better vehicle for him that whatever it was he was doing last season. Nathan's technical game is great; I look forward to seeing him develop more of a personality on the ice and improve his PCS game. Also impressed by Vincent Zhou's FS today. Honestly, I didn't get the gushing from Tara and Johnny during the SP portion, but now I'm starting to see it. He and Nathan both give some hope for American men being relevant at the elite championship level again. Relieved USFSA didn't approve Jason's petition to be on the world team. As much as I like his skating, how realistic would it have been for him to stand a chance against the likes of Yuzuru and Javier when he's been out most of the season? Without a quad, he's an outside shot at best for a bronze medal depending on how many errors the other medal contenders make. hopefully he'll make good use of the time away from competition to come back strong for next season.
  21. Watched some of the Canadian Nationals performances--Aliane Chartrand is using GWTW for her LP this season as well. Between her and Polina Edmunds, I slightly prefer AC just because her hair is not in sausage curls. It was nice to see Patrick Chan do his free skate as well as he did, though the popped 3A and lutz combo are concerning. He's become a sentimental fave of mine, and I hope he brings it at worlds even if he doesn't stand much chance of winning over Hanyu if Hanyu keeps up with those next level scores.
  22. Good for Gracie Gold delivering when she needed to, but for me, just as a fan/viewer, she's still kinda on probation until after worlds. If she brings it there as well, then maybe... Can't quibble about the placements--Gracie's program kept my interest more than Polina's, even if Firebird needs to be added to the list of songs to never be used again. The skater I feel most for is Mirai Nagasu--to miss the podium like that again, man. I wonder if she'll keep competing?
  23. So happy for the Shibutanis, and also that all of the medal winners in the ice dance really brought it. I hope Hawayek and Brubaker (sp?) have a better season next year. I enjoy watching them so much. Loved the pairs gold medalists, though what chance do they stand at a world championship? And was hoping for a better result from Castelli and Tran--what happened after the halfway point, they started out so well. NGL, I would be so pumped for Polina Edmunds to win it tonight. I haven't watched any of her skating this season, so was really impressed with her improved overall style and presence on the ice. The dumb media-made rivalry between Gold and Wagner is so whatever. I want to enjoy their skating, but NBC's stupid pre-packaged pieces make it nearly impossible.
  24. After watching Hanyu's NHK performances today, I was curious to see the previous world record scores. It's interesting that the men seem to be setting new record total scores every 2 years or so (okay, so it's mostly Hanyu besting his own scores), but in the women's field, Yu-na Kim's world record from the 2010 Olympics is still standing. Only Adelina Sotnikova's total from Sochi came close to it (even then about 2 points shy). Really underscores the influence of quads, and particularly multiple quads in a program, in men's singles skating. I wonder what it will take in the women's field for someone to set a new world record? There have been many teenage phenoms, but it seems the shelf-life of an elite female skater decreases faster than a comparable male.
  25. Selfishly glad and pleasantly surprised the U.S. will have 3 spots in the men's and ladies' competition for Worlds in Boston next year. I wasn't expecting that after watching the short program earlier. Watching the British Euro Sport coverage of Yuzuru Hanyu's free skate was refreshing because they were surprised he wasn't as overscored as they were expecting the judges to do. Still think Denis Ten should have been in second over him. Glad to see Fernandez have his win, but still do not like that program. Also, thanks NBC for showing less than 5 minutes of coverage for the entirety of the men's event this evening. </sarcasm>
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