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Posts posted by OZZFestAmy

  1. I wrote A&E a letter and have been ignored. This is the truth anyone wants it:

    Your show became the nightmare of my life. You all may not care because in a world where you see people as ants and insects while you work; We go home and live lives the same as you. Or, at least we try to! We pick up the pieces to the lies that have been exposed and realize we must eliminate those people from our lives. Then, your Love Prison Reality Star Evelyn starts contacting Jerry Springer and Billy Cunningham to try and get me to do a show for money with her. Evelyn knew Mickey had a GF the whole time. #1, that GF was not me. She thought so though. He lied to me his band promoter about the whole premise of the show. He told me that he was keeping it a secret because he had to. He did not want to hear me yell. He lied about when the show was filmed to his actual GF; with whom he has been saving money to buy a house. She has been with him for two years and never had a clue about any of this. They also met on-line. So, a lot of people got hurt. I never went into the studio with Dark Entries on the 28th of September as they recorded. Mickey called me on the 26th of September like his ass was on fire and told me that the show was going to air early. I was working on his press kit and I found it to be odd how Panicky he was about your show. He was planning for the release on the 6th of October. When you released it early he was not able to paint the picture that he wanted. You were dumping the show! You guys did a psych eval. and I wonder how he passed it? He is being found to be a compulsive liar. He is telling the girl he has been with for two years that he never even filmed that show this year. He has reached out to people that I have worked with in the past and people I have personal issues with that he created by interfering in my life in the first place to form an alliance against me. This is going to be interesting. I shoot photos on Tuesday @ Loaded in Hollywood every week and he can predict my location then. We have cut ties and he is now on a smear campaign to ruin me. He will not admit to any of his lies even when they are as obvious as the nose on his face. He wanted to use the show to promote his band and his Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Community. He never planned on being with Evelyn and denies that any of the sex that took place was real on your show to the real GF who also lives in Texas. The whole situation is a mess. So, when I say your show is a nightmare and allowing him to use my laptop to do the interviews and such has also been a nightmare. I Google "Braden Island Connecticut Reality Show" while he was there filming and found out the whole truth on my own. I text him "Stay on the Love Prison Island", and he about shit himself. When he was in interviewing with producers he accidentally ass dialed me with that cheap ass phone he had. (BTW, I sold him my IPhone 5 16GB for 130 dollars; Pissed about that too) I heard everything he said. That was how I discovered her name was Evelyn when the person across the table said her name during the interviewing. I went into his friends list and she was the only Evelyn. They met in January, and I met him in February. He never told me anything about her at all. He talked about his band. When he got busted he advised me that she was the one that contacted him to be on the show. The texts and stuff between them was real but he sends those to everyone. There are many women that think they are in a relationship sex-based with him. The photos of Evelyn were outdated and super old. Some were nearly 10 years old. That was what my ex-client thought he was coming to meet. But nope it wound up being Evelyn that looked like she ate the old Evelyn. They left the island together, but when he got home he declared her to be dumb as a box of rocks. I quit working for him for several reasons. When I saw her naked photos on the web wide open for everyone to see I was super angry. It takes a lot to get respect in this industry as a woman, and I cannot condone someone that exploits themselves in such a manner. If I had the money to pay her she would drop her clothes in a minute. I detached myself on September 26th. He still will not tell the truth and declares your show to be a mistake. If he would of told the truth; It would of been way better. Better for everyone involved. He and the girl he has been with for two years online shows that this thing does work. I mean the experiment does work. But there can still be a love triangle and people can get hurt the same in a virtual relationship as they do in a real one. Keep in mind I have contemplated as a Rock Journalist telling the whole truth which is better than your show ever was. And, I can go reach out to a massive audience overseas. Mickey was a fraud.

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