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Posts posted by coleycole6

  1. How can Bill be soooo slow that he finally figured out that he was following the assassin AFTER he was already in the club? HOW!? As a seasoned professional he should've had a clue when he almost lost her trail because of the trolly. She purposefully waited for him to follower her! 

  2. 7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Good, I hope so. I think the most disappointing thing about this season was that Kev and Vee were mostly there to service Svetlana's storyline and I didn't care for it. She really doesn't belong anywhere on the show anymore. 

    IA. I like the actress but I was over the Svetlana character after S5. I always felt that she was shoehorned into Kev and Vee's storyline which in all fairness their storylines have been bad lately.

  3. I'm so tired of Tariq and Kanan and that entire storyline. They all can gtfo.

    Tommy is such a hot head. He's like a bull in a china shop. 

    I hope that this is not the last time we see Proctor for the rest of the season. Jerry Ferrara is killing it this season.


    Look at Dre trying to play everybody against each other. He's going to have a big problem if any of them start comparing notes.

    Dre will be lucky if he is alive at the end of all this. 

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  4. That was a such satisfying ending. Bye bye Perry you certainly won't be missed.

    I'm glad I decided to watch. I thought about passing on it because I didn't want to get sucked into another show. The acting, music, plot and the way the series was put together was on point.

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  5. That was a horrible finale to a horrible season. Like everything else this year it felt like a shoddy term paper written by a 15 year old during an all-nighter. The Kev and V story amounted to virtually nothing. Fiona's Discount Barn of Men was consistently boring. I mean, Ian runs away, Debbie is TRYING to get pregnant, Carl is in juvie, and poor Liam is abandoned half the time and she wonders if she's a bad person because some jackass lead singer is mad that she dicked around his best friend? Who cares?! Your household is in shambles! These kids used to be your life! What happened to you? What is going on?

    And don't even get me started on Ian and Mickey's breakup which literally made no sense. And then Ian, who in season 1 flipped out when Kash pulled a gun on Mickey, was just now like "LOl. Sammi may kill the love of my life! Better go inside and have some coffee."

    I think I'm done with this show.


    So. Much. This. I binged watched S1-S4 before the start of S5 and I was so looking forward to this season. That was the most disappointing and baffling season finale I have ever seen of a series -- which pretty much summed up the train wreck that was S5.


    The entire season seemed to be so forced and contrived. The main reason I fell in love with the show was the strong family bond of the Gallaghers; particularly Ian, Fiona and Lip. But now, I don't even recognized these characters anymore. Fiona was an absentee parent for pretty much the entire season, Lip is the luckiest mofo that ever walked the planet who never face any consequences and Ian -- who had the most compelling storyline -- was barely shown his POV and was completely out of character in the final scene with Mickey. I mean, I can believe given the circumstances Ian and Mickey could break up but what I refuse to believe is that Ian would have no reaction to Mickey telling him that he love him and that he would do absolutely NOTHING when Sammi was trying to kill MIckey. I have never seen so much character annihilation in one season. Even Mickey, who is clearly upset and emotional with the breakup with Ian gets into a freakin' Scooby Doo chase with Sammi and again Ian just jokes about it with Fiona and Vee? 


    If I watch S6, it definitely won't be live. I might bing watch just see what happens to Ian and Mickey (if Noel Fisher returns to the show).

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