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Posts posted by FoxAriadne

  1. That first half hour was some of the most intense TV I've seen in ages.  Wow!

    Unfortunately the second part couldn't match the first half. It felt like the characters stopped being smart and started to sink into old horror movie tropes.

    Other random thoughts on the episode:

    1) The show gave new meaning to the schoolyard taunt, "Up your nose with a rubber hose."

    2) When flower guy was killed and his wife ran over, screaming, my take is that it's because she was a cannibal and NotDad had just killed her perfectly compliant, lobotomized food source.

    3) Margo's escape to the Russian classroom.  They mentioned in Episode 1 that No End House had recently turned up in Russia, so this made sense.

    4)  Seth.  Oh, Seth.  What the hell are you?  My theories are as follows:

            a) He was a regular guy in the real world, but when he got to No End House, he met a fate similar to JT.

            b) He's an actual human, not a memory, who's willingly working with No End House. 

            c) He's a cannibal who became a real boy.

    Notice that not only does Seth not have much of a history, but that he couldn't even answer how old he was. "Twenty-something."  

    5) Speaking of JT and becoming a real boy, it's impressive that the show could make me feel sympathy for a character who was seen cheerfully burning a body in a firepit earlier in the episode.    

  2. Quote

    Hey so is that why when the not -dad are the omelette he said it tasted like nothing. Is it because that is not food for him and real food for him is devouring memories manifested in images?

    Could be that.  My take is that the No End House accesses your memories and uses them to create a deadly dreamworld.  Since your memories include tastes, smells, and sensations, Margot and any other real person in No End House will be able to taste the food, even if the world they're in isn't physically real.  NotDad's not a real person, he's some sort of golem and has no such sensory experiences, hence food doesn't taste like anything to him.

    Agree that this is a bit like a fairytale, which is probably why I like it so much. I actually cringed when Margot ate the omelet, because in the fairy realms, if you eat the food you can never leave.  

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  3. Thanks all for your answers to my questions.  

    While searching for more info on the show, came across this great recap that delves into a lot of the details, like what the heck was that creepy song in Room 1? - http://scifi4me.com/2017/09/21/live-and-learn-not-on-channel-zero-no-end-house/.

    Was captivated by episode #2 but I have very complex feelings about pomegranates now.  

    Here are my theories about what's going on:

    1) What's up with NotDad and NotJD?

    They're Pinocchios.  They're not real humans, but they're self-aware and determined to become real boys.  The way they're compelled to do that is by eating their victim's memories, the memories containing the essence of humanity.  My suspicion is that after the cannibals devour enough memories, the host becomes zombified, like that blank girl who was with NotJD, and the cannibal moves on to another victim.  And yes, I'm about 100% sure the woman who got munched on was Margo's mom.   

    2) What is Jules' secret?  

    I'm less sure, but my guess is the Happy Fun Ball of Doom represents some suppressed memories.  I also noticed when Jules was in the bathtub in the beginning that she was listening to (or trying not to listen to) a VM from Margo asking for help.

    3) What's up with Seth?

    He's the guy who bounced around from foster home to foster home, so maybe it's not surprising that he doesn't have a home to go to at the No End House and that his neighborhood was the least defined/foggy.  Pretty sure that was his family locked away behind the fence.  Maybe his dream family is unreachable? I missed what they were saying.

    4) To come back to JD, he was the only one in the original group whose sculpture wasn't cracked open.  I think because he didn't have any traumatic memories for the House to exploit.  He wasn't a tasty target but the House found another way to manipulate him.  Curious to see what happens to NotJD...does he become a real boy?  I doubt it, but he might level up. 

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  4. Coming out of lurkerdom for this show.  The premise hits my sweetspot:  I love psychological horror, haunted houses, and the idea of being trapped in liminal space.  Helloooo No End House.

    Agree that this show has a lot of promise.  Please don't mess it up!  Things that have me wondering:

    1) Did anyone catch what the girl in the opening scene had written on her arm?  And the guy who came after her...did we see him again?  A lot of the secondary characters are still blending together for me.

    2) I wonder what the rules of the house are.  If you leave in the first three rooms, my guess is you're allowed to return to the real world. Once you hit room '4' though, you're trapped.

    3) One of the heads in the first room wasn't cracked.  Which one was it again?

    Did anyone catch anything else?

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